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DVDs & VideosMore than seventy films on DVD provide eye-opening examinations of a number of issues -- from human rights to grassroots organizing. New films are added throughout the year. Many are hard-to-find anywhere else. For many of the films you can click on the title to bring you to a page with further information about it. We can also take special orders for hard-to-find documentary DVDs. If it's still available, we will do our best to locate it for you. We do not sell bootleg or illegal pirated copies of DVDs. All our DVDs are new and direct from the producer or U.S. distributor.
With the recent advent of newer and faster technologies, the landscape of film distribution is evolving from more traditional outlets such as theatres and DVDs, to internet platforms and Video-On-Demand. These newer ways to deliver video to you are still oriented to individual viewing on a computer monitor. The DVD format remains the best way to collect and show films to an audience. DVD files stored on a computer's hard drives are subject to loss if there's a failure of the hard drive. We encourage small community and home screening of these films. One of the best things that happens with DVD showings can be the discussions and connections that follow the film. This can only happen when you organize, publicize and present films in an accessible place open to the public where there can be an audience. Ask for a copy of a 4-page article from "Yes!" magazine about showing documentry films as a way to inform and raise awareness about an issue. People new to your cause will come to a film showing before they'll come to a meeting or join a group. Showing a good DVD or organizing a film series can be a good way to reach people who may not yet choose to attend a meeting, vigil, march, action or rally. Call or email us for suggestions for film showings. Plan showings to coincide with relevant dates in the history of peace, justice, labor, human rights, environmental, fair trade, feminism, reproductive rights, civil rights, LGBT civil rights and pro-democracy movements. The Syracuse Peace (wall) Calendar and the War Resisters League
(desk) Calendar are both good sources for signifiicant dates in history throughout the year. Use them to plan and coordinate screenings with relevant days .
The Teach Peace Foundation has a website where you can watch many excellent films online:
Click here for an alphabetized list
DVD: Shadows of Liberty
$34.00 $20.00 On Sale!
Produced, written & durected by Jean-Philippe Tremblay 2012 93 and 53 minute version on one disc categories: Democracy, Media Studies, Law, Sociology, Journalism, Government, History, Political Science, Communications.
SHADOWS OF LIBERTY examines how the U.S. media are controlled by a handful of corporations exercising extraordinary political, social and economic power. Having always allowed broadcasting to be controlled by commercial interests, the loosening of media ownership regulations, that began under Reagan and continued under Clinton, has led to the current situation where five mega corporations control the vast majority of the media in the United States. These companies not only don't prioritize investigative journalism, but can and do clamp down on it when their interests are threatened.
The film begins with three journalists whose careers were destroyed because of the stories they broke: Roberta Baskin, whose scoop about Nike sweatshops didn't sit well with CBS when Nike became a co-sponsor of the Olympics; Kristina Borjesson, another CBS reporter, whose job lasted precisely one week after the network spiked her investigation into the TWA Flight 800 disaster in 1996; and Gary Webb, whose story linking US support for Nicaraguan Contras and the epidemic in crack cocaine was trashed by The New York Times and the Washington Post. (His story was true, but Webb lost his job and eventually killed himself.)
DVD: Sir! No Sir!
$20.00 $15.00 On Sale!
The untold story of the G.I. movement to end the war in Vietnam
Directed by David Zeiger 2006 84 mnutes
"The voices of the veterans alone, however, make this an important and poignant film that can speak to any generation." - John McMurtrie, S.F. Cronicle
Click on film title for more information and reviews.
DVD: Vietnam: American Holocaust
$20.00 $13.00 On Sale!
2008 87 Minutes Written, Produced and Directed by Clay Claiborne The best documentary on the Vietnam War. Shows how the U.S. government killed more than 3 million Vietnamese in their War of Independence (which we call the Vietnam War). Starts with the history of the conflict from WWII, the defeat of the French, how the American people were lied into the conflict in the Gulf of Tonkin. Then shows how the killing was done. Includes testimony from soldiers and Vietnamese. Narrated by Martin Sheen.
"Very Powerful. I think [the filmmaker] did a good job of connecting Vietnam and Iraq ... White phosphorous moment is particularly strong." David Zeiger, Director of "Sir! No Sir!"
"I do a lot of public speaking on the subject of Vietnam. ... [the filmmaker] uses footage, some of which I've never seen before...In my talks, I will say Eisenhower said this or McNamara said that. This documentary shows them actually saying it." Scott Camil, 1st Marines, Vietnam (1965-1967) Winter Soldier (1971)
Includes five special features:
Preview of Part II, Vietnam: Peoples Victory
Trailer for Vietnam:American Holocaust
Kennedy Wanted Out!, Written by Martin Sheen
2008 Interview with Scott Camil
Interview with the Filmmaker
Click on title for more information . . .
DVD: 1964
$20.00 $18.00 On Sale!
2014 an American Experience production * 118 minutes
"Authoritative and convincing...1964
shows us there we are still feeling the impact of those events 50 years later." - San Fransico Chronicle
"You don't have to have lived through the time to appreciate 1964 and its
thoughtful look at ideas that echo to this day." - Sacramento Bee
It was the year of the Beatles and the Civil Rights Act; of the Gulf of Tonkin incident and Barry Goldwater's Republican campaign for the presidency; the year of "Freedom Summer" and of the murder of three civil rights workers in Mississippi; the year that Americans learned smoking was bad for their health and Cassius Clay became Mohammed Ali; the year that cities across the country erupted in violence and Americans tried to make sense of the assassination of their president. It was the year that the Warren Commission released its Report o the Assassination of President Kennedy ten months after that national tragedy. It was that Fall on the University of California's Berkeley campus when the student-created Free Speech Movement was born in a defiant occupation of a campus building by hundreds of students from various political views. Based on "The Last Innocent Year: America in 1964", by award-winning journalist Jon Margolis, this film follows some of the most prominent figures of the time Lyndon Johnson, Martin Luther King, Jr., Barry Goldwater, Betty Freidan - and bring out from the shadows the actions of ordinary Americans whose frustrations, ambitions, and anxieties began to turn the country onto a different course. It was a year of civil unrest, extremes and national polarization - and of the beginning of the changes that would shape the nation for the next half-century. This is an eloquently produced retrospective of that decisive, tumultuous year.
Subtitles: English SDH (Subtitles for Deaf and Hearing Impaired).
Click on the title for reviews . . .
CD: Soundtrack Album Music to the film "O Lucky Man!"
Alan Price, the keyboardist for the English band "The Animals" in the 1960's, composed the lyrics and music and played the songs in the Lindsay Anderson film "O Lucky Man!" in 1973. The music is an intregral part of the film, but each song also stands alone. Whether you've seen the film or not, the songs from the film are timeless in their message. But if you haven't seen the film, it's well worth viewing. If you have seen and enjoyed the film, this album is a welcome addition to your music collection. Alan Price was awarded a British Academy Award for the music. Liner notes by Malcolm McDowell.
Click on title for track listings on CD...
DVD: Missing
$39.00 $30.00 On Sale!
1982 123 minutes Criterion Collection edition 2 discs
Missing is political filmmaker extraordinaire Costa-Gavrass compelling, controversial dramatization of the search for American filmmaker and journalist Charles Horman, who mysteriously disappeared during the 1973 coup in Chile. Jack Lemmon and Sissy Spacek give magnetic, emotionally commanding performances as Charless father and wife, who are led by U.S. embassy and consulate officials through a series of bureaucratic dead-ends before eventually uncovering the terrifying facts about Charless fate and disillusioning truths about their government. Written and directed with clarity and conscience, the Academy Awardwinning Missing is a testament to Costa-Gavrass daring.
Outstanding adaptation of a true story directed by Costa-Gavras. His first English language film, it won the Academy Award for Best Screenplay. There was an earlier catastrophe on a September 11th, in 1973 in Santiago, Chile. A coup d'etat that overthrew a democratically-elected President and installed a brutal dictator who reigned for nineteen years. This film is the true story of one of the victims of that coup: one of the 3,000 who disappeared, were tortured and killed by Pinochet's death squads in the national stadium where they were rounded up. Double-disc includes a restored high-definition digital transfer, theatrical trailer, and ...
Click on title for the rest of the film description and more information.
DVD: Searching For Sugar Man
Documentary 2012 85 minutes directed by Malik Bendelloul ACADEMY AWARD WINNER: BEST DOCUMENTARY 2013!
How is it possible that a musician named Rodriguez could fail with two albums in the U.S., disappear into obscurity for years and then be unknowingly resurrected as a successful, inspirational hero in totally different country? Searching for Sugar Man tells the uplifting, almost unbelievable true mystery of Rodriguez, a story more extraordinary than any of the existing myths about him. From the producer of the Oscar-winning Man on Wire, Searching for Sugar Man is that rare film which connects with audiences and critics alike on an extraordinarily emotional level. Winner of two awards at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival, including the Audience Award, director Malik Bendjelloul's documentary is a film about hope, inspiration and the resonating power of music.
Watch the movie trailer here.
CLICK on title to read the filmmakers comments about Rodriguez, the story and the movie...
DVD: On A Paper Crane: Tomoko's Adventure
$39.00 $25.00 On Sale!
NOW AVAILABLE ON DVD Exclusively from this catalogue!
Tomoko is a sixth-grader in elementary school. Quite active and adventurous, she visits Hiroshima all by herself. While at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, she meets a mysterious girl (Sadako), who takes her on a strange, eye-opening journey. This animated film is beautifully-crafted, powerfully presented and age-appropriate for children in elementary school.LIMITED QUANTITY REMAINING.
Click on the title for the rest of the description...
DVD: Pete Seeger - The Power of Song
Directed by Jim Brown 2008 93 minutes
"A stirring, revelatory film." Owen Gleiberman, Entertainment Weekly
This is a great film about a living legend and a personal friend of ours. Director Jim Brown documents the life of one of the greatest American singer/songwriters of the last century. Pete Seeger was the architect of the folk music revival , writing some of its best known songs including "If I Had A Hammer," "Where Have All The Flowers Gone?," "Turn, Turn, Turn." Largely misunderstood and criticized for his strong beliefs in social justice, he was picketed, protested, blacklisted, and in spite of his enormous popularity, banned from commercial televison for over 17 years. This was at a time when there was no alternative to commercial TV, no PBS, no cable channels, no local cable community channels, no satellite TV, no internet. Only the big three networks: ABC, CBS and NBC and a very few educational channels in a handful of cities (pre-PBS). Musicians including Bob Dylan, Arlo Guthrie, Joan Baez, Bonnie Raitt, Bruce Springsteen, Natalie Maines and Peter, Paul & Mary appear in this intimate portrait and discuss Seeger's lasting influence on the fabric of American music.
Click on title for more information...
DVD: The Wave (TV drama version)
$25.00 $14.00 On Sale!
44 minutes 1981 This is the made-for-TV version adapted from the true incident in history teacher Ron Jones' Palo Alto, California high school classroom in 1967. (the DVD case mistakenly says 1969). It is the dramatization that millions of people have seen. This dramatization was directed by Alexander Grasshoff, and produced for television by Norman Lear. It aired nationally in 1981. The powerful forces of group pressure that lead to a totalitarian mindset grew out-of-control in the classroom experiment known as "The Wave." After all the years since it was made, this is still a valuable lesson for students to see and learn. A novel was adapted from the TV script.
Also see "The Wave - Ron Jones Stories" to hear the story told for the first time, first hand, before a live audience in 1996, by the teacher who created it in his classroom, 29 years after it happened. (1 hour) Both films, together make a profound presentation, over two or more days (total time: 1:44)
For more about the story, visit "The Wave" and "The Third Wave" entries on
DVD: Ron Jones Stories - The Wave
Written & Performed by Ron Jones 1996 60 minutes Dirksen/Malloy Productions
For the first time, breaking a long silence, world history teacher Ron Jones tells "what really happened" in his 1967 classroom "experiment" The Wave.
Click on title for the rest of the story...
DVD: South of the Border
$30.00 $24.00 On Sale!
a film by Oliver Stone 2010 78 minutes
Theres a revolution underway in South America, but most of the world doesnt know it. Oliver Stone sets out on a road trip across five countries to explore the social and political movements as well as the mainstream medias misperception of South America while interviewing seven of its elected presidents. In casual conversations with Presidents Hugo Chแvez (Venezuela), Evo Morales (Bolivia), Lula da Silva (Brazil), Cristina Kirchner (Argentina), as well as her husband and ex-President Nėstor Kirchner, Fernando Lugo (Paraguay), Rafael Correa (Ecuador), and Ra๚l Castro (Cuba), Stone gains unprecedented access and sheds new light upon the exciting transformations in the region.
Over 90 Minutes of Bonus Material!
Behind the Scenes of the South American Promo Tour
Deleted Scenes
Additional Questions for President Chavez
South American Television Interviews with Oliver Stone
"Changes in Venezuela" Featurette
Click on title for a message from Oliver Stone . . .
DVD: Readings from Voices of a People's History of the United States
120 minutes 2005 Powerful dramatic readings from primary sources quoted in Howard Zinn & Anthony Arnove's book "Voices of A People's History of the United States"
Paul Robeson Jr. reading his father Paul Robeson's suppressed testimony before the House Committee on Un-American Activities. Lili Taylor reading Emma Goldman's blistering attack on patriotism. John Sayles raeding an anti-imperialist essay by Mark Twain. Brian Jone reciting Frederick Douglass' poweful words delivered on Independence Day. Sarah Jones as Yuri Kochiyama. Playwright and actor Wallace Shawn as Vito Russo. Leslie Silva as Anne Moody, and many other talented actors and activists bringing the forgetten words of our neglected national past to life.
Click on title for more about the film...
DVD: Salt of the Earth (with Special Features)
For a description of the movie, see above listing of the "Salt of the Earth" DVD.
DVD-STE-SF The Special Features of this edition include:
a new digitally-enhanced transfer of "Salt of the Earth"
"The Hollywood Ten", a short film documenting the lives and work of the
blacklisted people who were the "Hollywood Ten."
A chronicle of the troubled production and distribution of the only black-
listed U.S. feature film.
Hundreds of production and filmographies.
Original theatrical trailer.
Editing and shooting notes.
A history and hundreds of pictures of the actual strike the film is based
The history of the blacklist in Hollywood.
Congressional testimony of the blacklisted filmmakers.
"As effectively as any other film in my curriculum, Salt of the Earth celebrates the possibility of people being able to create a very different, very much better society through solidarity and collective action." - Bill Bigelow
DVD: The Greening of Southie
$30.00 $15.00 On Sale!
Directed by Ian Cheney 2009 72 minutes
In the traditionally Irish-American working-class neighborhood of South Boston, Mass. a new kind of building has taken shape. From wheatboard cabinetry to recycled steel, bamboo flooring to dual-flush toilets, the Macallen building is something different: a leader in the emerging field of environmentally friendly design. But Boston's steel-toed union workers aren't sure they like it. And when things on the building start to go wrong, the young developer has to keep the project from unravelling. Building Boston's first L.E.E.D. Gold-certified building turns out to be harder than anyone thought. Yet among the i-beams and brickwork emerges a small cadre of unlikely environmentalists who come to connect their work with the future of their children. .
Click on title for Awards and excerpts from eleven reviews of the film...
DVD: Who Killed the Electric Car?
$30.00 $19.00 On Sale!
The auto industry's biggest mystery - revealed. Running solely on electricity, General Motors' fleet of EV-1 electric vehicles were so efficient, they were on the brink of altering the future of driving in America -- perhaps even the world. Those lucky enough to drive one gave it glowing reviews. So why were they all destroyed?
Click on title for more info about the film
The U.S. versus John Lennon
$30.00 $24.00 On Sale!
Directed by David Leaf & John Scheinfeld (2006) 96 minutes.
"John Lennon: Artist. Humanitarian. National Threat." reads the subtitle of this movie. In an empire that is addicted to war and militarism, Lennon really was seen as a national threat by the Nixon administration and the F.B.I.'s J. Edgar Hoover. That the filmmakers took fifteen years to complete is a testament to the timelessness of its subject. "Lennon's spirit, like his music, shines through this movie like a beacon. Powerful stuff." wrote the reviewer for Rolling Stone. This film is the compelling and provocative story of John Lennon's evolution from beloved member of The Beatles (1962-1970) to outspoken artist and activist to iconic inspiration for peace, and how, in the midst of one of the most tumultuous times in American history, Lennon stood his ground, refused to be silenced and courageously won his immigration battle with the U.S. government.
Click on title for several reviews and more about the film...
DVD: A Force More Powerful
A two-part documentary series on one of the 20th Century's most important and least-known stories - how nonviolent power overcame oppression and authoritarian rule at different times and places in the world.
Episode One:
In South Africa in 1907, Mohandas Gandhi led Indian immigrants in a nonviolent fight for rights denied them by white rulers. The power that Gandhi pioneered has been used by underdogs on every continent and in every decade of the 20th century, to fight for their rights and freedom.
Click on title for film description...
DVD: The Future of Food
$35.00 $29.00 On Sale!
A film by Deborah Koons Garcia Two Disc Special Edition (2005)
"One of 2005's must-see documentaries." - S.F. Cronicle
"A rarity! Learned and persuasive" - Village Voice
"Quietly inflammatory. Unsettling." - N.Y. Times
"a stunning revelation in almost every scene. Grade A." - Christian Science Monitor
"If you eat food, you need to see The Future of Food." -
There is a revolution happening in the farm fields and on the dinner tables of America. A revolution that is transforming the very nature of the food we eat.
Click on title for more about the film...
DVD: McLibel: The Story of Two People Who Wouldn't Say McSorry
Produced & directed by Franny Armstrong 85 minutes
McLibel is the true story of a postman and a gardner who took on McDonald's and wouldn't say "McSorry," in a legal battle since described as "the biggest corporate PR disaster in history." Filmed over ten years by no-budget Direcor Franny Armstrong ("Drowned Out"). In this entertaining documentary, every aspect of the corporation's business is cross-examined: from junk food and McJobs, to animal cruelty, environmental damage and the company's advertising to children. McLibel is not about hamburgers. It is about the power that multinational corporations wield over our everyday lives and two unlikely heroes who are changing McWorld. To watch the trailer go to:
McLibel features reenactments of key courtroom scenes directed by seasoned British filmmaker Ken Loach.
Click on title for more info...
DVD: Collapse
$28.00 $22.00 On Sale!
directed by Chris Smith 2010
The New Documentary From The Director Of THE YES MEN and AMERICAN MOVIE
It's the documentary that has been called superb (Entertainment Weekly), hypnotic and haunting (Time Magazine) and so masterfully made its impossible to look away ( COLLAPSE is the story of Michael Ruppert, former Los Angeles police officer turned rogue reporter whose eerie prediction of the current financial crisis shocked millions. Now Ruppert is warning of a new meltdown, one rooted in oil, economics, and covert U.S. policies that are leading us all towards unprecedented global disaster. Is he an analyst who can clearly see America's economic and energy future, or a conspiracy theorist fueled by fear and paranoia? Or is he, as he himself suggests, just someone who has put the dots close enough together so that you can connect them for yourself. And if Ruppert is right, can this slide into catastrophe be stopped? Experience this sometimes harrowing, often poignant and always riveting look into the mind of the ultimate outsider from filmmaker Chris Smith, the award-winning director of American Movie and The Yes Men.
DVD: The Peace Patriots
$28.00 $17.00 On Sale!
78 minutes directed by Robbie Leppzer MiddleHigh School, College, Adult
Narrated by Janeane Garofalo, this feature-length documentary film follows a diverse group of individuals, ranging in age from 14 to 75, including middle and high school students, college students, teachers, clergy, and war veterans from Korea, Vietnam and the Persian Gulf, as they take part in vigils, marches, theatre performances and civil diobedience sit-ins to protest the U.S. war and occupation in Iraq.
The film features contemporary music by Grammy Award winner Steve Earle, Pete Seeger, Ani DiFranco, Billy Bragg, Jonatha Brooke, Stephan Smith, DJ Spooky, Jami Sieber and original music by John Sheldon
Click on title for more reviews...
DVD: Blood & Oil
Directed by Michael Klare from Media Education Foundation * 52 min.
"Michael Klare looks into the future with sharper eyes than almost anyone else around." Bill McKibben, author: The End of Nature
"Compelling, credible and thought-provoking...A must-see for current and older generations who have served America's militaristic pursuit of oil." Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski, U.S. Air Force (Ret.)
"Indisepensible to an understanding of the critical problems we face. I hope that this lucid and historically accurate film is widely seen." Chalmers Johnson, author: The Blowback Trilogy
Click on title for more description and Special Features included on this DVD...
DVD: Why We Fight
$29.00 $24.00 On Sale!
Directed by Eugene Jurecki Documentary 90 minutes.
It is nowhere written that the American empire goes on forever? Is US foreign policy dominated by the idea of military supremacy? At last, a film that you can show anyone, even your Republican and (still) pro-Bush neighbors, relatives and friends. They will even watch it all and will learn a few facts from this remarkable true story of the growth of America's military-industrial complex, a term first used by President Eisenhower in his 1961 farewell speech to the nation. This is an even-handed documentary film in an era of highly polarized views.
Click on title for further description...
DVD: Internationally Speaking
$14.00 $7.00 On Sale!
A film by Christine Rose (Liberty Bound, 2004)
Voices from around the world address America and its foreign policy. Seen as individuals rather than as cultural stereotypes, people from all over the world share their opinion of America, its government, its foreign policy and its people. In the midst of growing international anti-Americanism, real people from various other countries, tell us what they think and why, in an attempt to further understanding and compassion.
Click on title for more about the film...
DVD: Bowling for Columbine
$25.00 $18.00 On Sale!
Filmmaker Michael Moore's Oscar-Winning Best Documentary of 2002, Bowling for Columbine is a must-see. Give a copy to your local library!
Available as DVD or VHS. Select below:
DVD: Bringing Down A Dictator
Color 59 minutes closed-captioned Written, produced & directed by Steve York Narrated by Martin Sheen
In the year 2000, in a war barely noticed outside Yugoslavia, the indicted war criminal, Slobodan Milosevic fought to hold power. He controlled a battle-hardened army, a tough police force, and most of the news media. But, he underestimated his opponents, led by a student movement called "Otpor!" (Serbian for "Resistance"), who attacked the rigime with ridicule...
Click on title for the rest of the description...
DVD: Liberty Bound - Is the U.S. bound for liberty or does it just have liberty bound?
$28.00 $14.00 On Sale!
A film by Christine Rose A U.S. Citizen's journey of discovery into the lies, oppression and corruption that has invaded her country since 9/11.
The catastrophic events of September 11, 2001 caused a sea change in U.S. domestic and foreign policy. Liberty Bound takes a unique look at America's ongoing struggle to keep a comfortable balance between democracy, capitalism and fascism. This is a film about historic events that have changed our country and the world. It is a film about courage and fear; ignorance and awareness; propaganda and rhetoric.
The documentary explores unanswered questions, examines the U.S. government's reasons for war with Afghanistan and Iraq, and delves into accusations that...
Click on film title for more information...
DVD: Sophie Scholl - The Final Days
Directed by Marc Rothemund 2005 117 minutes Germany Starring Julia Jensch, Alexander Held German with English subtitles
2005 Academy Award Nominee for Best Foreign Film, this is the true story of Germany's most famous anti-Nazi heroine brought to thrilling, dramatic life.
Armed with recently uncovered historical records of her incarceration, interrogation and so-called "trial," director Marc Rothemund expertly re-creates the last six days of 22 year old Sophie Scholl's life: a heart-stopping journey from arrest to interrogation, trial and sentence in 1943 Munich. Unwavering in her convictions and loyalty to her comrades, her cross-examination by the Gestapo quickly escalates into a searing test of wills as Scholl delivers a passionate call to freedom and personal responsibility that is both haunting and timeless.
Click on film title for more information and review quotes.
DVD: The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion & the Collapse of the American Dream
Directed by Gregory Greene Hosted by Barrie Zwicker 78 minutes
Since World War II North Americans have invested much of their newfound wealth in suburbia. It has promised a sense of space, affordability, family life and upward mobility.
Click on title for the rest of the description...
DVD: The Corporation
$39.00 $29.00 On Sale!
Special Edition Two Disc Set Directed by Mark Achbar & Jennifer Abbott 145 minutes Canadian Winner of 23 International Awards, including the Sundance Film Festival World Cinema-Documentary Audience Award
In this acclaimed documentary from the co=director of "Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky & The Media", 40 corporate insiders and critics, including "Shock Doctrine" and "No Logo" author Naomi Klein, Noam Chomsky, and economist Milton Friedman explore the nature and spectacular rise of the most pervasive institution of our time. Combining analysis with footage from pop culture, advertising, television news, corporate propaganda and industrial films illuminate the corporation's grip on our lives. Taking its legal status as a "person" to its logical conclusion, the film puts the corporation on the psychiatrist's couch to ask "Just what kind of person it it?" Unique, witty, sweepingly informative, this film includes true confessions, case histories and strategies for change. It's an entertaining and provocative look at the inner workings, curious history, controversial impacts and possibe futures of the modern global conglomerate.
For extra features, click on film title...
DVD: Body of War
Directed by Ellen Spiro & Phil Donahue 2008 87 minutes + extras
The true story of an anti-war hero. Original songs by Eddie Vedder.
Paralyzed from the chest down after serving in Iraq for just one week, 25-year old Tomas Young is forced to deal with the realities of the consequences of war
each and every day. For Tomas, learning to cope with his disability means finding his voice to speak out against the war in Iraq. This multi-award-winning film splits its time between Tomas's arduous daily reality in Kansas City, Missouri, and the harrowing legislative processes that led up to the invasion of Iraq in 2002...
Click on title for the rest of the story...
DVD: The Power of Nightmares (BBC documentary)
Directed by Adam Curtis 2005 Three 60 minute parts on one disc
This is a film that U.S. network television won't air. It traces the historical common ground between the American neoconservative movement and the Islamic fundamentalist movement, back to the cold war early 1950's.
Award-winning director Adam Curtis thoroughly researched this study of the modus operandi of these two seemingly opposite movements. Both rely on and have perfected the use of fear and intimidation to control their followers and believers. This film not available for rent through video stores or Netflix.
Click on title for more information...
DVD: No Logo: Brands, Globalization, Resistance
produced by Media Education Foundation 42 minutes + 9 min. of extras
In the age of the brand, logos are everywhere. But why do some of the world's best known brands find themselves on the wrong end of the spray paint can the targets of anti-corporate campaigns by activists and protesters?
NO LOGO, based on the best-selling book by Canadian journalist and activist,
Naomi Klein, reveals the reasons behind the backlash against the growing economic and cultural reach of multinational companies
Click on title for more information...
DVD: Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People
Produced by Media Education Foundation 50 minutes featuring Dr. Jack Shaheen
NOTE: This price is ONLY for home purchase. Schools, libraries & community groups & universities must pay $250, which includes public screening rights.
REEL BAD ARABS take a devastating tour of the American cinematic landscape, moving from the earliest days of silent film to today's biggest Hollywood blockbusters to reveal an astonishing and persistent pattern of slanderous Arab stereotyping. Featuring acclaimed author and Hollywood film consultant Dr. Jack Shaheen, the documentary exposes America's long love affair with Arab villainy and buffoonery, from over-sexed Bedouin bandits and submissive maidens to sinister sheikhs and blood-thirsty terrorists. Along the way, the film provides striking insights into the origin of these images, their disturbing similarities to anti-Semitic and racist stereotypes from the past, and their political resonance during key moments of conflict in U.S. history...
Click on title for the rest of the description.
DVD: The Diamond Empire (the film DeBeers Tried to Silence & Censor)
$125.00 $95.00 On Sale!
Produced by Janine Roberts 1994 (first time on video is 2008) 102 minutes
"In all my years of teaching, this is the single most important video I have ever shown to my students. No film has proven as successful in showing how a major art of their identities has been constructed by a corporate, commercial culture. This movie changes the way we see the world." Sut Jhally, Dept. of Communication, UMass
"Our goal is to make diamonds a cultural imperitive for all important aspects of a woman's life." DeBeers promotional statement to its retailers
Click on title for film description...
DVD: Food, Inc.
$30.00 $25.00 On Sale!
A film by Robert Kenner 2008 91 minutes
Nine years in the making, Food, Inc. lifts the veil on our nation's food industry, exposing how our nation's food supply is now controlled by a handful of corporations that often put profit ahead of consumer health, the
livelihood of the American farmer, the safety of workers and our own environment. Food, Inc. reveals surprising and often shocking truths about what we eat, how it's produced and who we have become as a nation.
Click on title for more information . . .
DVD: The Forest For The Trees
Directed by Bernadine Mellis 57 minutes Grades: 10-12, College, Adult
"The Forest For The Trees" is the amazing story of the fight to clear EarthFirst! activist Judi Bari's name after her car was bombed and she was arrested because the F.B.I. wanted to portray her as a terrorist, in order to destroy the EarthFirst! movement. This is an intimate look at an unlikely team of young activists and old civil rights advocates who come together to battle the U.S. government. Filmmaker Bernadine Mellis is the daughter of civil rights lawyer Dennis Cunningham, who started out his career representing the Black Panthers and the Attica Brothers.
Judi Bari was an EarthFirst! leader who was one of the first to place as much importance on the future of the trees as she did on timber workers' lives and families. Her car was bombed in 1990, and three hours later, she was arrested as a terrorist charges that were later dropped. Convinced it was a ploy by the F.B.I. to discredit her and EarthFirst!, Judi decided to sue.
Cunningham took on Judi's case an after 12 long years, Judi Bari vs. the F.B.I. finally gets a court date. Mellis is there to document her morally-driven, very tired dad. Not your typical "Take Your Daughter To Work Day," The Forest For The Trees offers access into the life of the extraordinary Judi Bari, and a piece of U.S. history that every day grows increasingly resonant, as once again the lines between dissent and terrorism are being intentionally blurred.
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DVD: Crude Impact - It's worse than you think, but it's not too late
$25.00 $14.00 On Sale!
Directed by James Jandak Wood 96 minutes + 2 hours of extras
An award-winning documentary film which Chris Vernon of called "a terrific film...the best documentary I've seen on the subject." This feature film explores the interconnection between human domination of the planet and the discovery, refining, global dependence on and use of crude oil.
"It is impossible to see this film and not begin to rethink the way we live."
Lynne Twist, Pachamama Alliance
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DVD: Ballot Measure 9
$25.00 $20.00 On Sale!
Produced & Directed by Heather Lyn MacDonald 72 minutes 1995
"Ballot measure 9" is a chilling portrayal of a devisive anti-gay statewide electoral campaign to passs ballot measure 9 in Oregon in 1992 and the unprecedented violence it provoked such that activists risking their lives were given full- time police protection. For the crusaders on the right, it was a "simple battle of good and evil." Director Heather Lyn MacDonald ducks behind the headlines to bear the passions and strategies that drove both sides. As the level of violence escalates, Ballot Measure 9 acquires the tension and suspense of a fictional film.
"One of the best movies of the year...positively shimmers." - L.A. Weekly
Click on title for more information for educators, libraries and civil rights activists...
DVD: FLOW - For Love Of Water
Directed by Irena Salina 2008 93 minutes
Water, the very essence of life, the the subject of this documentary. From both local and global perspectives, it examines the harsh realities behind the mounting water crisis. Learn how politics, pollution and human rights are intertwined in this vital issue that affects every being on Earth. With water being privatized by corporations like Coca Cola, Nestle and others, the film urges a call to action before more of our most precious natural resource is diverted, poisoned and disappears.
Every MARCH 22nd is WORLD WATER DAY! Show this DVD in March! Your organization is encouraged to co-sponsor or partner with this event. contact;
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DVD: Genetic Roulette
$25.00 $20.00 On Sale!
(2012) Directed by Jeffrey M. Smith Narrated by Lisa Oz 85minutes
Are you and your family on the wrong side of a bet?
When the US government ignored repeated warnings by its own scientists and allowed untested genetically modified (GM) crops into our environment and food supply, it was a gamble of unprecedented proportions. The health of all living things and all future generations were put at risk by an infant technology.
After two decades, physicians and scientists have uncovered a grave trend. The same serious health problems found in lab animals, livestock, and pets that have been fed GM foods are now on the rise in the US population. And when people and animals stop eating genetically modified organisms (GMOs), their health improves.
This seminal documentary provides compelling evidence to help explain the deteriorating health of Americans, especially among children, and offers a recipe for protecting ourselves and our future.
Click oin the title for more about the many extra features on this DVD . . .
DVD: What A Way To Go - Life At The End of Empire
Written & directed by T.S. Bennet 2008 123 minutes.
A middle-class white guy comes to grips with Peak Oil, Climate Change, Mass Extinction, Population Overshoot and the demise of the American lifestyle. Disturbing, compassionate, sometimes humorous personal essay about all of the above. Friends and experts analyze historical, social and psychological factors driving us toward human extinction. Bennet's ruthless assessment challenges the audience to face terrifying times with courage and integrity. One of the most profoundly moving documentaries ever made: it personalizes these massive, abstract issues and ideas in a quiet,personal yet most effective way. You will be moved from whatever place you were in before you saw the film, whether it was naivete, apathy, denial, partial awareness, anger, frustration, rationalizing, minimizing, or feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of the mounting problems we face as a bio-region, a nation, a continent and a human and animal global habitat in an industrial age way out of balance.
Featuring concisely-edited interviews with noted authors and scientists Daniel Quinn, Derrick Jensen, Richard Heinberg, William Catton, Jerry Mander, Chellis Glendinning, Richard Manning, Thomas Berry, Paul Roberts, Ran Prieur, William Schlesinger, Stuart Pimm, and Douglas Crawford-Brown.
"Nothing less than a 123-minute cat scan of the planet and its 21st century human and non-human condition." - Carolyn Baker, U.S. History Uncensored.
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DVD: Superpower
$25.00 $18.00 On Sale!
2008 directed by Barbara Steegmuller 120 minutes
This well-balanced film straddles the philosophical divide and allows viewers to understand the U.S. quest for global dominance through economic and military strategy that is exposed through review of historical events, personal interviews, and analysis of US foreign policy. "Superpower' is far from a conspiracy film about the dangers of government secrets and regime change. 52 hours of footage was shot and edited down to 2 hours.
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DVD: Rachel Carson's Silent Spring
$28.00 $24.00 On Sale!
WGHB/The American Experience series 2003 56 minutes
Rachel Carson is credited for being the inspiration and fore-runner of the environmental movement. Her story is well worth re-examining on this 40th anniversary of Earth Day, and 48th anniversary since the publication of her groundbreaking wake-up call of a book, "Silent Spring."
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DVD: Capitalism: A Love Story
$29.95 $19.00 On Sale!
Directed by Michael Moore 2009 127 minutes + 80 min. extra features
Capitalism: A Love Story examines the impact of corporate dominance on the everyday lives of Americans (and by default, the rest of the world). The film moves from Middle America, to the halls of power in Washington, to the global financial epicenter in Manhattan. With both humor and outrage, the film explores the question: What is the price that America pays for its love of capitalism? Families pay the price with their jobs, their homes and their savings. Moore goes into the homes of ordinary people whose lives have been turned upside down; and he goes looking for explanations in Washington, DC and elsewhere. What he finds are the all-too-familiar symptoms of a love affair gone astray: lies, abuse, betrayal...and 14,000 jobs being lost every day. Capitalism: A Love Story also presents what a more hopeful future could look like. Who are we and why do we behave the way that we do?
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DVD: One Bright Shining Moment
$30.00 $25.00 On Sale!
A film by Stephen Vittoria 2005 125 minutes featuring the music of Bob Dylan, Robbie Robertson, Donovan, Leon Russell and Elvis Costello.
******George McGovern (1922-2012) R.I.P.******
FOUR STARS Christian Science Monitor
"Hearing and seeing McGovern makes it all too apparent what is missing in contemporary Washington." Los Angeles Times
"A riveting tale of idealism versus cynicism." N.Y. Daily News
"Well-researched." New York Times
"Tremendously thought-provoking."
CBS Radio
"An elegant homage. It illuminates much of the political landscape of the '60's and early '70's - as well as today," Minneapolis City Pages
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DVD: The Age of Stupid
$30.00 $25.00 On Sale!
Directed by Franny Armstrong 2010 92 minutes Drama/Documentary/Animation
'The Age of Stupid' is the long-awaited new documentary from the Director of 'McLibel' and the Producer of the Oscar-winning 'One Day in September'. This enormously ambitious drama-documentary-animation hybrid stars Oscar-nominated Pete Postlethwaite as an old man living in the devastated world of 2055, watching 'archival' footage from 2008 and asking: why didn't we stop climate change while we had the chance? All the 'archival' footage is actual documentary footage from the time the film was made (2006-08)
Climate change, oil, war, politics, consumerism and human stupidity are the subject and theme of the film.
Pete Postlethwaite, British actor (drama)
Fernand Pareau, 82-year old French mountain guide (documentary)
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DVD: The Most Dangerous Man In America
$28.00 $26.00 On Sale!
Download a free 92-page Teaching Guide to the film at:
Academy Award nominee for Best Feature Documentary
Freedom of Expression Award from the National Board of Review
Boadcast nationwide on the POV series on PBS this past October
2010 John E. OConnor Film Award from the American Historical Association
2011 History Makers Award for Best History Production
Co-winner of the 2010 Freedom of Expression Award from the National Board of Review (and one of their Five Best Documentaries of the Year), Winner of the Special Jury Award at IDFA, and in contention for the years Best Documentary Oscar, The Most Dangerous Man in America tells the story of Daniel Ellsberg, a high-level Pentagon official and Vietnam War strategist, who in 1971 concludes that the war is based on decades of lies and leaks 7,000 pages of top secret documents to The New York Times, making headlines around the world. A riveting story of how this one mans profound change of heart created a landmark struggle involving Americas newspapers, its president and Supreme Court. With Daniel Ellsberg, Patricia Ellsberg, Tony Russo, Howard Zinn, Hedrick Smith, John Dean, and, from the secret White House tapes, Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger, who called Ellsberg the most dangerous man in America.
Click on title for more info about the Teaching Guide and film reviews . . .
DVD: Religuous
Documentary 2009 101 minutes Directed by Larry Charles
Bill Maher takes a pilgramage acrioss the globe on a mind-opening journey into the ultimate taboo: questioning religion.
Comedian, commentator and host Bill Maher incurs the wrath of multiple religious zealots of myriad faiths in Religulous, a snarky but unexpectedly powerful documentary. Maher bluntly disputes the value of religion in a world made increasingly dangerous, on the one hand, by fanaticism of all kinds and the human race's environmental self-destructiveness on the other. No one is immune from Maher's dogged questions about the illogic and negative fallout of doctrines that advocate violence or shun scientific evidence or marginalize minorities or punish anyone who disagrees with any religion's extreme tenets.
Click on title for more . . .
DVD: Inside Job
$30.00 $28.00 On Sale!
Directed by Charles Ferguson 2011 120 minutes
From Academy Awardฎ-nominated filmmaker, Charles Ferguson (NO END IN SIGHT), comes INSIDE JOB, the first film to expose the shocking truth behind the economic crisis of 2008. The global financial meltdown, at a cost of over $20 trillion, resulted in millions of people losing their homes and jobs. Through extensive research and interviews with major financial insiders, politicians and journalists, INSIDE JOB traces the rise of a rogue industry and unveils the corrosive relationships which have corrupted politics, regulation and academia.
Click on title for more. . .
DVD: The Time Is Now
$25.00 $15.00 On Sale!
Featuring, written and directed by Kenneth Brady 2006 78 minutes
Kenneth Brady's film is very powerful, reflective, poetic and brutrally honest. It is simply one man speaking directly to the camera. No film crew, no audience present. It is a revelation , as if it were made so that the information he tells us is recorded and preserved for a time capsule, to be viewed by a future generation. He has made it to tell us today, as well as those in the future that, yes, some of us many, in fact knew of the things that our government did in our name, and even though some did not remain silent, they were not able to prevent the atrocities. But, most importantly, the truth-tellers may have helped to limit the extent of the deeds. His point is that the truth-tellers of every era, are essential. Still, this film is not a guilt-trip for those who knew better but did not act or do enough. It is a plea to all of us to always, under all circumstances, do what we can to recognize the connections, refuse to be complicity and act courageously against actions committed in our name by the state. Show this film in home screenings and as part of a free community film series. It's a uniquely engaging form of narrative documentary that will captivatethe audience. "The Time Is Now" heralds a new voice and a courageous new examination of America. This searing political monologue exposes shocking discoveries in a way that is part plea, part confessional, and part outcry. Acathartic antidote to apathy and numbing complacency.
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DVD: Iraq for Sale - War Profiteers
Directed by Robert Greenwald (2006) 75 minutes + 20 min. short version
Click on the film title for more excerpts from reviews
DVD: Gasland
Directed by Josh Fox 2010 107 minutes + 45 min. of extras
"This is grassroots documentary filmmaking at its finest" - Trinie Dalton, Amazon
Little did director Josh Fox know that he'd find himself trailing the history and future of natural gas mining for this documentary, Gasland, or so he claims in this moving and evocative political expos้. Thankfully unpretentious and lacking in the didacticism that plagues many political documentaries, Gasland is edifying in the most entertaining and palatable way. Fox's open-ended questions presented during his narration are answered by interviewees found as he travels cross-country to source out water pollution happening as a result of hydraulic fracturing. The tension begins when Fox researches a letter he receives in the mail at his rural Pennsylvania farmhouse, inviting him to sell his land for $100,000 and give permission to mine natural gas.
Click on the title for an excerpt from the film and more reviews . . .
DVD: The Prosecution of An American President
$25.00 $20.00 On Sale!
2014 Directed by David A. Burke 101 minutes
A meticulously researched legal case that proves George W. Bush took our nation to war in Iraq under false pretenses and is, therefore, under the law, guilty of murder for the deaths of 4,500 young American soldiers who fought and died there. Bush's unlawful war also cost the U.S. over a trillion dollars; alienated many of our allies; caused the diary's of over 100,000 innocent Iraqi men, women and children; and pushed the U.S.into unending civil war, atrocities and chaos.
Click on title for more about the film . . .
DVD: The Ground Truth
Produced & directed by Patricia Foulkrod (2006) 1 hour 18 minutes.
This film may well be the best feature-length documentary about recently-returned Iraq war veterans yet made. Ideally, show it in conjunction with the film, "Soldiers Speak Out" (28 minutes). Together they make a very persuasive case against war, militarism and sacrifice to a trumped-up false "noble" cause.
Click on film title for more info and review excerpts.
DVD: JFK: A President Betrayed
$30.00 $25.00 On Sale!
Directed by Cory Taylor 2014 91 minutes
The Kennedy Administration, the golden days of our American "Camelot", is one of the most written about and popular periods of American history. But there is one profound and moving story still waiting to be told.
JFK: A President Betrayed uncovers new evidence that reveals how President John F. Kennedy boldly reversed deeply entrenched pro-war government policy to embark on secret back-channel peace efforts with Russian President Nikita Khrushchev, Cuban dictator Fidel Castro and other "enemies" of the United States. The film raises many questions as to whom his real enemies were.
JFK: A President Betrayed offers a poignant look at the 35th presidents desperate, solitary struggle to mitigate armed conflict and makes clear the extent to which he risked political capital - and, ultimately, his life - to pull the world back from the brink of war and possible nuclear annihilation. Featuring new, probing interviews with advisors to Kennedy and Khrushchev, JFK: A President Betrayed is a meticulously well-researched portrait of a president who refused the counsel of powerful, hawkish government officials advocating for, among other things, a U.S. nuclear strike against the Soviet Union. Instead, Kennedy learned to trust his gut - instincts forged by the considerable suffering he experienced during the Second World War, and tested by the early crises of his administration.
Click on the film title to read the Directort's Statement . . .
DVD: China Blue
$39.00 $34.00 On Sale!
Our best-selling DVD a film by Micha X. Peled (Store Wars: When Wal-Mart Comes to Town) 88 minutes audience age: grades 9-12, college, adult NOTE: Any school or library orders for this DVD must be placed directly with Bullfrog Films (800-543-3764 or online: ) We can only sell it to individuals or activists at this home video price. The school & library price for this DVD is $295.00 and includes public screening rights in perpituity. This DVD is not available through Netflix, other retail websites or in videostores.
Winner of the Amnesty Human Rights Award at the Amsterdam International Film Festival
Winner 2007 PBS Independent Lens Audience Award
Winner - Doen/Amnesty International Award I.D.F.A. 2005
"Heartbreaking yet boldly essential...fairly-balanced and richly human."
- Seattle Times
"An unflnching indictment of globalization and the unfettered consumerism that fuels it. The cheap clothes we wear come at a high price, for real people."
- Marin Independent Journal
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DVD: Phil Ochs - There But For Fortune
$27.00 $20.00 On Sale!
Directed by Kenneth Bowser 2011 97 minutes
"Filled with passion, humor, idealism, intelligence and perfect songs."
- L.A. Weekly
As our country continues to embroil itself in foreign wars, "Phil Ochs: There But For Fortune" is a timely and relevant tribute to an unlikely American hero. Over the course of a meteoric music career that spanned two turbulent decades, Phil Ochs sought the bright lights of fame and social justice in equal measure - a contradiction that eventually tore him apart.
From youthful idealism to rage to pessimism, the arch of Ochs' life paralleled that of the times, and the anger, satire and righteous indignation that drove his music also drove him to dark despair. In this brilliantly constructed film, interview and performance footage of Ochs is illuminated
with comments and observations about Phil's life and times by Joan Baez, Tom Hayden, Pete Seeger, Sean Penn, Peter Yarrow, Christopher Hitchens and others. T, minus the internet, his film is not a '60's nostalgia romp, but an insightful story of a time in America that in many ways is much like the America of today in terms of the social and political issues we are faced with today (resource wars abroad, culture wars at home, depleted and shrinking resources everywhere, cynicism, apathy and despair wringing our consciences. Phil Ochs lived and wrote and sang about it all four and five decades ago. A pasionate study of a man and hius times, for us today to appreciate and learn from both the best and least of his example. Young activists today can benefit from what Phil Ochs left us in song and message. Even his self-destructive behavior in his later years can serve as a warning to others of a downward spiral to recognize and take precautions to avoid.
DVD: Trumbo
2016 125 minutes Directed by Jay Roach
In 1947, Dalton Trumbo (Bryan Cranston) was Hollywood's top screenwriter until he and other artists were jailed and blacklisted for their political beliefs. TRUMBO recounts how Dalton used words and wit to win two Academy Awards and expose the absurdity and injustice of the blacklist, which entangled everyone from gossip columnist Hedda Hopper (Helen Mirren) to John Wayne, Kirk Douglas and Otto Preminger. The film also stars Diane Lane, John Goodman, Louis C.K., Elle Fanning, and Michael Stuhlbarg.
Bryan Cranston leads an all star cast in a riveting portrayal of Dalton Trumbo, one of Hollywood's most talented and best known script writers and the efforts of the House of Un-Amercian Activity to purify Hollywood and protect the American viewing public from the communist menace of the early Cold War era. Trumbo was in fact a member of the communist party, along with many of his friends, and a leading activist in trade union activity in Hollywood, a fact of no particular interest during WWII but politically and emotionally unacceptible after the war. However, at no time was it ever actually illegal to be a member. Facts quickly become irrelevant and relegated to the background as the Congressional committee and like- minded friends in Hollywood including John Wayne and Hedda Hopper try to drive out of Hollywood Trumbo, his friends and countless other people as the movie makes clear and deprive them of any ability to make a living. Trumbo and his 9 friends were brought before the committee but refused to testify and were found in contempt of Congress, for which they all served time in Federal prison, although none were apparenty accused or convicted of any actual crime. Other close and similarly minded movie industry friends crumbled under the pressure to retain their status and income. But Trumbo and friends were just too talented for Hollywood to walk away from and continued to write under various ficitious names while biding their time to come out of the shadows once again.
Click here to read review of the film . . .
DVD" Groundswell Rising" Protecting Our Cildren's Air & Water
$30.00 $24.00 On Sale!
2014 produced & directed by Renard Cohen 52 & 70-minute versions included on disc.
Documents the opposition from both sides of the political spectrum to the ubiquitous practice of fracking for natural gas, and the health and environmental reasons behind it.
GROUNDSWELL RISING gives voice to ordinary folks engaged in a David and Goliath struggle against Big Oil and Gas. We meet parents, scientists, doctors, farmers and individuals across the political spectrum decrying the energy extraction process known as fracking that puts profits over people. This provocative documentary tracks a grassroots movement exposing dangers to clean air, water, and civil rights.
Click on title for more information . . .