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Hampton, CT
(860) 455-9621

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ask, and we'll let you know if we have it or can get it.
With the continual increase in corporate influence on every sphere of
life, and an increase in global interconnectedness comes a new movement
- that of questioning globalization and corporatism. We've decided to
highlight products that you can use to help work against indiscriminate
Globalization Buttons
Globalization Bumperstickers
Globalization Posters
Globalization Postcards Globalization
These are some organizations on the web that provide information and
resources regarding globalization, corporatism, and fair trade.
Global Exchange
Global exchange promotes human rights, social justice, and environmental
causes around the world, as well as providing resources on the global
economy and fair trade.
Stop Sweatshops
UNITE! is running a "Stop Sweatshops" campaign. Their website
provides a basic set of resources that can help you as a consumer figure
out what you can do to fight sweatshops.
Action Network (DAN)
The Continental Direct Action Network consists of many autonomous locals
working to overcome corporate globalization and all forms of oppression.
United Students Against Sweatshops
United Students Against Sweatshops is an international student movement
of campuses and individual students fighting for sweatshop free labor
conditions and workers rights
Know of another site we should include here? Send
us the address of that site, and we'll put it up.
Audio Book on CD: The Secret History of the American Empire
$40.00 $35.00 On Sale!
Unabridged 9 CDs approx. 11 hours Read by Jonathan Davis. The inside story of the corruption, cronyism and corporate manipulation behind the American Empire today.
Click on Title for the rest of the description...
DVD: China Blue
$39.00 $34.00 On Sale!
Our best-selling DVD a film by Micha X. Peled (Store Wars: When Wal-Mart Comes to Town) 88 minutes audience age: grades 9-12, college, adult NOTE: Any school or library orders for this DVD must be placed directly with Bullfrog Films (800-543-3764 or online: ) We can only sell it to individuals or activists at this home video price. The school & library price for this DVD is $295.00 and includes public screening rights in perpituity. This DVD is not available through Netflix, other retail websites or in videostores.
Winner of the Amnesty Human Rights Award at the Amsterdam International Film Festival
Winner 2007 PBS Independent Lens Audience Award
Winner - Doen/Amnesty International Award I.D.F.A. 2005
"Heartbreaking yet boldly essential...fairly-balanced and richly human."
- Seattle Times
"An unflnching indictment of globalization and the unfettered consumerism that fuels it. The cheap clothes we wear come at a high price, for real people."
- Marin Independent Journal
Click on title for description...
CD: The People's Music
$17.00 $12.00 On Sale!
by political rap/hip-hop artist Tha Truth 2008 19 tracks
"Tha Truth" is a conscious, political hip hop artist, poet and raptivist known around the Philadelphia area for battling imperialism, inequality, corruption and discrimination. He has performed in countless venues at concerts, colleges, demonstrations, conferences and benefits. This album was heavily influenced by Howard Zinn's classic best-selling book "A People's History of the United States (from 1492 to Present)" On this CD, Tha Truth sums up the suppressed real history of the U.S., alerting listeners to the most critical issues. Every track can be played in the classroom; there's no obscene, sexist, racist or homophobic language. The material is articulate, informed eloquent and inspiring.
To listen to tracks from the CD, go to:
Through his complex, impressive rhyme patterns he describes how these issues go back through time, and offers specific ways to fix them. He takes on bigotry, poverty, pollution, corporate privatization of resources, workers' rights, U.S. health care, corporate media, military recruitment, the poverty draft, the death penalty, immigrant rights, the prison-industrial complex, U.S. foreign policy/empire, New Orleans recovery efforts, homophobia and so much more.
Click on title for more info . . .
Book: Hoodwinked - An Economic Hit Man Reveals Why the World Financial Markets Imploded and What We Need Need To Do To Remake Them
$23.00 $17.25 On Sale!
Hardcover 2009 by John Perkins (author: Confessions of an Economic Hitman)
John Perkins has seen the signs of today's economic meltdown before. The subprime mortgage fiascos, the banking industry collapse, the rising tide of unemployment, the shuttering of small businesses across the landscape are all too familiar symptoms of a far greater disease. In his former life as an economic hit man, he was on the front lines both as an observer and a perpetrator of events, once confined only to the third world, that have now sent the United Statesand in fact the entire planetspiraling toward disaster.
For more info click on the title of the book . . .
CD: The Mis-Education of the Masses
$17.00 $12.00 On Sale!
by political rap/hip-hop artist Tha Truth 2010 1 hour, 11.5 minutes
Tha Truth is a conscious/political underground hip hop artist and "rap-tivist" (rapper-activist) known around the Philadelphia area for battling inequality, poverty, discrimination, and injustice. He has performed in countless venues at concerts, colleges, demonstrations, conferences, and benefits. Since 2006 Tha Truth has released three critically acclaimed underground political rap albums that attack the forces that maintain the status quo.
mix: truth, revolution, struggle, the red pill from the matrix, V for Vendetta, fightclub, the spirits of Bob Marley, Howard Zinn, and George Carlin, then add the Simpsons, the Boondocks, and fighting the system, and cook for 60 minutes.
"Tha Mis-Education of the Masses" was released on May 19th 2010 (Malcolm X's birthday). Tha Truth chose this release date purposely to honor freedom fighters Malcolm X and also Harvey Milk (whose birthday is May 22nd). This CD expands on the themes of equality and justice as his previous projects, while adding substantial doses of sarcastic wit, mind bending and humorous metaphors, and a variety of diversified beats comprised from Middle Eastern live percussion/drums, native flutes, acoustic and rock guitar, reggaeton, and a lot of the lost arts of DJ scratching and mixing.
Click on the title for more information . . .
CD: Music For A Better World - Tha Truth
$17.00 $10.00 On Sale!
by political artist Tha Truth 2013 22 tracks.
The latest of four music CDs we carry by political activist and singer/songwriter Tha Truth. We don't carry music , but his work stands out as so unique, so positive, and it's so hard-to-find elsewhere. You won't find it on YouTube. Incisive, insightful, poetic and unlike so much else in music. It's music distilled from the reality of life in these United States at this time in history. Tha Truth gets to the best in us, in the worst of times. The album title is what it's all about: Music for a better world. This artist deserves the recognition he doesn't get, because in the business of the music industry, challenging the way the world works is rarely well-received or even heard by very many. You can be one more catalyst for change by playing this music. Link to it on your blog, Facebook page or website; get it played on your local college, community or commercial radio station. Send the CD to a D.J. you know and like. Spread the word. It's music to make this world a better place.
His best yet.
Click on album title at the top to see the track listings.