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(860) 455-9621

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As E.M. Forster wrote, "To only connect..." A
postcard with a progressive message is a wonderful way to reach not only the recipient but also each person through whose hands it passes. These postcards are printed with beautiful artwork, often in full color, and most cost 95 cents each. Unless otherwise noted, postcards are 4" by 6". Six are in the larger 5" by 7" size. We have over 160 different postcards. Check them out in the various categories. The one you see on this page are just a few of them...
If you are an activist selling them at a table or a shop, a great way to display postcards is with a tabletop spinner rack. The best source for these is a U.S. manufacturer, Utility Engineering in Pearl River, N.Y. –
You can also band each style and put them in a box on the table for people to browse through. The spinner rack displays each of 30 cards fully and uses the upward space above the table while only creating a 10" footprint on the table surface.
Postcards are vastly under-rated as a medium that can educate and communicate, as well as amuse and inspire. The postcards we offer are more than just a pretty picture or tourist scene. Many of our postcards are published in Europe, where the art of the postcard has developed differently. Because postcards are small and inexpensive they are often overlooked. Yet this diverse mix of themes and styles are a great way to reach others. While postcards are often mailed to others, over half the postcards purchased are never mailed. Instead they are posted on a fridge or bulletin board, or added to someone's collection. Either way, they are seen by many people over time. The images we see help shape our attitudes and how we see the world. Remember, we can also custom print full color postcards of your own design, ass few as 500 for under .07¢ each. Go to our Custom Full Color 4" x 6" Postcard page, by clicking on the yellow"Customprinting" tab at the top of our home age.
Postcard: Early Warning Signs of Fascism
$1.25 $1.00 On Sale!
Laurence W. Britt wrote about the common signs of fascism in April, 2003, after researching seven fascist regimes: Hitler's Nazi Germany; Mussolini's Italy; Franco's Spain; Salazar's Portugal; Papadopoulo's Greece; Pinochet's Chile; Suharto's Indonesia. Today, all these warning signs are frighteningly clear right here in the United States. Snd this postcard to your Senator and member of Congress the next time you contact them. Invite friends and have a postcard -writing event. Do it monthly. Keep the pressure on this new regime.
• Also available as a 12" x 24" poster: P-EWSF
Postcard: Democracy is not a spectator sport
Postcard: Make Art Not War
Design by Shepherd Fairie • 2007
Also available as a poster (see Peace Posters; Social Justice Posters)
Postcard: Keep Calm & Carry On. No Thanks. I Want to Raise Hell & Change the World
$0.95 $0.75 On Sale!
4" x 6" postcard • union printed • 2013 • also available as a poster (P-KC)
An activist response to the old Brit status quo meme.
Postcard: Wish You Were Here EARTH The Blue Planet
a classic funny take on our home planet and its inhabitants.
Postcard: Unfortunately, History Has Set the Record A Little Too Straight
"Unfortunately, History Has Set the Record a Little Too Straight." Photographs of ten famous women and men in the arts who were gay or lesbian from throughout history. James Baldwin (writer), Willa Cather (writer), Errol Flynn (actor), Michelangelo (artist), Edna St. Vincent Millay (poet), Cole Porter (composer), Eleanor Roosevelt (social activist), Bessie Smith (singer), Walt Whitman (poet), Virginia Woolf (writer). Design by Laurie Casa Grande. (Gay and Lesbian Community Action Council ©1988) Also available as a 22" x 28" poster. (see Social Justice Posters)
Postcard: Every Girl Every Boy
4" x 6" postcard • also available as a poster: P-EGEB
Postcard: Woody Guthrie Quote
Woodcut design from the poster by Ricardo Levins Morales • 2012 • 4" x 6"
2012 is the 100th aniversary of the birth of Woody Guthrie.
(see poster version: P-WG)
Click on title for the complete text.
Postcard: "A Nation That Continues..." (M.L.K. Quote)
4" x 6" Postcard • union printed • 2013
Postcard: No Struggle No Progress
4" x 6" • union printed • 2013 • also available as a poster (P-NSNP)
Pack of TEN Postcard/Sticker: One Earth One People
PACKAGE OF TEN for $5.00 • This is a unique hybrid product: both a postcard and a bumpersticker. The front is a full color, high-resolution N.A.S.A. photograph of the earth from space with the words "One Earth One People" on 4 mil weatherproof, adhesive-backed vinyl that peels off from the postcard-formatted backing card. The back side has a writeable matte finish and a typical postcard layout. Send it to someone, or just use it as a bumpersticker. Overall size: 3-5/8" x 6" • Sticker size: 3-1/8" x 5-9/16"
Postcard: No Justice No Peace
2014 • painting by N.Y.C. artist Eric Drooker>mr>
Inspired by the powerful protests in response to the killing of unarmed African American teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO. This image speaks to people throughout the U.S. standing against police violence, judicial indifference and racism.
Postcard: Music vs. Tanks
4" x 6" postcard, union-printed. New Yok street artist Eric Drooker's scratchboard illustration, dramatically printed in opaque white on black background, has an intense graphic power and visual impact.