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We offer a range
of books, each addressing issues from diversity and multiculturalism to nonviolence
and peace. Many of the books work well when integrated into classrooms. We highly
recommend these texts of social responsibility.
for Children
Many of our children's
books are full color and introduce young readers to important issues involving
self-esteem and community.
For Teaching
Some of these books are published by Educators for Social Responsibility,
and are excellent resources for teaching conflict resolution to youth.
for Organizing
We've collected a number of books that can help people
organize efficiently and responsibly.
for Learning
We also carry a number of novels to help you think and
Book: National Security & Double Government
$30.00 $22.50 On Sale!
by Michael Glennon • Oxford University Press • 272 pages • Hard cover • 2015
• "This work is of huge importance. It explains the phenomenon that myself and many other informed voters have seen - namely - how the policies of the United States government seem impervious to change no matter the flavor of administration. I found myself baffled and chagrined that President Obama, who I cheerfully voted for twice (and still would prefer over the alternatives) failed to end many of the practices that I abhor, such as the free reign of the NSA, the continual increase in defense budgets and the willingness to keep laws that are clearly against the wishes of the vast majority of Americans, be they Progressives or otherwise." – Tom Hunter
• Click on the book title to read more description, editorial and customers' reviews . . .
Book: Addicted To War: Why The U.S. Can't Kick Militarism
$10.00 $7.50 On Sale!
77 pages • 161 reference notes • 8.5" x 11" graphic format • Over 375,000 in print!
An illustrated expose by Joel Andreas, "Addicted to War" takes on the most active, powerful and destructive military in the world. Hard-hitting, carefully documented and heavily illustrated, it reveals why the United States has been involved in more wars in recent years than any other country.
The book reveals the terrible fact of the U.S.'s addiction to war and militarism, as well as powerful insights into the causes. In a format accessible to kids from nine to ninety-nine. Packed with historical photos and quotes, the book explains who benefits from our wars, who pays and who dies. Highly recommended from High school age and up. Donate a copy to your school and community library.
The book is endorsed by Veterans For Peace. This Third Edition has been updated in 2004 and 14 more pages have been added covering the war against Iraq. It has been translated into Japanese, Korean, Thai, Danish and German. A Spanish edition is also available from us. It is being used in hundreds of high schools and colleges as a supplemental U.S. history text. Watch a 4 minute video created from the first pages of the book.
Click on title for reviews and the author's Preface to the book...
Book: Adicto a la Guerra [Espanol ed.]
$10.00 $5.00 On Sale!
The same best-selling graphic history book, "Addicted To War" translated into Spanish. A must-read for Spanish-speaking recruitment-age youth.
Book: Handbook For Nonviolent Action
$3.00 $1.50 On Sale!
Co-published by War Resisters League and Donnelly/Colt.
This is the handbook used throughout the country for civil disobedience action trainings. Nonviolent civil disobedience requires discipline and preparation as well as a burning commitment and desire for change. This handbook continues a tradition of sharing and passing on beliefs, strategies, values and tactics. It offers the combined experience and wisdom of many people who have struggled to make the world more just. It empowers the the reader to honestly reflect on the guidance it offers. The four editions of this handbook have been widely used all over the country in nonviolence training sessions for many years. Even the single copy price is far less than the cost of photocopying the 36 pages (which at .07¢ a page would cost $2.52 to photocopy, not including colating and binding) 4th revised edition. 36 pages. Save in bulk: $1.00 each for 10-25; 26-199 for .75¢ each; Carton of 200 for .50¢ each ($100) + shipping (actual UPS rate will be used)
Book: Saving Fish from Drowning
$22.00 $16.50 On Sale!
by Amy Tan.
"Each day I pledge to save a hundred lives. I drop my net in the lake and scoop out a hundred fishes. I place the fishes on the bank, where they flop and twirl. 'Don't be scared,' I tell those fishes. 'I am saving you from drowning." Soon enough, the fishes grow calm and lie still. Yet, sad to say, I am always too late." Amy Tan's novel of 11 Americans stranded in Burma possesses the resonance of the fable of the Burmese fisherman. Another compelling fiction by the author of The Joy Luck Club and The Bonesetter's Daughter.
On an ill-fated art expedition into the southern Shan state of Burma, eleven Americans leave their Floating Island Resort for a Christmas-morning tour-and disappear. Through twists of fate, curses, and just plain human error, they find themselves deep in the jungle, where they encounter a tribe awaiting the return of the leader and the mythical book of wisdom that will protect them from the ravages and destruction of the Myanmar military regime.
Saving Fish from Drowning seduces the reader with a facade of Buddhist illusions, magician's tricks, and light comedy, even as the absurd and picaresque spiral into a gripping morality tale about the consequences of intentions – both good and bad – and about the shared responsibility that individuals must accept for the actions of others.
Book: Cowboy In Caracas: A North American's Memoir of Venezuela's Democratic Revolution
$14.00 $10.50 On Sale!
by Charles Hardy • 145 pages • Curbstone Press, Willimantic, CT
"An old and evil way of life is dying and those who enjoyed it are fighting to survive..."
• "Charles Hardy has given us a unique persective on the Chavista revolution as viewed from a cardboard shack on a hillside barrio in Caracas. Writing in a graceful and conversational style in a series of vignettes, Hardy conveys with genuine affection and admiration the dignity and courage of the ordinary people of Venezuela – people whom the western media, enscounced in fine hotels or toney apartments, only know as maids and waiters. A reader comes away understanding both why Hugo Chavez is loved by these people – and why the U.S. government is trying so hard to oust him. With the Bush administration still trying to demonize Chavez and his backers, this book is a must-read for all Ameicans – but a must-read that you won't be able to put down." – Dave Lindorff, columnist for Counterpunch, and author of The Case For Impeachment (2006)
• Click on title for more reviews...
Book: A People's History of the United States: 1492-Present
$20.00 $13.00 On Sale!
by Howard Zinn • 729 pages • Paperback • Revised & updated (2014)
"[Howard Zinn's A People’s History] made me feel that I was a player in this moment in history, as we all are... It gave me a sense of myself in the context of this huge American experience and empowered me to feel that in my small way, I had something to say, I could do something.” – Bruce Springsteen"
Zinn has written a brilliant and moving history of the American people from the point of view of those who have been exploited politically and economically and whose plights has been largely omitted from most histories. Extending its coverage...the book is an excellent antidote to established history. Seldom have quotations been so effectively used; the stories of blacks, women, Indians, and poor laborers of all nationalities are told in their own words. While the book is precise enough th please specialists it should satisfy any adult reader." Library Journal
If your last serious read of American history was in high school - or even in a standard college course - you'll want to read this amazing account of America as seen throuigh the eyes of its working people, women and minorities.
• Click on title for more info . . .
Nonviolence: The History of a Dangerous Idea By Mark Kurlansky
2006 • Paperback • 203 pages
New York Times bestselling author Mark Kurlansky discusses nonviolence as a distinct entity, a course of action, rather than a mere state of mind. Nonviolence can and should be a technique for overcoming social injustice and ending wars, he asserts, which is why it is the preferred method of those who speak truth to power.
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Book: Hoodwinked - An Economic Hit Man Reveals Why the World Financial Markets Imploded and What We Need Need To Do To Remake Them
$23.00 $17.25 On Sale!
Hardcover • 2009 • by John Perkins (author: Confessions of an Economic Hitman)
John Perkins has seen the signs of today's economic meltdown before. The subprime mortgage fiascos, the banking industry collapse, the rising tide of unemployment, the shuttering of small businesses across the landscape are all too familiar symptoms of a far greater disease. In his former life as an economic hit man, he was on the front lines both as an observer and a perpetrator of events, once confined only to the third world, that have now sent the United States—and in fact the entire planet—spiraling toward disaster.
• For more info click on the title of the book . . .
Book: Teaching for Joy and Justice : Re-Imagining the Language Arts Classroom
$20.00 $15.00 On Sale!
by Linda Christensen. Paperback.
Linda Christensen creates passionate curriculum, centered on the lives and voices of her students. In Teaching for Joy and Justice she shows us how her students come to celebrate their own writing, value themselves, and stand up for others. Writing is embedded in curriculum that matters, in discussion about big ideas, and in literature rich with the full range of human experience.
Book: Humanity: A Celebration of Friendship, Family, Love & Laughter
$25.00 $18.75 On Sale!
by Geoff Blackwell. Hardcover, 220 pages.
Featuring 150 color and black-and-white images from around the world, and complemented by heartwarming and inspiring quotes, "Humanity" is a touching tribute to the most treasured relationships.
Book: Indian Country Noir (Akashic Noir)
$16.00 $12.00 On Sale!
by Sarah Cortez. Paperback, 279 pages.
The sharpest, most stylized and ambitious anthology of Native American literature ever published. Written by both Native American and non-Native authors, the 14 stories in this worthy volume in Akashic's noir series range geographically from northern Canada to Puerto Rico and from New York's Adirondacks to Los Angeles.
Book: The Design of Dissent
$30.00 $22.50 On Sale!
by Milton Glaser & Mirko Ilic • forward by Tony Kushner • 11" x 9" • 240 pages
With a vibrant display of buttons, posters and leaflets that protest the Iraq war, the corporate media, the Israeli military and all points between, this book cuts a wide swath, indeed. Assembled by designer Glaser, best known for his
" I [heart] NY" logo, and Ilic, a School of Visual Arts instructor and author of several books on design, the book bursts with compelling political designs from all over the world, but it lacks an overall direction and shape. Neither a deeply snoozeriffic foreword by playwright Tony Kushner nor a rambling interview of Glaser by the New York Times' Steven Heller give any clear indication of the books' overall purpose. Not that there aren't images here to make the skin crawl and the blood boil, including a photo montage of victims processed at a Khmer Rouge extermination facility, and silverware superimposed on either side of a cow collapsed in meat factory filth. The most fascinating section of the book focuses on conflicts in the former Yugoslavia, bringing the region's brutal recent history to life with a shocking immediacy and quiet rage. However, despite the book's striking and colorful individual parts, it comes across as a loosely organized compendium of leftist protest paraphernalia.
Book: The Long Haul
$30.00 $22.50 On Sale!
by Myles Horton • 1998 • 231 pages
In his own direct, modest, plain-spoken style, Myles Horton tells the story of the Highlander Folk School. A major catalyst for social change in the United States for more than sixty years, this school has touched the lives of so many people, Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Pete Seeger. Filled with disarmingly honest insight and gentle humor, this is an inspiring hymn to the possibility of social change.
Click on title for more information . . .
Book: Family of Secrets
$20.00 $15.00 On Sale!
by Russ Baker • 2010 •paperback
George W. Bush released his autobiography to massive media attention in 2010. He's promoting his own mythology, re-writing the history of the eight years of his regime, to put his legacy in the best light, in spite of his massive unpopularity.
Meanwhile, another groundbreaking book that reveals much more about the Bush family also was published in 2010, to virtually no media coverage.
Learn why the conventional understanding of Watergate gets the story wrong. Discover how Nixon was implicated in a sprawling plot to which he was not a party, and how an aggressive effort was mounted to use the ‘facts’ of the case to force him from office. Read new revelations about the precise involvement of George Herbert Walker Bush (senior), Bob Woodward and White House counsel John Dean in this still-mysterious American epic from 1972.
Also learn:
• Why George H.W. Bush can’t remember where he was on November 22, 1963. Every other adult in the country remembers they were that fateful day.
• about a Texas Russian immigrant, George DeMorehschildt, who oddly is personally acquainted with both George H.W. Bush AND Lee Harvey Oswald. He died of an apparemt self-inflicted gunshot wound the day before he was to testify before the House SelectCommittee on Assassinations in 1977.
• Why FBI Director J.Edhar Hoover, in 1963, refers in an FBI memo to "George Bush of the CIA" - two decades before George H.W. Bush claims he began his first affiliation with the Agency when he was appointed as Director for one year.
• Why oilman George H.W. Bush shows up in early CIA documents
• The real story behind George W. Bush’s missing military service
• The inside scoop on the Bushes and Saudi influence in America
• The strange saga of Harvard University and its endowment
• The untold real story behind George W. Bush’s religious awakening
• Never before told anecdotes from George W. Bush’s wild past
• How the CIA monitors the White House and its occupants
• Why Barack Obama and his supporters should read this book
Investigative journalist Russ Baker spent years fact-checking every statement in this book for accuracy. The Bush family doesn't deny any fact presented here. They just hope it won;'t be widely read and will sink into obscurity.
• Click on title for more . . .
Book: Let's Talk about Race
$8.00 $6.00 On Sale!
by Julius Lester. Paperback, 32 pages. OUT OF PRINT • LAST 5 COPIES
I am a story.
So are you.
So is everyone.
Julius Lester says, "I write because our lives are stories. If enough of these stories are told, then perhaps we will begin to see that our lives are the same story. The differences are merely in the details." Now Mr. Lester shares his own story as he explores what makes each of us special. Karen Barbour's dramatic, vibrant paintings speak to the heart of Lester's unique vision, truly a celebration of all of us.
• Click on book title for review ad more info about the author
Book: The Historic Unfulfilled Promise
$17.00 $12.75 On Sale!
2012 • by Howard Zinn (1923-2010)
"Passionate, iconoclastic, and wrly humorous . . . [Zinn] sometimes proves astounding in his almost clairvoyant analysis."
—Publisher's Weekly Starred Review
Howard Zinn's life and work are the stuff of legend. His People's History of the United States has sold over two million copies and has altered how we see and teach history. A hero in word and deed, Zinn's views on freedom, fairness, history, democracy, and our own human potential are educational and transformative. In few places is the genius of his voice more crystallized and accessible than in the dozens of articles he penned for The Progressive magazine from 1980 to 2009, offered together here in book form for the first time.
• Click on the title for more info . . .
Book: Screenpeace - An Anti-War Film Festival
$16.00 $12.00 On Sale!
Spiral-bound • 5.25" x 8.5" •72 pages • Introduction by John Sayles
Edited by Judith Pasternak & Gloria Williams • Published by the War Resisters League, New York, 2007.
Originally published as the 2007 annual desk appointment calendar with the theme of anti-war films, with the calendar pages removed, it is a 72-page reference guide to anti-war films made since the previous "Films For Peace & Justice" (1987) desk calendar and film guide.
From Director John Sayles' Foreword:
"Movies, since their inception, have been a vital part of the cultural conversation. Some of the earliest "'moving pictures' with stories were battle scenes of the Philippine-American War presented by Thomas Edison's Biograph Company. That the footage had been staged in New Jersey with African-Americans standing in as Filipino soldiers was apparently less important to audiences of the day than the novelty, action, and patriotic fervor displayed within these one-minute 'views.'
• For more of Sayles' Foreword, click on the title of this book . . ./
Book: Button Power - 125 Years of Saying It With Buttons
$29.95 $26.95 On Sale!
Published October 2020 • Full Color • by Christen Carter (founder/operator of Busy Beaver Buttons) & Ted Hake (esteemed elder button collector /dealer)
From the campaign trail to the rock tour, Button Power collects a people's history of American culture told through the pin-back button. Lively commentary from two of America's foremost button experts shows how the small but powerful button reveals the events and movements that outraged, amused, and inspired us over time, from the solo flight of Charles Lindbergh to the Black Power movement.
There are even some of our Donnelly/Colt buttons among the 1,500 buttons shown in the book.
Artists, athletes, actors, politicians, punk and pop musicians, and mascots of the past 125 years make cameos, including Rube Goldberg, Muhammad Ali, the Ramones, Shirley Chisholm, Maratona the Snake Handler, and Ray Stevens, singer of "The Streak." The first book of its kind, Button Power is a rich visual feast. Each colorful spread chronicles defining moments in history through colorful photographs and artifacts. This collection will be an essential pick for fans of pop culture, visual culture, and design.
…for a review click on the title.