Box 188
Hampton, CT

(860) 455-9621

Can't find something you're looking for? Just ask, and we'll let you know if we have it or can get it.

On Sale

Featured here are all the items you see throughout the catalog that have been marked down for whatever reason. Some have been overstocked, some discontinued, and some are just on sale as a limited time promotion.

PSW.gif Small Labels: Peace Sign Wreath / set of ten
SL-PSW-10 • 1.5" Round • ten per sheet.
Use these small labels on envelopes, cards, or stick them anywhere. We sell these at our cost. We also have these labels in stock in packs of 100. See item code: SL-PSW-100

PSW.gif Small Labels: Peace Sign Wreath/set of 100
1.5" Round Paper Labels • 5 sheets of twenty labels per sheet (100 total)
Use on holiday cards and envelopes, as well as year-round. Hand them out at events, put on gift boxes, bags, postcards.

TCDR.gif Button: These Colors Don't Run The World
$2.00 $0.25 On Sale!
(1.5" Button)
NBGT.gif Button: Neighborhood Bullies grow up to be Global Thugs
$2.00 $0.50 On Sale!
(1.25") • A little piece of Reagan-era bombast, still true after all these years.
AF.gif Button: Three Color Silouette of Africa
(1" Button)
AWK.jpg Button: Are We Kinder and Gentler Yet?
$2.00 $25.00 On Sale!
This is a quote from "Poppy" Bush, George Herbert Walker Bush, the former head of the C.I.A. who rode into the White House on the coat-tails of the Reagan Devolution (no, that's not a typo, we mean De, not Re-volution) in 1988. In one of his more ironic bits of campaign appeasing to the pro-peace tenor of the times, George H.W. Bush, Senior actually said: "I want America to be a kinder and gentler nation." Coming from the patriarch of the Bush Crime Family, this statement was the height of irony. 22 years later in 2010, Elton John observed that the United States had become a mean-spirited country, and he hoped it would become a "kinder and gentler" one.
SYSTEM.GIF Button: If You Think The System Is Working Ask Someone Who Isn't
(1.5" Button) Unemployed special on sale from now on...
TONNBFO.gif Button: Troops Out Now! No Blood for Oil
$2.00 $0.25 On Sale!
Bush Lies
$1.00 $0.50 On Sale!
SVS-RTRIback.gif Small Vinyl Sticker: 6-Pack of Rainbow Triangle (adhesive on Back)
$6.00 $3.00 On Sale!
Set of six. 2" on each side. Adhesive is on the back of the sticker, so it can be placed on the outside of any surface. Screenprinted on vinyl in durable, colorfast inks for longterm outdoor use on vehicles.
SVS-RTRIback.gif Small Vinyl Sticker: 6 Pack of Rainbow Triangle (adhesive on front)
$6.00 $3.00 On Sale!
Set of six. 2" on each side. Adhesive is on the front of the sticker, so it can be placed inside a window. Screenprinted on vinyl in durable colorfast ink for longterm outdoor use on vehicles.
WAN.gif Button: Women Against Nukes
$2.00 $0.50 On Sale!
(1.75" Button) • We were young, naive and perhaps a bit undisplined in the realities of business economics when we ordered 25,000 of these buttons back in 1978. Thirty three years later, we're down to the very last few remaining of this colorful classic from our sister anti-nuclear activists across the pond. Rust-free and looking as good as they did in the seventies, these are antiques, not 21st century digital fakes.
• For the rest of the story, click on the button title . . .

CHANGE.gif Button: We Cannot Change Unless We Survive But We Will Not Survive Unless We Change
$2.00 $0.50 On Sale!
(1.5" Square Button)
TSLO.GIF Button: Tobacco Sucks The Life Out Of Your Lungs
$2.00 $0.25 On Sale!
PC-RPSTIA.jpg Postcard: The Truth Isn't Always Black & White
$0.95 $0.25 On Sale!
Printed in 100% recycled paper using soy-based ink. 4.25" x 6"
S-RICH.gif Bumpersticker: Earth Can No Longer Afford The Rich
This is actually a metalic silver sticker with dark green lettering, which may not be clear from the scanned image. The material it is screenprinted on is a polyester with a brushed chrome appearance to the finish.
S-TCDR.gif Bumpersticker: These Colors Don't Run The World
$2.25 $0.75 On Sale!
An honest re-working of an old pro-war cliche: the addition of the last two words brings truth to a powerful myth. 3" x 11.5"
COAHMLPB.gif Button: Crude Oil Addiction: How many lives per barrel?
$2.00 $0.25 On Sale!
1.75" Button
WDS.gif Button: War Doesn't Show Who's Right Just Who's Left
$2.00 $1.00 On Sale!
(1.5" Button)
SMALLWAR.gif Button: Small War
This is the tiniest size button we have: 7/8 of an inch in diameter. Metal lithographed (printed directly on metal) It's small enough to wear with any kind of clothing from casual to formal any time, any place. Carry a few extras with you to give to anyone who sees it and likes it. Stands out and makes its point on any color clothing, from t-shirt to tuxedo, baptism duds to bridal gown...
WRE.gif Button: War: The Real Enemy
$2.00 $0.50 On Sale!
(1.75" Button)
WAR.gif Small Vinyl Sticker-War
$1.50 $0.75 On Sale!
Red Slash over the word war on a small vinyl 3" sticker
YRW.gif Button: Yellow Ribbons Won't Bring the Troops Home, Ending the War Will
$2.00 $0.25 On Sale!
2.25" Button
From Bush (Senior and Junior's) Middle East Shock 'n Awe invasions, occupations and failed wars.

SOTCF.gif Button: Support Our Troops; Cease Fire; Bring them home alive
$2.00 $0.25 On Sale!
(2.25" Button)
USTO.gif Button: U.S. Troops out of the Middle East
$2.00 $0.25 On Sale!
AAW.gif Button: "As a woman I have no country. As a woman I want no country. As a woman my country is the whole world." – Virginia Woolf
$2.25 $2.00 On Sale!
(1.5" Button) • Virginia Woolf (1882-1941)
HAD.gif Button: Hawk & Dove Graphic
$2.00 $0.50 On Sale!
The hawk of empire attacking the dove of peace; this is the way much of the world sees the U.S. government (but not the people of the U.S.)
HMM.gif Button: How Many More?
1.25" black bordered button with bold black words. Originally printed during the Vietnam War, as a reminder of the rising death toll. The same question needs to be asked today about the Covid-19 pandemic.
FT.gif Button: Free Tibet, Boycott Chinese Goods
$1.00 $0.25 On Sale!
1.25" button
S-WDW.gif Bumpersticker: Why do we kill people who kill people to show that killing people is wrong?
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
DOS.gif Button: Demilitarize Our Schools
(1.25" Button) Designed by & for the Commitee on Militarism & the Draft in San Diego - one of the best local/national groups in the country.
ABL.gif Button: The Airwaves Belong to the Listeners
$2.00 $0.50 On Sale!
(1.25" button) More relevant today than it was 33 years ago when we first introduced this button! In February 2011 Republicans in Congress voted to de-fund public radio (N.P.R.) and TV (P.B.S.) broadcasting This is the button that began Donnelly/Colt's buttonmaking back in 1977... we created it for the local listeners support group, the Friends of WBAI... The issue is still very relevant today as corporate America has successfully privatized the airwaves, and the Reagan administration did away with the F.C.C.'s Fairness Doctrine, opening the floodgates to one-sided rightwing media consolidation and domination beginning in the 1980's
• [click on button title for more of the story]

ESSN.gif Button: Estudiantes Si / Soldados No [Spanish for Students Yes / Soldiers No]
$2.00 $0.50 On Sale!
(1.25" Button) Espaρol version. We also have a similar message in English. Designed by & for Committee on Militarism & the Draft, San Diego.
PS.gif Button: Peace Sign Graphic
(1" Metal Lithographed Button) This is the Original, designed over sixty years ago in 1958 by Gerald Holtom for the English Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. Inside the back of this button is a very tiny and very brief few words about the origin of the peace sign.
The last metal lithograph printer in North America went out of business in 2018, We cannot gt any more Metal Lithoigraphed buttons again. We only have a few dpzrn left. These are only available at the retail price. They are now collector's itms, and will increase in value into the foreseeable future.
We also offer the peace sign on a cloissonne jewelry pin with a clutchback secure attachment on the back. The product code for that is JP-PS58.
Both the button and the jewelry pin are union-made in the U.S. Small enough to wear with anything from the most casual to the most formal.
• Click on button title for the rest of the story...

PSW.gif Button: Holiday Wreath shaped like a peace symbol
$2.00 $1.00 On Sale!
(1.5" Button) • also available as 1.5" Small Labels, product code SL-PSW-10
• Click on title for some of the back story...

RCHD.gif Button: Roosters Crow, Hens Deliver
$2.00 $1.00 On Sale!
(1" Button)
TF.gif Button: Pink Triangle with Fist
(1" Button)
YNS.gif Button: Yo No Soy El Army [Spanish for I'm Not An Army of One]
$2.00 $1.00 On Sale!
(1.25" Button) The Army's latest recruiting pitch is emphatically countered in Spanish. The whole "Army of One" is an advertising catch-phrase designed to appeal to a young man's macho fantasy of personal super-hero delusion. Only the truly courageous will wear this; only those who know they're being lied to by recruiters and who can resist the bait.
S-WNW.jpg Bumpersticker: War is not working; Neither are millions of Americans
S-USTO.gif Bumpersticker: U.S. Troops Out of the Middle East
$2.25 $0.50 On Sale!
S-SOS.gif Bumpersticker: Support Our Soldiers; Bring Them Home Alive; End the War Now
$2.25 $0.50 On Sale!
3.75" x 15" Bumpersticker
S-HD.gif Bumpersticker: Honor Diversity
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
7 color screenprinted bumpersticker © 1993 * union-made.
S-SHC.gif Bumpersticker: Stop Hate Crimes Honor Diversity
$2.25 $0.75 On Sale!
S-SYSTEM.gif Bumpersticker: If you think the system is working ask someone who isn't
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
Unemployed special on sale from now on...
MJ.gif Button: Fight Like Hell for the Living - Mother Jones
$2.00 $0.50 On Sale!
The famous quote from labor organizer, Mary Harris "Mother" Jones
S-QA.gif Bumpersticker: Question Authority
S-EE.gif Bumpersticker: If you think education is expensive try Ignorance
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
S-DMG.gif Bumpersticker: Don't Mourn, Organize
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
3.75" x 11.5" Bumpersticker • Joe Hill's famous last words
S-KO.gif Bumpersticker: Killing one Person is Murder; Killing 100,000 is Foreign Policy
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
S-TQ.gif Bumpersticker: "The universe is wider than our views of it." -Henry David Thoreau
$2.25 $0.75 On Sale!
3.75" x 11.5" Bumperstickrer
S-STW.gif Bumpersticker: Stop the War
$2.25 $0.50 On Sale!
3" x 11.5" Get it on sale for the next undeclared (or declared) war!
SRS-BRFPS.gif Small Reflective Sticker: Broken Rifle Peace Sign
$2.50 $1.00 On Sale!
2.5" round reflective sticker, great on helmets, bikes, and vehicles.
STWN.gif Button: Stop the War Now! Peace in the Middle East
$2.00 $1.00 On Sale!
SVS-UTD.gif Bumpersticker: Unity Thru Diversity
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
S-PCK.gif Bumpersticker: Pro-Choice: Keep Abortion Safe and Legal
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
S-AR.gif Bumpersticker: Abolish Racism
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
S-PCPC.gif Bumpersticker: Pro-Choice, Pro-Child
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
4" diameter Round bumpersticker
It's so important that this issue have moer public visibility, especially now as the right relentlessly erodes all womens' reproductive rights. Here is a powerful short video you can share on this issue:

WWIS.gif Button: War, What is it Good For?
1" button designed by artist Margery Cohen using the words from the popular 1970 anti-Vietnam War song, "War" by Edwin Starr (1942-2003).
PSF.jpg Button: Flag/Peace Sign graphic
$2.00 $0.50 On Sale!
1.5" diameter peace sign superimposed over U.S. flag graphic
GFTS.gif Button: Growth For The Sake of Growth is the Ideology of the Cancer Cell - Edward Abbey
Stark fact in white on black 1.5" button • quote from Edward Abbey
S-NHCN.gif Bumpersticker: National Health Care Now
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
S-TFB.gif Bumpersticker: The future belongs to those who change / The changes will do you good...
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
S-SPHC.gif Bumpersticker: Single Payer Health Care
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
WEARING.gif Button: Wearing Buttons Is Not Enough
(1.25" Button)
S-DIOS.gif Bumpersticker: Diversity is our Strength
$2.25 $1.25 On Sale!
3" x 11.5" 7 color screenprinted bumpersticker © 1993 * union-made.
S-KL.gif Bumpersticker: Kids learn what they live; Stop Violence In Their Lives
$2.25 $1.50 On Sale!
S-WINA.gif Bumpersticker: War is Not the Answer
$2.25 $2.50 On Sale!
This is a REFLECTIVE bumpersticker: headlights at night make it show up brilliantly. Most stickers are not reflective because it is much more expensive to use the reflective base material.
• Click on title for some anecdotal evidence...

S-MAJ.gif Bumpersticker: "The moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends toward justice." - M.L.K.
$2.25 $0.75 On Sale!
3" x 11.5" bumpersticker • Martin Luther King quote;
One free sticker with every order IF you ask for one in the Ordering Instructions field.

S-WITBB.jpg Bumpersticker: War Is Terrorism With A Bigger Budget
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
3" x 11.5" Bumpersticker

S-WIT.gif Bumpersticker: War Is Terrorism
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
3.75" x 7.5" silkscreened bumpersticker
DVD-IS.jpg DVD: Internationally Speaking
$14.00 $7.00 On Sale!
A film by Christine Rose (Liberty Bound, 2004)

Voices from around the world address America and its foreign policy. Seen as individuals rather than as cultural stereotypes, people from all over the world share their opinion of America, its government, its foreign policy and its people. In the midst of growing international anti-Americanism, real people from various other countries, tell us what they think and why, in an attempt to further understanding and compassion.
• Click on title for more about the film...

DVD-LB.jpg DVD: Liberty Bound - Is the U.S. bound for liberty – or does it just have liberty bound?
$28.00 $14.00 On Sale!
A film by Christine Rose • A U.S. Citizen's journey of discovery into the lies, oppression and corruption that has invaded her country since 9/11.
The catastrophic events of September 11, 2001 caused a sea change in U.S. domestic and foreign policy. Liberty Bound takes a unique look at America's ongoing struggle to keep a comfortable balance between democracy, capitalism and fascism. This is a film about historic events that have changed our country and the world. It is a film about courage and fear; ignorance and awareness; propaganda and rhetoric.
The documentary explores unanswered questions, examines the U.S. government's reasons for war with Afghanistan and Iraq, and delves into accusations that...
• Click on film title for more information...

fahrenheit-9-11.jpg DVD: Fahrenheit 9/11
$24.00 $12.00 On Sale!
DVD: F9/11
Download a free Teacher's Guide to this film at: Every once in a long while, a film is made that has the power to change minds. Often such a film is staunchly opposed, ridiculed and trashed by opponents in the media. Efforts to boycott it arise. Often the filmmaker is attacked because some don't want to hear the message such a film brings to a nation's attention. All of this happened when "Fahrenheit 9/11" first came out, during the critical fall of 2004 during the Presidential campaign.
• Click on title for more information...

MBAM-1.5 SQ 1.5" Square Manual Button Assembly Machine
Same quality as all of the round button machines. The higher price is because the dies, alignment and torque necessary to assemble square shaped buttons require much more intricate design and tooling. This machine assembles 1.5" square button, also magnets and keychains. 3" wide x 7" long x 14.5 tall. weighs 19 pounds.
buton_die_cutter.jpg 1" Graphic Punch Paper Die Cutter
A quick tool for cutting paper to the appropriate size for use in the 1" button assembly machine. PLEASE NOTE that it does NOT cut the paper to 1" diameter, but to a larger diameter, to allow for the paper to wrap around the circumference of the button in the button assembly machine. ALL seven sizes of the Graphic Punch die-cutters create an over-sized paper circle that becomes the finished button size, after it is assembled in the button machine. These graphic punches are only for use in the button-making process. It cuts the entire circle at once using a circular cutting die (which never needs sharpening). This device does the cutting precisely and ten times faster than cutting out the circles using a smaller hand held cutter with a rolling blade or by hand using scissors. A sturdy, solid steel, durable tool designed to last a lifetime. 5" wide x 7" long x 3" tall. Weighs 4.6 pounds. Made in U.S.A.
GPPDC-100.jpg 1.25"Graphic Punch Paper Die-Cutter
$195.00 $175.00 On Sale!
Same specs as the 1" button circle paper die-cutter. Same size machine. Ten times faster than hand cutting with scissors. A seperate cutter is needed for each different size button machine. 5" wide x 7" long x 3" tall. 4 pounds. Made in U.S.A.
GPPDC-100.jpg 1.5"Graphic Punch Paper Die-Cutter
Same specs as the 1" and 1.25" button circle paper die-cutter. Same size machine. Ten times faster than hand cutting with scissors. A seperate cutter is needed for each different size button machine. It cuts a perfect circle each time when you push down the lever. 5" wide x 7" long x 3" tall. 4 pounds. Made in U.S.A.
GPPDC-100.jpg 1.75" Graphic Punch Paper Die-Cutter
Same specs as the 1", 1.25", 1.5" and 2.25" button circle die-cutters. Same size machine for each different size button. Ten times faster than han d-cutting using scissors. A seperate cutter is needed for each different size button machine. 5" wide x 7" long x 3" tall. 4 pounds. Made in U.S.A.
GPPDC-225.jpg 2.25" Graphic Punch Paper Die-Cutter
Same specs as all other circular button paper die-cutters. Cuts perfect circle for the 2.25" button machine. Ten times faster than hand-cutting with scissors.
T-HW.jpg T-Shirt: There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people. - Howard Zinn
$25.00 $5.00 On Sale!
Quotation from radical historian Howard Zinn (1923-2010). We also carry this design as a button and bumpersticker. We also carry the DVD documentary about Howard Zinn, "You Can't Be Neutral On A Moving Train"
Please Choose a Size

T-PEACETREE.gif T-Shirt: Love / Peace / Life / Justice / Freedom / Equality
$30.00 $5.00 On Sale!
Beautiful woodcut style design by Erika Weiss on natural, unbleached 100% cotton shirt. Union made & screen printed. Available only in sizes mentioned.

Please select shirt size (childrens' sizes available):

P-POS.gif Poster: Price of Silence
$15.00 $13.00 On Sale!
11" x 17" • Hand silkscreen printed on ivory textured matte finish poster stock. Designed and union-printed by Ricardo Levins Morales.
This beautiful hand lettered text was inspired by the famous quotation from the journal of Pastor Martin Niemoeller, who was imprisoned in a Nazi concentration camp in World War II. This present-day revision of the text updates the meaning while honoring the spirit of the original words. See our other poster, item # P-NQ, for Niemoller's original quotation which inspired this updated version.

GPPDC-225.jpg 3" Graphic Punch Photo Die-Cutter
Same specs as the other Graphic Punch die-cutters. 7.5" wide x 9.5" long x 2.5" tall. Weighs 7 pounds. Made in U,S.A.
DVD-WKEC.jpg DVD: Who Killed the Electric Car?
$30.00 $19.00 On Sale!
The auto industry's biggest mystery - revealed. Running solely on electricity, General Motors' fleet of EV-1 electric vehicles were so efficient, they were on the brink of altering the future of driving in America -- perhaps even the world. Those lucky enough to drive one gave it glowing reviews. So why were they all destroyed?

• Click on title for more info about the film

PC-PRK.GIF Poster: Practice Random Kindness and Senselss Acts of Beauty --Anne Herbert
$5.00 $2.00 On Sale!
NQR.gif Button: "In Germany they first came for the Communists..."
$2.00 $2.00 On Sale!
(2.25" Button) • "In Germany they first came for the Communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Catholics and I did not speak up because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me." --Pastor Martin Niemoller

This quotation is widely used to voice the need for unity and supporting one another under authoritarian governments and is a popular model for describing the dangers of political apathy. Repression always begins with specific and targeted fear and hatred which soon escalates to encompass more and more targeted groups.

RT.gif Button: Rainbow Triangle
$2.00 $2.00 On Sale!
2" x 2" x 2" triangle with rounded corners and safety pin on back.
M-RPS.jpg Magnet: Peace Symbol over Rainbow
This is the same quality and size (1.75") as the button version – only instead of the safety pin on back, it has a full magnetic backing. These magnets can be used on refrigerators, cars, cabinets or any metal surface to hold paper or as a decorative magnet. TEMPORARILY OUT-OF-STOCK UNTIL 9/15/11.
DVD-TIN.jpg DVD: The Time Is Now
$25.00 $15.00 On Sale!
Featuring, written and directed by Kenneth Brady • 2006 • 78 minutes
Kenneth Brady's film is very powerful, reflective, poetic and brutrally honest. It is simply one man speaking directly to the camera. No film crew, no audience present. It is a revelation , as if it were made so that the information he tells us is recorded and preserved for a time capsule, to be viewed by a future generation. He has made it to tell us today, as well as those in the future that, yes, some of us – many, in fact – knew of the things that our government did in our name, and even though some did not remain silent, they were not able to prevent the atrocities. But, most importantly, the truth-tellers may have helped to limit the extent of the deeds. His point is that the truth-tellers of every era, are essential. Still, this film is not a guilt-trip for those who knew better but did not act or do enough. It is a plea to all of us to always, under all circumstances, do what we can to recognize the connections, refuse to be complicity and act courageously against actions committed in our name by the state. Show this film in home screenings and as part of a free community film series. It's a uniquely engaging form of narrative documentary that will captivatethe audience. "The Time Is Now" heralds a new voice and a courageous new examination of America. This searing political monologue exposes shocking discoveries in a way that is part plea, part confessional, and part outcry. Acathartic antidote to apathy and numbing complacency.
• Click on title for more information...

T-HTDB.gif T-Shirt: Honor the Dead; Heal the Wounded; End the War (Black)
$22.00 $5.00 On Sale!
Available in Standard Regular cut and Women's Style. Note: Women's run smaller.

T-HTDS.gif T-Shirt: Honor the Dead; Heal the Wounded; End the War (Slate Blue)
$22.00 $5.00 On Sale!
Slate Blue color 100% cotton unioin made T-shirt.
Please choose T-shirt Size:

BK-TM.gif Book: Teacher Man
$26.00 $16.00 On Sale!
by Frank McCourt

In Teacher Man Frank turns his attention to the subject that he most often talks about in his lectures-teaching: why it's so important, why it's so undervalued. He describes his own coming of age-as a teacher, a storyteller, and, ultimately, a writer. He is alternately humble and mischievous, downtrodden and rebellious. He instinctively identifies with the underdog; his sympathies lie more with students than administrators. It takes him almost fifteen years to find his voice in the classroom, but what's clear in the thrilling pages of Teacher Man is that from the beginning he seizes and holds his students' attention by telling them memorable stories. And then it takes him another fifteen years to find his voice on the page.

With all the wit, charm, irreverence, and poignancy that made Angela's Ashes and 'Tis so universally beloved, Frank McCourt tells his most exhilarating story yet-how he became a writer.

T-HTDP.gif T-Shirt: Honor the Dead; Heal the Wounded; End the War (Purple)
$25.00 $5.00 On Sale!
Available in Standard Regular cut and Women's styles. Note: Women's run smaller.
Select Style and Size:

DVD-FF.jpg DVD: The Future of Food
$35.00 $29.00 On Sale!
A film by Deborah Koons Garcia • Two Disc Special Edition (2005)
• "One of 2005's must-see documentaries." - S.F. Cronicle
• "A rarity! Learned and persuasive" - Village Voice
• "Quietly inflammatory. Unsettling." - N.Y. Times
• "a stunning revelation in almost every scene. Grade A." - Christian Science Monitor
• "If you eat food, you need to see The Future of Food." -
There is a revolution happening in the farm fields and on the dinner tables of America. A revolution that is transforming the very nature of the food we eat.
• Click on title for more about the film...

DVD-USVJL The U.S. versus John Lennon
$30.00 $24.00 On Sale!
Directed by David Leaf & John Scheinfeld • (2006) • 96 minutes.

"John Lennon: Artist. Humanitarian. National Threat." reads the subtitle of this movie. In an empire that is addicted to war and militarism, Lennon really was seen as a national threat by the Nixon administration and the F.B.I.'s J. Edgar Hoover. That the filmmakers took fifteen years to complete is a testament to the timelessness of its subject. "Lennon's spirit, like his music, shines through this movie like a beacon. Powerful stuff." wrote the reviewer for Rolling Stone. This film is the compelling and provocative story of John Lennon's evolution from beloved member of The Beatles (1962-1970) to outspoken artist and activist to iconic inspiration for peace, and how, in the midst of one of the most tumultuous times in American history, Lennon stood his ground, refused to be silenced and courageously won his immigration battle with the U.S. government.
• Click on title for several reviews and more about the film...

MBAM-225.jpg 1.25" Manual Button Assembly Machine
$300.00 $275.00 On Sale!
Same specs as the 1" machine, including same size footprint. This makes one-and-a-quarter-inch size safety pin backed buttons. The backs have the safety pins already pre-inserted (with pins closed) into the button back parts (instead of the collet used only on the 1" button backs). Weighs 7.5 pounds.
MBAM-225.jpg 1" Manual Button Assembly Machine
• 2 step quick button making process
• Swivel die set (no changing dies between steps unlike other machines)
• Cushioned hand grip
• Compact & light weight for easy storage and carrying
These sturdy, solid-steel compact, professional manual button assembly machines are the best on the market.
• weighs only 6.5 pounds! with a 3" x 7" footprint1 • Click on title for more information...

MBAM-225.jpg 1.5" manual Button Assembly Machine
Same specs as the 1" and 1.25" machines, including same size footprint. The backs have the safety pins already pre-inserted and closed (instead of the collet used only with the 1" button size). Weighs 7.5 pounds.
MBAM-225.jpg 1.75" Manual Button Assembly Machine
Same specs as all the other machines described, including same size footprint. This one makes one-and-three-quarter-inch size safety pin backed buttons. The backs have the safety pins already inserted and closed. Weighs 8.5 pounds.
MBAM-225.jpg 2.25" Manual Button Assembly Machine
Same specs as all other button machines. 2.25-inch is the second-most popular size (after the favourite 1-inch size button machine). Weighs 10 pounds.
DVD-MCMC.jpg DVD: My Country My Country
$30.00 $25.00 On Sale!
a film by Laura Poitras • 2006 • 90 minutes
Filmed singlehandedly by an American documentary filmmaker, Laura Poitras, who traveled to Baghdad by herself to capture this extraordinary film of daily civilian life in Baghdad during the second and into the third year of U.S. occupation. The filmmaker was invited into the home of an Iraqi family in Baghdad where she was able to create an intimate and profoundly honest portrait of the family both at home and in public. A heart-felt inside look at a family trying to survive life in wartime. The film was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Documentary of 2006.
• "The definitive non-fiction film about the occupation of Iraq! Indespensible, heartbreaking and ferociously wise." – Michael Atkinson, Village Voice
• Click on title for more...

GPPDC-1.5 SQ 1.5" Square Graphic Punch Paper Die-Cutter
$345.00 $295.00 On Sale!
Cuts paper graphics for the 1.5" square shape buttons, magnets or keychains.
DVD-HM.jpg DVD: Hearts and Minds
$39.00 $31.00 On Sale!
Directed by Peter Davis •1974 • 112 minutes • The Classic Academy Award winner for Best Documentary, 1974 • Released by the Criterion Collection.
Chillingly relevant to our times, filmmaker and journalist Peter Davis illustrates, in poignant graphic terms, both the horrors and lessons of the Vietnam war. Edited from over 200 hours of footage - incorporating newsreels, telecasts, even scenes from Hollywood war movies - Davis' film captures the experience of war through multiple perspectives, depicting its effects on the diverse range its participants (from "doves" to "hawks," military advisors to bombing victims, G.I.'s to bar girls) both in Vietnam and the United States.
• Click on title for more information and a review by N.Y. Times film critic Judith Crist...

MBAM-225.jpg 3" Manual Photo Button Assembly Machine
This machine makes 3" diameter buttons - an ideal size for photo buttons. Same specs as other machines, except is is 3" wide by 7" long by 12" tall, and weighs 15.5 pounds.
BK-SHAE.jpg Audio Book on CD: The Secret History of the American Empire
$40.00 $35.00 On Sale!
Unabridged • 9 CDs • approx. 11 hours • Read by Jonathan Davis. The inside story of the corruption, cronyism and corporate manipulation behind the American Empire today.
• Click on Title for the rest of the description...

bk-er.gif Book: Eyes Right! Challenging the Right Wing Backlash
$17.00 $5.00 On Sale!
Edited by Chip Berlet, Political Research Associates. With contributions from 38 activists and journalists, this anthology brings together some of the most insightful and original thinking about fighting the right today. It brings essential facts, analysis and advise for anyone interested in fighting the right. 398 pages.
JP-PS58.gif Jewelry Pin: Peace Sign Symbol
$7.00 $5.00 On Sale!
5/8" round nickel with clutch-pin backing. 2008 marked the fiftieth anniversary of the creation of the peace symbol. This small jewelry pin peace sign goes well with any oiutit from the most casual to the most formal. Also can be used as cufflinks (does anyone wear those anymore?) Beacuse t has a clutchpin backing, it stays attached much better then the lock oin on 1" buttons. So it will stay put when attached to a messenger bag, backpack, totbag or shoilder strap on any of those.
• For a brief history of the origin of the peace symbol, click on the title of this product...

Button Six-Pax: Set of 6 Color Peace Signs
$12.00 $6.00 On Sale!
The classic 7/8" diameter metal lithographed peace symbol in 6 different colors on a black background. We created this to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the design of the peace sign in 1958. These are only available in this set of six: white, orange, magenta, yellow, blue and green. Packed in a 1" x 2" ziplock bag. The last metal litjograph printing company n North Amerrica went out of business in 2018, after 99 years in business. These kind of buttons, pronted directly on metal, are now a thing of the pasty. That makes these remainiung metal lithographed buttons collector's items that will go up in value to btton collectos into the foreseeablefuture.
SafetyPin BP-500.jpg 1.25" PARTS for Manual Button Machine (Set of 500)
1.25" BP-500
500 sets of metal shells, metal backs with safety pin clasp attachments already inserted (and closed), and crystal-clear, non-yellowing circular-cut mylar coverings. All larger size button parts include the safety pin style attachments already inserted (closed) into the backings: the 1.5", the 1.75" and the 2.25"
P-IYCW.jpg Poster: If You Can Walk...
"If You Can Walk You Can Dance / If You Can Talk You Can Sing" A saying from Zimbabwe (Burning Spear Publications). Printed on heavy (14 point) ivory poster stock, 11"x17"
BK-AALG.jpg Book: Adicto a la Guerra [Espanol ed.]
$10.00 $5.00 On Sale!
The same best-selling graphic history book, "Addicted To War" translated into Spanish. A must-read for Spanish-speaking recruitment-age youth.
SafetyPin BP-500.jpg 1.5" PARTS for Manual Button Machine (Set of 500)
1.50" BP-500
500 sets of metal shells, metal backs with safety pin clasp attachments alreadyinserted (and closed), and crystal-clear, non-yellowing circular-cut mylar coverings.
SafetyPin BP-500.jpg 1.75" PARTS for Manual Button Machine (Set of 500)
1.75" BP-500
500 sets of metal shells, metal backs with safety pin clasp attachments already inserted and closed, and crystal-clear, non-yellowing circular-cut mylar coverings.
P-HOPE.jpg Poster: Hope Has Two Beautiful Daughters; their names are anger and courage.
11" x 17" • art by Janna Schneider • Pink, blue and white on black
"Hope has two beautiful daughters; their names are Anger and Courage.
Anger at the way things are, and Courage to see that they do not remain as they are." – St. Augustine (354-430 A.D.)

SafetyPin BP-500.jpg 2.25" PARTS for Manual Button Machine (Set of 500)
2.25" BP-500
2x2 BP-500.jpg 1.5" Square Parts for Manual Button Machine (set of 500)
1.5" SQ BP-500
Parts for making the 1.5" square (or diamond-shaped) button.
bk-adwar.gif Book: Addicted To War: Why The U.S. Can't Kick Militarism
$10.00 $7.50 On Sale!
77 pages • 161 reference notes • 8.5" x 11" graphic format • Over 375,000 in print!
An illustrated expose by Joel Andreas, "Addicted to War" takes on the most active, powerful and destructive military in the world. Hard-hitting, carefully documented and heavily illustrated, it reveals why the United States has been involved in more wars in recent years than any other country.
The book reveals the terrible fact of the U.S.'s addiction to war and militarism, as well as powerful insights into the causes. In a format accessible to kids from nine to ninety-nine. Packed with historical photos and quotes, the book explains who benefits from our wars, who pays and who dies. Highly recommended from High school age and up. Donate a copy to your school and community library.

The book is endorsed by Veterans For Peace. This Third Edition has been updated in 2004 and 14 more pages have been added covering the war against Iraq. It has been translated into Japanese, Korean, Thai, Danish and German. A Spanish edition is also available from us. It is being used in hundreds of high schools and colleges as a supplemental U.S. history text. Watch a 4 minute video created from the first pages of the book.

Click on title for reviews and the author's Preface to the book...

goldenrule.jpg Poster: The Golden Rule
$15.00 $12.00 On Sale!
Black type and maroon images on Recycled natural 80-pound stock • 11" x 17 • Best-selling poster, fewer than 8 left.
Text reads – Hinduism: Everything you should do you will find in this: Do nothing to others / That would hurt you if it were done to you. (Mahabharata 5:1517
Buddhism: Do not offend others / As you would not want to be offened. (Udanavarga 5:18)
Taoism: The successes of your neighbor and their losses / Will be to you as if they were your own. (T'ai-Shand Kan-Ying Pien)
Confucianism: Is there any rule that one should follow all of one's life? / Yes! The rule of the gentle goodness: / That which we do not wish to be done to us, we do not do to others. (Analectas 15:23)
Judaism: That which you do not wish for yourself / You shall not wish for your neighbor. / This is the whole law: the rest is only commentary. (Talmud Shabbat 31^)
Christianity: In everything, do to others what / You would have them do to you. / For this sums up the law and the prophets. (Matthew 7:12)
Islam: None of you shall be true believers / Unless you wish for your brother / The same that you wish for yourself. (Sunnatt)
Earth Wisdom: Do one of the above; / And live in such a way that you will enrich, and not diminish, / Our relatives in the Earth family / Of animals and plants, soil, air, and water.

ARCC-1-3.5.jpg Adjustable Rotary Circle Cutter

This circle cutter provides a low-cost method to cut circular button graphics with speed and accuracy. Two interchangeable plastic centering templates, pre-cut for 1" button graphics (1.313" diameter) are included and can be cut to match larger sizes. A metal cutting plate is also included - it protects surfaces as the rotary cutter "crush cuts" the paper graphic. The rotary blade lasts for thousads of cuttings, and it only $7 to replace. Depending on paper thickness, multiple graphics may be cut at one time. This circle cutter is $49 less than the die-cut graphic punch device for cutting out paper circles. Made in U.S.A.

• Spring-loaded, bronze-bushed main shaft - permanently lubricated, smooth, steady operation.

• Interchangeable centering template - accurate placement, custom cut for each size, fewer wasted graphics.

• Pre-set stops for five popular button sizes: 1", 1.5", 2.25", 3", 3.5" - easy and fast adjustment between sizes.

• Palm-sized knob - greater comfort, less fatigue.

• Top-mounted, quick-release knob for size adjustments - speedy changes added convenience, full range of sizes from 7/8" to 4" diameter.

• Powder coated finish - durable and attractive.

• Knurled base - provides excellent grip, avoids slipping on graphics (br>
• All metal chasis construction - strong, durable, long-lasting.

• Spare Replacement cutting wheels are sold seperately for $7.

SafetyPin BP-500.jpg 3" Parts for Manual Button Machine (set of 500)
3" BP-500
500 sets of metal shells, metal backs with safety pin clasp attachments already inserted and closed; and crystal-clear, non-yellowing, circular-cut mylar coverings.
Customprinted Labels for Back of Buttons or Stickers (Roll of 1,000 minimum)
For groups or shops who buy our buttons wholesale and want to have a way for their customers to contact them again these labels are the solution. We customprint your contact info in black on white self-stick labels on a roll, and send them to you to apply to the back of each of the buttons you order from us (or from anyone else). We are offering these custom printed labels at our cost as a special service to our customers who order buttons or button parts from us.
• The minimum number of labels you can order is 1,000.
• At higher quantities (2,000 and up) the price per label is a lot lower than at 1,000. The labels are small enough – 1/2" by 3/4" – to fit on the back of even the smallest (1") buttons we sell.
• Size: 1/2" tall x 3/4" self-stick paper labels. For the same price, you can get a slightly larger (1/2" x 2") label to put on the back of bumpertickers or small vinyl stickers.
• Your own wording on up to 4 lines (13 upper case characters per line or 21 lower case letters per line.
• Your choice of one of the following Ink Colors: Black, Red, Green, Blue, or Purple. Ink is for the color of the text (reversal printing is NOT recommended on this small size of label.
• Your choice of one of the following Paper Colors: White Gloss (recycled), Yellow Gloss; ALSO Fluorescent (Dayglo) colors: Red, Yellow, Green, Light Orange, Pink (black ink only on all fluorescent color papers, since other colors don't print in their accurate color on fluorescent paper); ALSO Matte Finish Silver Metallic paper.
• Only choose one ink and one paper color per order of 1,000 labels.
• Because the text will be tiny, we will set it in a clear Ariel or Ariel Narrow font.
Suggested information for each line of text:
• Line 1: (your organization's name)
• Line 2: (continue name if needed; or phone number)
• Line 3: (e-mail adddress)
• Line 4: (website; or price you want to sell button for)

Putting labels on the backs of all buttons (both buttons you make and buttons you buy already made from anyone else) is a smart way to identify and promote your business or group as the source for more of the buttons, so you will get repeat orders and new orders. You can also put these labels on the backs of bumperstickers, postcards, etc. It will also direct people to your website. We are offering these at our cost to help you promote your organization. They are less expensive when ordered in larger quantities (2,000 or more).
• 2,000 (all same) for $249. 3,000 (all same) for $300. 5,000 (all same) for $349. 10,000 (all same) for$395. 15,000 (all same) for $425. 25,000 (all same) for $465.

Prices good trough 2024, after that, prices are subject to change. TO ORDER: Write the wording you want, line by line (4 lines maximum), in the "Comments" section after you click to add this item to your shopping cart. Click once only for a roll of 1,000. Unless you indicate otherwise, we will print them in black ink on white labels.
• You can also order these by emailing us at info "at" donnellycolt "dot" com
You won't find prices this low anywhere else on the internet or at any retail shop. This is a promotional price only available to our customers who want to use custom printed labels on the backs of any buttons you purchase at wholesale from anywhere, that you want to re-sell, so you will be seen as the source for more buttons.

PC-BWW.GIF Postcard: "Because Women's Work..."
Originally published by Leeds Postcards in England.
DVD-TPP.jpg DVD: The Peace Patriots
$28.00 $17.00 On Sale!
78 minutes • directed by Robbie Leppzer • Middle–High School, College, Adult
Narrated by Janeane Garofalo, this feature-length documentary film follows a diverse group of individuals, ranging in age from 14 to 75, including middle and high school students, college students, teachers, clergy, and war veterans from Korea, Vietnam and the Persian Gulf, as they take part in vigils, marches, theatre performances and civil diobedience sit-ins to protest the U.S. war and occupation in Iraq.
• The film features contemporary music by Grammy Award winner Steve Earle, Pete Seeger, Ani DiFranco, Billy Bragg, Jonatha Brooke, Stephan Smith, DJ Spooky, Jami Sieber and original music by John Sheldon

• Click on title for more reviews...

MPN.gif Button: Make Peace With Nature
(1.25" Button) This upside-down peace symbol in the form of a tree is a timeless classic.
BK-H.jpg Book: Hoodwinked - An Economic Hit Man Reveals Why the World Financial Markets Imploded and What We Need Need To Do To Remake Them
$23.00 $17.25 On Sale!
Hardcover • 2009 • by John Perkins (author: Confessions of an Economic Hitman)
John Perkins has seen the signs of today's economic meltdown before. The subprime mortgage fiascos, the banking industry collapse, the rising tide of unemployment, the shuttering of small businesses across the landscape are all too familiar symptoms of a far greater disease. In his former life as an economic hit man, he was on the front lines both as an observer and a perpetrator of events, once confined only to the third world, that have now sent the United States—and in fact the entire planet—spiraling toward disaster.
• For more info click on the title of the book . . .

S-STRI.gif Bumpersticker: Stop The War Against Iraq
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
FREE with all orders!
PC-PRK.GIF Postcard: Practice Random Kindness & Senseless Acts of Beauty
$0.75 $0.25 On Sale!
CD.jpg Magnet: Celebrate Diversity
1" x 2" (same as the button version) with a strong magentiic backing. SEE ALSO: a new version for wearing on clothing; it includes a separate piece of metal to place behind the garment for the strong magnet to cling to: Product code MBM-CD

S-TC.gif Bumpersticker: Tax Cuts for the Rich / Don't Trickle Down On Me
S-IP.gif Bumpersticker (Reflective): Imagine Peace
Light reflective at night • 2" x 6.35"

Sometimes the simplest and fewest words can have the greatest impact. These two were inspired by John Lennon's 1971 song "Imagine" and are even more relevant and needed today. These stickers will enhance any bicycle, bumper or well-trafficked public space you chose to post them.

P-NQ.jpg Poster: "In Germany they first came for the Communists..."
$18.00 $12.00 On Sale!
18" x 24" white gloss 80 pound stock.
Quotation from Pastor Martin Nielmoller (1892-1984) He survived internment in a Nazi concentration camp.
Text on poster: "In Germany they first came for the Communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Catholics and I did not speak up because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me." -Pastor Martin Niemoller

This quotation is widely used to voice the need for unity and supporting one another under authoritarian governments and is a popular model for describing the dangers of political apathy. Repression always begins with specific and targeted fear and hatred which soon escalates to encompass more and more targeted groups.

DVD-SOL.gif DVD: Shadows of Liberty
$34.00 $20.00 On Sale!
Produced, written & durected by Jean-Philippe Tremblay • 2012 • 93 and 53 minute version on one disc • categories: Democracy, Media Studies, Law, Sociology, Journalism, Government, History, Political Science, Communications.
SHADOWS OF LIBERTY examines how the U.S. media are controlled by a handful of corporations exercising extraordinary political, social and economic power. Having always allowed broadcasting to be controlled by commercial interests, the loosening of media ownership regulations, that began under Reagan and continued under Clinton, has led to the current situation where five mega corporations control the vast majority of the media in the United States. These companies not only don't prioritize investigative journalism, but can and do clamp down on it when their interests are threatened.
The film begins with three journalists whose careers were destroyed because of the stories they broke: Roberta Baskin, whose scoop about Nike sweatshops didn't sit well with CBS when Nike became a co-sponsor of the Olympics; Kristina Borjesson, another CBS reporter, whose job lasted precisely one week after the network spiked her investigation into the TWA Flight 800 disaster in 1996; and Gary Webb, whose story linking US support for Nicaraguan Contras and the epidemic in crack cocaine was trashed by The New York Times and the Washington Post. (His story was true, but Webb lost his job and eventually killed himself.)


S-FNOR.jpg Bumpersticker: "FEAR NOT. ORGANIZE. RESIST"
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!

11" x 17 poater • Artist Dawn Cook painted this sign for the 2018 Women's March in Hartford, CT, one of scores of marches in cities and towns throughout the United States on January 20th • photograph by Roxanne Pandolfi.


C:ST.jpg Button: "NO" to Trump (Red Circle & Slash over "TRUMP")
1.5" Button • 2016 • The international "No" symbol, a red circle & slash over the word "Trump" says it all, and is understood in many languages.