Box 188
Hampton, CT
(860) 455-9621

Can't find something you're looking for? Just
ask, and we'll let you know if we have it or can get it.
Gift Baskets
Weve combined some of our union-made merchandise with Fair Trade organic items from around the world. We will use an assortment of fair trade baskets this year depending on the items in the basket. They are all sturdy and beautiful baskets, perfect for many uses. All are made in Bangladesh and are fair-trade certified from non-profit importer, SERRV.
Be sure to check the rest of our Holiday Gift Items for more great gift ideas for any occasion!
Gift Basket: Coffee Lovers Gift Basket
Gift Basket Includes:
"Peace and Justice Coffee", a Donnelly/Colt Progressive Resources Special Blend (Ahab's Revenge) , from small fair trade, organic coffee roaster, Deans Beans, 16 ounce package, whole beans - now in a compostible package! Ahab's Revenge was listed as The #1 Coffee Choice in Better Nutrition Magazine. They described it as "A knock-your-socks-off blend of potent robusta and smooth Arabica beans, with an enthusiastic caffeine content" Dean's Beans afficianado, Kate F. says: " a new mom, it got me through many days after nights of little sleep. It was my lifeline!! And such a rich, full-bodied taste."
A Travel Mug, choice of Cobalt Blue or Smokey Gray, "Work for Peace and Justice" text on one side, peace dove with olive branch graphic on the other side. Made of heavy duty, thick and recyclable plastic, 15 oz capacity, hot and cold, dishwasher safe. Union made in the U.S.A. (select color below)
A Cobalt Blue Glass Mug, an etched imprint on one side says "Peace and Justice" with a peace crane graphic. The other side carries a Margaret Mead quote - "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world, indeed it's the only thing that ever has."
Coexist Button
A beautiful handmade gift card, with a paper crane
Gift Basket: Labor Organizer's Gift Basket
Basket Includes:
"Salt of the Earth" DVD w/mini reproduction of original theatre poster
The classic book "Labor's Untold Story"
"Why Unions Matter" Book
"Salt of the Earth" Book
"Educate Agitate Organize!" "Buy Union Made" and "Organize" Buttons
"Bread Not Bombs," "Don't Mourn, Organize - Joe Hill" and "Organize"
"If You're Not Outraged You're Not Paying Attention" sticker
Gift Basket: Peace Lover's Gift Basket
Gift Basket Includes:
Syracuse Cultural Workers 2021 Peace Calendar
Margaret Mead Poster "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world, indeed it's the only thing that ever has."
A Cobalt Blue Glass Mug, an etched imprint on one side says "Peace and Justice" with a peace crane graphic. The other side carries a Margaret Mead quote - "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world, indeed it's the only thing that ever has."
Antenna Peace Flag (6" x 9" attached to a 5/8" diameter by 12" long wooden dowel.
DVD: "The Peace Patriots"
Book: "Nonviolence Is Not For For Wimps - Musings of an Ohio Farmer"
Button: No More Troops To Afghanistan
Bumpersticker: What have you done to make the world a better place?
Peace in English, Hebrew and Arabic button & Peace Wreath button
"Wage Peace," "Peace is Patriotic," "Peace On Earth," "Bread Not Bombs," "Stop The War," "Honor The Dead / Heal The Wounded / End The War," 3" round Peace Sign decal, "Speak Out For Peace," "Teach Peace," "WhyIs There Always Money For War But Not Education?" bumperstickers
A beautiful handmade gift card, with a paper crane
Gift Basket: Build Your Own
Build Your Own Gift Basket!
You pay $10 for the empty basket and before purchasing write a list of the items you would like in your gift basket in the "Comments" area of the shopping cart page.
We will let you know the total of the gift basket before billing you.
Gift Basket: Rainbow Gift Basket
Gift Basket Includes:
3' x 2' banner length rainbow flag, sewn nylon with brass grommets, made in U.S.A.
Your Choice of One Book: GLBTQ: The Survival Guide for Queer & Questioning Teens - (Young Adult, nonfiction, social issues, $16 retail value;
...OR... A Pictorial History of Harvey Milk (Young Adult, nonfiction, social issues)...OR..."It Gets Better." hardcover
Set of four LGB-themed Post Cards.
Rainbow Paper Crane Mobile (seven rainbow colored paper cranes on a string)
Two sheets of eight 1" x 1.25" rainbow stickers
Packet of 2 pink triangle and 2 rainbow triangle temporary tatoos
Small Vinyl Sticker: GLBT Safe Space
Rainbow Flag Postcard/Sticker
Small Vinyl Sticker: Diversity is Our Strength
Small Vinyl Sticker: Celebrate Diversity
Small Vinyl Sticker: Rainbow Triangle
Button: Love Makes a Family
Button: Celebrate Diversity
Button: Gay Rights are Civil Rights
Button: Value All Families
Button: Rainbow Triangle-shaped
Button: ALLY [on rainbow colored background; for a straight friend
who is a supportive ally]
Button: Happy Marriages For All (Who Want One)
Celebrate Diversity hat
Book: "Things That Make a Gay Heart Cry"
Rainbow Wrist Band (adult or youth size)
Gift Basket: Teacher Appreciation
Basket Includes:
Choice of book: (select below)
- - "Teaching for Joy and Justice : Re-Imagining the Language Arts Classroom"
by Linda Christensen
- - "Why We Teach" by Sonia Nieto
-- "Black Ants & Buddhists" by Mary Cowhey, First Grade Teacher
Choice of calendar: (select below)
- - Syracuse Cultural Workers 2021 Peace Calendar
One "WELCOME" accordion-folded 5" x 35" poster that hangs vertically from the string attached.It;s an inspirational resource that can be displayed in a classroom or for welcoming people to any special event. Printed on 100% post-consumer waste recycled card stock. Each of the seven 5" x 5" panels has a beautiful single letter from the word "WELCOME" and a progressive saying that begins with the panel's letter. Each letter is filled with colorful graphics. A unique and beautiful gift. (sold separately in our catalogue for $12)
"If You Think Education Is Expensive, Try Ignorance " Button & Sticker
One Fair Trade Organic Chocolate Bar
A Travel Mug, choice of Cobalt Blue or Smokey Gray, "Work for Peace and Justice" text on one side, peace dove with olive branch graphic on the other side. Made of heavy duty plastic, 15 oz capacity, hot and cold, dishwasher safe. Union made in the U.S.A. (select color below)
One Package of Peace and Justice Coffee
- - "Peace and Justice Coffee", a Donnelly/Colt Progressive Resources Special Blend, from Deans Beans, 12 oz package, whole beans
Teach Peace Button, Sticker and sheet of labels
A beautiful handmade gift card, with a paper crane