Box 188
Hampton, CT
(860) 455-9621

Can't find something you're looking for? Just
ask, and we'll let you know if we have it or can get it.
Miscellaneous Assorted Items
Just as people don't fit into "molds," these products are difficult to categorize. Below, you'll find yard signs, magnets for stickers, jewelry, patches, license plate frames, flags, hats, ribbon-shaped magnets, rubber stamps, an engraved wooden cutting board, small labels to put on envelopes, checks and postcards, boxes to store, display and sell buttons, suction cups to hold and display stickers or signs inside vehicle or shop or home windows, and various other accessories.
Whole Bean Organic Fair Trade Peace and Justice Coffee - 1 Pound Bag
16oz. Certified Organic, Fair Trade and Kosher "Peace and Justice Coffee", a Donnelly/Colt Progressive Resources Special Blend, roasted by Dean's Beans a premier small, progressive coffee importer and roaster in the Northeast United States. This is an especially delicious special blend of full-bodied Sumatran arabica and robust beans. 16 oz. re-sealable, recyclable package of fresh whole beans.
Mini Hanging Accordion-Style Mini-Poster: "Greetings & Thanks
2" wide by 3" tall, folded MINI-version of the original larger version 100% postconsumer recycled paper
In eleven hand-lettered and watercolor-illustrated panels, GREETINGS & THANKS honors the universal message of gratitude and thanksgiving. It is long and narrow when hung on your wall (it comes with hanging string), or small and handy for prayers and meditations when keep folded on a table. Inspired by the Thanksgiving Address of the Haudenosaunee, an oral tradition used at gatherings. Designed and drawn by Karen Kerney. A portion of the proceeds from sales of this poster go to the Onondaga Nation. (
Click on title to see the full text of the poster
Jewelry Pin: Peace Sign Symbol
$7.00 $5.00 On Sale!
5/8" round nickel with clutch-pin backing. 2008 marked the fiftieth anniversary of the creation of the peace symbol. This small jewelry pin peace sign goes well with any oiutit from the most casual to the most formal. Also can be used as cufflinks (does anyone wear those anymore?) Beacuse t has a clutchpin backing, it stays attached much better then the lock oin on 1" buttons. So it will stay put when attached to a messenger bag, backpack, totbag or shoilder strap on any of those.
For a brief history of the origin of the peace symbol, click on the title of this product...
Magnet: Celebrate Diversity
1" x 2" (same as the button version) with a strong magentiic backing.
SEE ALSO: a new version for wearing on clothing; it includes a separate piece of metal to place behind the garment for the strong magnet to cling to: Product code MBM-CD
License Plate Frame: Work For Peace And Social Justice
LAST 8 LEFT (to be discontinued when they've all sold) From our friends at the Committee Opposed to Militarism and the Draft (COMD) in San Diego comes this license plate frame with white lettering screenprinted on 95% Recycled durable black polystyrene. Union made in the U.S.
You can CUSTOM ORDER license plate frames with your own wording (minimum 100 all the same) at $1.95 each ($195.00 + $50 set-up) Choose from 25 imprint colors on Black, White, Grey, Royal Blue r Red frame color. Production time: 5 working days. Shipping weight for 100: 17 lbs. Shipping method: UPS Ground (100 in one carton) Made in N.Y.C. - Call us 860 455-9621 or
email or TEXT to 860 428-4867 to place a custom order.
Magnetic Bumpersticker Backing
Magnetic Bumpersticker Backing
Add magnetic backing any bumpersticker you get from now on. The sticker adheres onto the magnet and the magnet mounts on your car. When it's on the vehicle it isn't doesn't look different than any other sticker. Now you can quickly remove bumper stickers and switch them to different vehicles. Display different stickers at different times for different reasons. Take stickers off any time you want. As easy to change as wearing a button. This adds a whole new dimension to displaying your views. It also lets you put them on a rental vehicle, so you can be as opinionated in a rened car as in your own. You can even tag that U-Haul truck you rent for a day.
Our 3 & 3/4" x 15" heavy duty (.035 mil thick) flexible magnetic material will hold any size sticker or decal.
The material can be easily trimmed to any size or shape with scissors. Sturdy grip will not come off at any speed.
Now change your stickers easier than you change your oil! We recommend you take the magnetic stickers off before going through a car wash; the high-pressure water could blow them off.
NOTE: It's also a good idea to remove magnetic-backed bumperstickers every 3 to 4 weeks because dust and dirt can build up along the edge and work its way under the magnetic material. Temperature extremes of hot and cold can make the magnetic material difficult to remove if left on a vehicle for a longer length of time than a month.
CD: The People's Music
$17.00 $12.00 On Sale!
by political rap/hip-hop artist Tha Truth 2008 19 tracks
"Tha Truth" is a conscious, political hip hop artist, poet and raptivist known around the Philadelphia area for battling imperialism, inequality, corruption and discrimination. He has performed in countless venues at concerts, colleges, demonstrations, conferences and benefits. This album was heavily influenced by Howard Zinn's classic best-selling book "A People's History of the United States (from 1492 to Present)" On this CD, Tha Truth sums up the suppressed real history of the U.S., alerting listeners to the most critical issues. Every track can be played in the classroom; there's no obscene, sexist, racist or homophobic language. The material is articulate, informed eloquent and inspiring.
To listen to tracks from the CD, go to:
Through his complex, impressive rhyme patterns he describes how these issues go back through time, and offers specific ways to fix them. He takes on bigotry, poverty, pollution, corporate privatization of resources, workers' rights, U.S. health care, corporate media, military recruitment, the poverty draft, the death penalty, immigrant rights, the prison-industrial complex, U.S. foreign policy/empire, New Orleans recovery efforts, homophobia and so much more.
Click on title for more info . . .
CD: The Civil Rights Movement Part 2 - by Tha Truth
$18.00 $12.00 On Sale!
2006 Audio CD artist: Tha Truth
His first CD release, this underground paved the way for his subsequent albums. Tha Truth combines archival original audio sound clips from real people with his original spoken word and music to create a living audio people's history. Here are the tracks:
1. Public Address Intro featuring Martin Luther King Jr.
2. The Camden 28 Intro featuring Howard Zinn
3. The Camden 28
4. Ralph Nader On The System
5. Universal Healthcare
6. Popular Music Today
7. The Real News
8. Intelligence (The CIA)
9. Origin of Religion
10. Free Your Mind
11. We Need Peace (Featuriung Lady JAM )
12. Equality
13. What They Don't Want You 2 Know
14. The Real News (remix)
15. Global Warming
16. It's Time (Part 1)
17. Take My Advice
18. Keys 2 A Better World
19. Outside the Box
20. Words From Pam Africa
21. Solutions
22. End of The Newark March
23. F Bush (Remix)
24. Its Time (Club Mix) by DJ Filthy Rich
25. Bring The Troops Home
CD: The Mis-Education of the Masses
$17.00 $12.00 On Sale!
by political rap/hip-hop artist Tha Truth 2010 1 hour, 11.5 minutes
Tha Truth is a conscious/political underground hip hop artist and "rap-tivist" (rapper-activist) known around the Philadelphia area for battling inequality, poverty, discrimination, and injustice. He has performed in countless venues at concerts, colleges, demonstrations, conferences, and benefits. Since 2006 Tha Truth has released three critically acclaimed underground political rap albums that attack the forces that maintain the status quo.
mix: truth, revolution, struggle, the red pill from the matrix, V for Vendetta, fightclub, the spirits of Bob Marley, Howard Zinn, and George Carlin, then add the Simpsons, the Boondocks, and fighting the system, and cook for 60 minutes.
"Tha Mis-Education of the Masses" was released on May 19th 2010 (Malcolm X's birthday). Tha Truth chose this release date purposely to honor freedom fighters Malcolm X and also Harvey Milk (whose birthday is May 22nd). This CD expands on the themes of equality and justice as his previous projects, while adding substantial doses of sarcastic wit, mind bending and humorous metaphors, and a variety of diversified beats comprised from Middle Eastern live percussion/drums, native flutes, acoustic and rock guitar, reggaeton, and a lot of the lost arts of DJ scratching and mixing.
Click on the title for more information . . .
CD: Music For A Better World - Tha Truth
$17.00 $10.00 On Sale!
by political artist Tha Truth 2013 22 tracks.
The latest of four music CDs we carry by political activist and singer/songwriter Tha Truth. We don't carry music , but his work stands out as so unique, so positive, and it's so hard-to-find elsewhere. You won't find it on YouTube. Incisive, insightful, poetic and unlike so much else in music. It's music distilled from the reality of life in these United States at this time in history. Tha Truth gets to the best in us, in the worst of times. The album title is what it's all about: Music for a better world. This artist deserves the recognition he doesn't get, because in the business of the music industry, challenging the way the world works is rarely well-received or even heard by very many. You can be one more catalyst for change by playing this music. Link to it on your blog, Facebook page or website; get it played on your local college, community or commercial radio station. Send the CD to a D.J. you know and like. Spread the word. It's music to make this world a better place.
His best yet.
Click on album title at the top to see the track listings.
BANNER: Paradox
$22.00 $19.00 On Sale!
Cotton canvas banner, hand silkscreen-printed by Tibetan refugees. 8.5" x 17" with wooden dowels in sleeves at the top and bottom. Cord to hang it on a wall, and four decorative red tassels at the end of each dowel. Quotation from the 14th Dalai Lama.
Click on the title to reach the entire text on the banner . . .
Magnet: Rainbow Triangle
$2.00 $1.00 On Sale!
These magnets can be used on refrigerators, cars, cabinets or an metal surface.
Paper Crane Mobile: Design Paper
Beautiful, paper cranes, symbols of peace. These simple, graceful origami mobiles were originally hand-crafted and strung by our sons, Andrew and Cal, who were inspired to make these after taking part in the 50th anniversary commemoration in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan August 1995. These are made of rice paper imported from Japan, in many beautiful, ornate print designs. No two mobiles are alike! Each one is indivually folded, assembled and strung by Keiko Nabb, a Japanese-American artist.
Paper Crane Mobiles
Beautiful, paper cranes, symbols of peace. Each string now has seven paper cranes hand-folded from Japanese rice paper, in rich, bright colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet and indigo. These simple, graceful origami mobiles were originally hand-crafted and strung by our sons, Andrew and Cal, who were inspired to make these after taking part in the 50th anniversary commemoration in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan August 1995, when they were eleven and thirteen.
Each crane is individually hand folded, assembled and strung by Keiko Nabb, a Japanese-American artist.
Rainbow Flag: 2' x3'
2' x 3' rainbow design, sewn nylon, with brass grommets. Made in U.S.A. Each band of color is stitched together using heavy-weight rip-stop parachute-quality nylon. This is NOT one of the cheaper, imported, light-weight dyed fabric type of flags.
Rainbow Flag: 3x5
$35.00 $29.00 On Sale!
3' x 5' Most popular size rainbow flag, sturdy rip-stop parachute quality, sewn nylon, with brass grommets. Log lasting. Made in U.S.A. Each band of color is stitched together NOT a cheap, sweatshop-made, dyed color flag on flimsy polyester material that easily frays outdoors exposed to wind, sun, rain, etc.
Envelope Label: Teach Peace
Sheet of 12 envelope labels. Each oval label is 3/4" x 1.5". Fits on business cards, personal checks, envelopes, convention badges, name tags, postcards, notecards, notebooks, cellphones, etc. A good item to offer people who visit your table or booth at an event. We've handed out tens of thousands of individual labels at conferences over the years.
These few remaining sheets are the last of a 100,000 print run from over 20 years ago. We no longer can afford to print thousands at a time and take years to sell them in small quantities. If you want these (or any other one-color message/design of this same size. shape label on sheets of a dozen. The minimum we can print is 1,000 83 sheets of a dozen per sheet or on a roll of 1,000) for $$215 + postage (shipping weight: 1 pound) The price is for any one ink color (for text or design or background, with white text and/or design).
Magnet: Peace Symbol over Rainbow
This is the same quality and size (1.75") as the button version only instead of the safety pin on back, it has a full magnetic backing. These magnets can be used on refrigerators, cars, cabinets or any metal surface to hold paper or as a decorative magnet.
Jewelry Pin: Peace Dove and Peace Symbol
Hard-fired genuine Cloisonne enameled die-struck metal pin with dark green peace sign, light blue sky and white dove. Clutch-pin backing. Union-made in U.S.A.
P-Character Growth Wall Chart
4.5" x 39" long 2009 Matte finish cardstock, fan-folded to 4.5" x 9.75"
Here's a low-cost gift that will be treasured for years. Kids love to check to see how tall they have grown. Parents need more opportunities to talk about virtues and character with their children. We've put these two together to create a growth chart that includes seventy child-appropriate positive attributes one every half-inch from 36 to 70 inches.
Click on title of this item for the rest of this description.
Magnet: IN OUR AMERICA . . .
2" x 3" Magnet In response to the 2016 election, a group of Portland (OR) women decided to support an era of activism, democracy and resistance. They call themselves Nasty Women Get Shit Done PDX. Also available as a Magnet ($5), Button ($3), Postcard (1.00) and corrugated plastic yard sign ($15)
Magnet: Resist / We are Sisters
$3.95 $2.00 On Sale!
2.5" x 3.5" MAGNET-BACKED BUTTON Full Color offset lithograohy 2018 Artist Dawn Cook holding the sign she painted for the January 20, 2018 Women's March (Hartford, CT) © 2018 Dawn Cook
photo by Roxanne Pandolfo.
Magnet: PRO...
$3.95 $2.00 On Sale!
2.5" x 3.5" Magnetic-Backed Button Full Color offset lithographed
Photo (of Evelyn from Long Island, N.Y.) at the N.Y.C. Women's March January 20, 2018.
$5.00 $4.00 On Sale!
1" x 2" NEW ITEM: Magnet Backed Button for wearing on clothing
© 1990 Donnelly/Colt Our most popular pin-backed button is now available as a two-piece magnet-backed pinless button in the same size as then original. It has a powerful magnet on back and a separate small piece of metal with rounded edges and corners to put on the inside of a shirt, delicate fabric or thin sweater, that holds it firmly in place, so you don't have to put a hole through the fabric.
Hat: Celebrate Diversity
$28.00 $20.00 On Sale!
Adjustable embroidered cotton cap with plastic tab, union-made in the United States.
Hat: Celebrate Diversity
$28.00 $18.00 On Sale!
Adjustable embroidered cotton cap with leather strap, union-made in United States.
Hat: Stop the Violence
$28.00 $18.00 On Sale!
Adjustable cotton cap.
DVD: Searching For Sugar Man
Documentary 2012 85 minutes directed by Malik Bendelloul ACADEMY AWARD WINNER: BEST DOCUMENTARY 2013!
How is it possible that a musician named Rodriguez could fail with two albums in the U.S., disappear into obscurity for years and then be unknowingly resurrected as a successful, inspirational hero in totally different country? Searching for Sugar Man tells the uplifting, almost unbelievable true mystery of Rodriguez, a story more extraordinary than any of the existing myths about him. From the producer of the Oscar-winning Man on Wire, Searching for Sugar Man is that rare film which connects with audiences and critics alike on an extraordinarily emotional level. Winner of two awards at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival, including the Audience Award, director Malik Bendjelloul's documentary is a film about hope, inspiration and the resonating power of music.
Watch the movie trailer here.
CLICK on title to read the filmmakers comments about Rodriguez, the story and the movie...
Patch: Peace Sign over Rainbow
Self Sticking Embroidered Patch. 2" diameter.
Banner: Earth Photograph from Space on vertical 2' x 3' Banner
Same image of earth as on the 2' x 3' Earth Flag, with the image rotated 90 degrees, so north is at the top of the banner. The banner has a sleve sewn along the top 2' horizontal length, to slide onto a diagonally mounted flagpole, or to slide a wooden dowel through for vertical display on a wall. This banner does not have brass grommets, which the 2' x 3' and 3' x 5' Earth Flags do have.
Made in U.SA.
1" Graphic Punch Paper Die Cutter
A quick tool for cutting paper to the appropriate size for use in the 1" button assembly machine. PLEASE NOTE that it does NOT cut the paper to 1" diameter, but to a larger diameter, to allow for the paper to wrap around the circumference of the button in the button assembly machine. ALL seven sizes of the Graphic Punch die-cutters create an over-sized paper circle that becomes the finished button size, after it is assembled in the button machine. These graphic punches are only for use in the button-making process. It cuts the entire circle at once using a circular cutting die (which never needs sharpening). This device does the cutting precisely and ten times faster than cutting out the circles using a smaller hand held cutter with a rolling blade or by hand using scissors. A sturdy, solid steel, durable tool designed to last a lifetime. 5" wide x 7" long x 3" tall. Weighs 4.6 pounds. Made in U.S.A.
1" Manual Button Assembly Machine
2 step quick button making process
Swivel die set (no changing dies between steps unlike other machines) Cushioned hand grip
Compact & light weight for easy storage and carrying
These sturdy, solid-steel compact, professional manual button assembly machines are the best on the market.
weighs only 6.5 pounds! with a 3" x 7" footprint1
Click on title for more information...
Small Vinyl Sticker: Another SUV Driver for War
Discreet 2" x 6" mini-bumpersticker designed to apply to big, gas-guzzling S.U.V.s Small enough to not be noticed by the driver, yet bright and legible enough to be easily read by anyone stuck at a traffic light in back of the monstrosity from Vehicular Hell. Disclaimer: Always politely ask SUV owners permission to apply this message of truth to their property, they will appreciate your thoughtfulness and concern.
Adjustable Rotary Circle Cutter
This circle cutter provides a low-cost method to cut circular button graphics with speed and accuracy. Two interchangeable plastic centering templates, pre-cut for 1" button graphics (1.313" diameter) are included and can be cut to match larger sizes. A metal cutting plate is also included - it protects surfaces as the rotary cutter "crush cuts" the paper graphic. The rotary blade lasts for thousads of cuttings, and it only $7 to replace. Depending on paper thickness, multiple graphics may be cut at one time. This circle cutter is $49 less than the die-cut graphic punch device for cutting out paper circles. Made in U.S.A.
Spring-loaded, bronze-bushed main shaft - permanently lubricated, smooth,
steady operation.
Interchangeable centering template - accurate placement, custom cut for
each size, fewer wasted graphics.
Pre-set stops for five popular button sizes: 1", 1.5", 2.25", 3", 3.5" - easy
and fast adjustment between sizes.
Palm-sized knob - greater comfort, less fatigue.
Top-mounted, quick-release knob for size adjustments - speedy changes
added convenience, full range of sizes from 7/8" to 4" diameter.
Powder coated finish - durable and attractive.
Knurled base - provides excellent grip, avoids slipping on
graphics (br>
All metal chasis construction - strong, durable, long-lasting.
Spare Replacement cutting wheels are sold seperately for $7.
KeyChain: Celebrate Diversity / Diversity Is Our Strength
$2.00 $1.00 On Sale!
Key tag reads "CELEBRATE DIVERSITY" on one side and "DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH" on the other. Approx. 1" x 2". Union-made in the U.S.A.
Button: I Love My Co-op
$2.00 $0.75 On Sale!
1" Button Great item for your local food co-op.
Available at wholesale for .75’ each for 100-499 and in larger quantity at custom printing prices: 500 at .48’ each; 1,000 or more at .25’ each. These wholesale prices are only for 500 or more of this same button. We will custom print them, because we do not keep that many in stock. It does not apply to mixing assorted different in-stock buttons)
Magnet: You Are The Spark That Started Our Freedom Movement, Thank You Sister Rosa Parks
"You Are The Spark That Started Our Freedom Movement. Thank You Sister Rosa Parks." Text is from the song "Thank You Sister Rosa" by the Neville Brothers (1988) Donnelly/Colt, 1990 1.75" x 2.75", button with full magnetic backing, instread of safety pin backing. Photograph of Rosa Parks taken in 1956.
Rosa Parks was the inspiration for the Montgomery Bus Boycott when she refused to move tio the back of a city bus on December 1, 1955. The boycott lasted more than a year, ultimately changing the discriminatory law that required black bus riders to move to the back of the bus if a white rider wanted their seat. The Neville Brothers made a music video of their song in 2004 you can watch it on YouTube
by clicking here.
In his announcement of the end of the boycott, Martin Luther King said: "The moral arc of the universe is long but it bends towards justice." This quote from M.L.K. s also available as a bumpersticker (search S-MAU)
Assorted Miscellaneous Items
Plaque: Alien Fish
Close Encounters! With all the car plaques of fish, we liked Dark Carnival's unique addition to the school. Their "Alien" fish plaque adds just the appropriate cosmic zaniness to the fish plaque proliferation. Originally evangelical Christian promoted a car plaque of a fish, to repopularize the early christian symbol used by christians, when they were a persecuted minority. Today they're a christian nationalist movement that loves an authoritarian theocracy. Shiny silver on raised black plastic, self sticking.
Magnet 3" x 11.5" - I Get My Electricity From The Sun
$6.00 $5.00 On Sale!
A 3" x 11.5" vinyl sticker adhered on to a flexible magnetic backing for easy placement and removal from any metal surface. This is also available as a standard (adhesive-backed) bumpersticker. Use our site's search engine to locate the sticker. Itis product code S-IGME.
Wire Stake for 14" x 22" or 18" x 24" Yard Sign
IF you need wire frames for 14" x 22" yard signs you already have, you can order extras here. Heavy guage steel wire frame/stake for 14" x 22" yard signs only. Price is for each one. The wire frame easily pushes into ground, gravel or snow. The yard sign slips easily over the top onto the frame.
Because the overall dimensions of the wire frame (20" wide by 34" tall) are so large, we bend the legs 90 degrees into the frame so it can ship more compactly. Made in U.S.
Just bend wire frame legs out upright to use. The price includes the over-sized heavy duty 18" x 25" fiberboard mailing envelope.
BULK PRICE for 14" x 22" or 18" x 245" Wire Stakes for Yard Signs - 25 or more
Wire frames for the 14" x 22" size yard signs, in bulk. 25 or more.
Sometimes you need more frames, but not more printed yard signs. For example, if you're hand painting the signs and only need a few. It's impossible to purchase the wire frames locally at any hardware store. They're just not an item that retail stores stock. Shipping weight for 25 is 15 pounds.
Small Labels: Peace Sign Wreath/set of 100
1.5" Round Paper Labels 5 sheets of twenty labels per sheet (100 total)
Use on holiday cards and envelopes, as well as year-round. Hand them out at events, put on gift boxes, bags, postcards.
Poster: RESIST
11" x 17 poater Artist Dawn Cook painted this sign for the 2018 Women's March in Hartford, CT, one of scores of marches in cities and towns throughout the United States on January 20th photograph by Roxanne Pandolfi.
Envelope Label: Rainbow Triangle
Sheet of 18 envelope labels. Each triangular label is 5/8" on each side. Fits well on checks, envelopes, postcards, notecards, snapshots, foreheads, faces, flashdrives, cellphones, iPods, etc.
Mug & Your Choice of 12 Buttons and/or Bumperstickers: FILL-A-MUG
Our U.S.-made 13 oz. Cobalt Blue Glass Mug with the Margaret Mead quote on one side, and the words "Peace & Justice" on the other side.
YOU choose any 12 buttons and and/or bumperstickers: Write the product codes or names of each item in the "Ordering Instructions" or the "Customer Comments" field. We will price the buttons you select at $1 each HALF the regular $2 price. You save $12. Your buttons will be packed in the mug, and the mug will be put in a corrugated cardboard box. To ensure against breakage, we double-pack the boxed mug in a box with recycled paper, foam "peanuts" or air pillows, all re-used from packing in cartons sent to us from other suppliers. The mug and buttons are all made in the U.S.
Yard Sign: "In Our America All People Are Equal Love Wins Black Lives Matter Immigrants and Refugees Are Welcome Disabilities Are Respected Women Are In Charge of Their Bodies People & Planet Are Valued Over Profit Diversity Is Celebrated
14" x 22" Corrugated plastic colorfast silkscreen printed on both sides (waterproof paint will not run) Created in 2017 by NWGSDPDX (Nasty
Women Get Shit Done - Portland) Includes a wire "H" stake to mount it in the ground NOTE: Shipping cost is higher than the amount automatically estimated by the website ordering calculator. We charge only the actual shipping cost to your location.
Yard Sign: No War On Iran
$10.00 $5.00 On Sale!
18 x 24 corrugated plastic yard sign printed on both sides, steel H style stake included. Waterproof, sturdy.
3' x 5' Flag: Progress Pride Flag
2' x 3' polyester flag with two grommets along one of the 2' sides to attach to a flag pole
Designed in 2018 by Daniel Quasar, the "Progress" Flag places 5 half sized stripes in an arrow shape representing trans and non-binary individuals, marginalized POC communities, as well as those living with AIDS over the left side of the traditional LGBTQ Rainbow Flag.
Small Vinyl Sticker: STAND WITH UKRAINE
2.5" x 3.5" Bright blue & yellow Screenprinted waterproof vinyl sticker for phones, laptops, tablets, water bottles, anywhere 2022 BULK PRICING of .50’ each for 25 or more. $12.50 for fifty; $25 for 100; $45 for 200; $55 for 250. The website doe not re-calculate to Bulk pricing. Just write "BULK PRICE for SVS-SWU" in the Ordering Instructions" or "Customer Comments" field and we will adjust the cost of this item and charge you the correct bulk price.
Postcard/Decal hybrid (Post-Cal): This Machine Surrounds Hate & Forces It to Surrender" - Pete Seeger
Postcard Vinyl Screenrinted Decal Hybrid itwm can e mailed as a postcard for our recipient to use as a sticker. orit can be used as a sitcker by anyone. utdoor durbility 10 years. 3-5/8" x 6" overall size. Peel off decal size: 31/8" x 5-9/16"
Union made.
Paper Self-Stick Labels: Peace Sign Wreath
Self-stick Paper Labels 1.5" Round Digitally printed full color 20 per sheet Union printed 2019
These stickers are perfect to put on envelopes for letters, holiday cards, postcards and other mailings. The same image as our 1.5" button (item PSW)