3.75" x 7.5" Screenprinted vinyl bumpersticker • Union printed • 2022 • Available wholesale at .85¢ each (minimum quantity 25 for wholesale)
Magnetic Bumpersticker Backing
Magnetic Bumpersticker Backing
Add magnetic backing any bumpersticker you get from now on. The sticker adheres onto the magnet and the magnet mounts on your car. When it's on the vehicle it isn't doesn't look different than any other sticker. Now you can quickly remove bumper stickers and switch them to different vehicles. Display different stickers at different times for different reasons. Take stickers off any time you want. As easy to change as wearing a button. This adds a whole new dimension to displaying your views. It also lets you put them on a rental vehicle, so you can be as opinionated in a rened car as in your own. You can even tag that U-Haul truck you rent for a day.
• Our 3 & 3/4" x 15" heavy duty (.035 mil thick) flexible magnetic material will hold any size sticker or decal.
• The material can be easily trimmed to any size or shape with scissors. Sturdy grip will not come off at any speed.
Now change your stickers easier than you change your oil! We recommend you take the magnetic stickers off before going through a car wash; the high-pressure water could blow them off.
NOTE: It's also a good idea to remove magnetic-backed bumperstickers every 3 to 4 weeks because dust and dirt can build up along the edge and work its way under the magnetic material. Temperature extremes of hot and cold can make the magnetic material difficult to remove if left on a vehicle for a longer length of time than a month.
Bumpersticker: "The moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends toward justice." - M.L.K.
$2.25 $0.75 On Sale!
3" x 11.5" bumpersticker • Martin Luther King quote; One free sticker with every order IF you ask for one in the Ordering Instructions field.
Bumpersticker: If you want Peace work for Justice
2.75" x 15"
Bumpersticker (Reflective): Imagine Peace
Light reflective at night • 2" x 6.35"
Sometimes the simplest and fewest words can have the greatest impact. These two were inspired by John Lennon's 1971 song "Imagine" and are even more relevant and needed today. These stickers will enhance any bicycle, bumper or well-trafficked public space you chose to post them.
Bumpersticker: War Costs - Lives; Health; Education; Environment; Economy; Respect
Bumpersticker: A War Economy Leaves ALL Children Behind
Bumpersticker: "There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people." - Howard Zinn
Bumpersticker: Speak Out For Peace
Bumpersticker: "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." - Jimi Hendrix
Bumpersticker: War is Costly; Peace is Priceless
Bumpersticker: War is not healthy... aren't you sick of it?
Bumpersticker: To Stop Terrorism Stop Terrorizing
Bumpersticker: No Blank Check for Endless War
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
Bumpersticker: It is just as patriotic to keep your country from dying as it is to die for your country. --William Sloane Coffin
Bumpersticker: Make Jobs Not War
Bumpersticker: Teach Peace
3.75" x 7.5"
Bumpersticker: Why is there Always Money for War, But Not for Education?
Bumpersticker: War is Not the Answer
$2.25 $2.50 On Sale!
This is a REFLECTIVE bumpersticker: headlights at night make it show up brilliantly. Most stickers are not reflective because it is much more expensive to use the reflective base material.
• Click on title for some anecdotal evidence...
Bumpersticker: Support Our Soldiers; Bring Them Home Alive; End the War Now
$2.25 $0.50 On Sale!
3.75" x 15" Bumpersticker
Bumpersticker: Stop the War / Stop the Lies
$2.25 $2.00 On Sale!
Bumpersticker: War is not working; Neither are millions of Americans
Bumpersticker: "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act" George Orwell
3" x 11.5" • George Orwell quote
Bumpersticker: Dare to Speak Truth to Power
Bumpersticker: Work For Peace And Social Justice
$2.25 $2.00 On Sale!
Bumpersticker: Why do we kill people who kill people to show that killing people is wrong?
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
Bumpersticker: Honor Vets Wage Peace
Small Reflective Sticker: Broken Rifle Peace Sign
$2.50 $1.00 On Sale!
2.5" round reflective sticker, great on helmets, bikes, and vehicles.
Small Vinyl Sticker: Peace Sign
3" round sticker. 2008 is the 50th anniversary of the design of the peace sign.
Celebrate by putting the symbol known in many languages for peace. (see the book we carry: "Peace: The Biography of a Symbol"
Bumpersticker: These Colors Don't Run The World
$2.25 $0.75 On Sale!
An honest re-working of an old pro-war cliche: the addition of the last two words brings truth to a powerful myth. 3" x 11.5"
Bumpersticker: Peace is Patriotic
$2.25 $2.00 On Sale!
2.75" x 15"
Bumpersticker: Stop the War
$2.25 $0.50 On Sale!
3" x 11.5" Get it on sale for the next undeclared (or declared) war!
Bumpersticker: Earth--Oval
4" x 6" European style oval sticker used to identify one's country. This version is for the rest of us who identify as citizens of the world. A 21st century classic.
Bumpersticker: An Eye for an Eye Leaves the Whole World Blind
Bumpersticker: Sow Justice / Reap Peace
$2.25 $2.00 On Sale!
2.75" x 15" • Dark Green ink on white sticker
Bumpersticker: There can be no victory in a war which never should have been fought
$2.25 $2.50 On Sale!
A local carpenter here in town, let's just call him "Joe the carpenter," came to us to make this bumpersticker for him. It's a powerful truth about a bitter lesson we as a nation seem unable or unwilling to learn, so we become more entrenched, more blinded by a policy built on lies, with each additional death and injury. We haven't seen as potent away of saying it on a sticker anywhere else.
Bumpersticker: There's no way to peace; Peace is the way.
Small Vinyl Sticker: There's No Way to Peace, Peace is the Way
Bumpersticker: Bread Not Bombs
$2.25 $2.00 On Sale!
4" diameter round sticker designed by Kate Donnelly, 1981.
Small Vinyl Sticker: Bikes Not Bombs
Small Vinyl Sticker: Every Minute the World Spends $700,000 on War While 30 children Die of Hunger & Inadequate Health Care
Small Vinyl Sticker: End Oil Addiction, Bike for Peace
Small Vinyl Sticker: To End Male Violence Men Must Take Intiative
Small Vinyl Sticker: War is the Real Enemy
Small Vinyl Sticker: Peace-Paz-Verde-Fred-Paix-Pace-Frieden
Bumpersticker: I'd Rather Be Smashing Imperialism
Bumpersticker: U.S. Troops Out of the Middle East
$2.25 $0.50 On Sale!
Bumpersticker: Do We Fear Our Enemies More Than We Love Our Children
Bumpersticker: Dissent is the highest form of patriotism
Bumpersticker: Kids learn what they live; Stop Violence In Their Lives
$2.25 $1.50 On Sale!
Bumpersticker: "Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved through understanding" Albert Einstein
Bumpersticker: How Many Lives per Gallon? www.democracynow.org
The website given is to the outstanding one hour news broadcast every Monday through Friday, "Democracy Now!" Go to the website and see how you can see, hear or read it every weekday to get the news you won't find on mainstream media.
Bumpersticker: It'll be a great day when our schools have all the money they need and the Navy has to hold a bake sale to buy battleships.
Bumpersticker: Two Peoples, Two States, One Future
Bumpersticker: Commit Planned Acts of Organized Resistance & Premeditated Solidarity
Small Vinyl Sticker: Seven Deadly Social Sins: Politics without Principle. Wealth without work. Commerce without morality. Pleasure without Conscience. Education without Character. Science without Humanity. Worship without Sacrifice. --Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948)
$1.50 $0.75 On Sale!
3.75" x 4.25" • Quote from Gandhi, also available on the poster P-SDSS in the poster section of the website.
Small Vinyl Sticker-War
$1.50 $0.75 On Sale!
Red Slash over the word war on a small vinyl 3" sticker
Bumpersticker: War Doesn't Show Who's Right, Just Who's Left
Bumpersticker: Question Authority
Bumpersticker: We Refuse to be Enemies; Muslims, Jews & Christians Working for Peace & Justice
$2.25 $2.50 On Sale!
Bumpersticker: Killing one Person is Murder; Killing 100,000 is Foreign Policy
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
Bumpersticker: Honor Diversity
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
7 color screenprinted bumpersticker © 1993 * union-made.
Bumpersticker: Diversity is our Strength
$2.25 $1.25 On Sale!
3" x 11.5" 7 color screenprinted bumpersticker © 1993 * union-made.
Bumpersticker: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, comitted citizens can change the world; indeed it's the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead
Bumpersticker: War Is Terrorism
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
3.75" x 7.5" silkscreened bumpersticker
Bumpersticker: Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups
3" x 11.5" New version is black and white text on white and red background.
Bumpersticker: You Reap Just What You Sow
3.75 x 7.5" REFLECTIVE bumpersticker
Small Vinyl Sticker: Another SUV Driver for War
Discreet 2" x 6" mini-bumpersticker designed to apply to big, gas-guzzling S.U.V.s Small enough to not be noticed by the driver, yet bright and legible enough to be easily read by anyone stuck at a traffic light in back of the monstrosity from Vehicular Hell. Disclaimer: Always politely ask SUV owners permission to apply this message of truth to their property, they will appreciate your thoughtfulness and concern.
Bumpersticker: Wage Peace
Small Vinyl Sticker: Three Peace
3.75" x 3.75" square sticker with "Peace" in English, Hebrew and Arabic, in white lettering.
Bumpersticker: Abolish Racism
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
Small Vinyl Sticker: Soldier and Bloody Flag Graphic
$2.00 $1.00 On Sale!
Bumpersticker: War Sucks, Why Fight It?
Bumpersticker: "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed..." - President Dwight D. Eisenhower
Bumpersticker: Friends don't let friends join the military
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
Envelope Label: Teach Peace
Sheet of 12 envelope labels. Each oval label is 3/4" x 1.5". Fits on business cards, personal checks, envelopes, convention badges, name tags, postcards, notecards, notebooks, cellphones, etc. A good item to offer people who visit your table or booth at an event. We've handed out tens of thousands of individual labels at conferences over the years.
These few remaining sheets are the last of a 100,000 print run from over 20 years ago. We no longer can afford to print thousands at a time and take years to sell them in small quantities. If you want these (or any other one-color message/design of this same size. shape label on sheets of a dozen. The minimum we can print is 1,000 83 sheets of a dozen per sheet or on a roll of 1,000) for $$215 + postage (shipping weight: 1 pound) The price is for any one ink color (for text or design or background, with white text and/or design).
Bumpersticker: Reconciliation Not Revenge
License Plate Frame: Work For Peace And Social Justice
LAST 8 LEFT (to be discontinued when they've all sold) From our friends at the Committee Opposed to Militarism and the Draft (COMD) in San Diego comes this license plate frame with white lettering screenprinted on 95% Recycled durable black polystyrene. Union made in the U.S.
You can CUSTOM ORDER license plate frames with your own wording (minimum 100 all the same) at $1.95 each ($195.00 + $50 set-up) Choose from 25 imprint colors on Black, White, Grey, Royal Blue r Red frame color. Production time: 5 working days. Shipping weight for 100: 17 lbs. Shipping method: UPS Ground (100 in one carton) Made in N.Y.C. - Call us 860 455-9621 or
email or TEXT to 860 428-4867 to place a custom order.
Bumpersticker: Stop Nuclear Madness
Bumpersticker: Stop The War Against Iraq
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
FREE with all orders!
Envelope Label: Rainbow Triangle
Sheet of 18 envelope labels. Each triangular label is 5/8" on each side. Fits well on checks, envelopes, postcards, notecards, snapshots, foreheads, faces, flashdrives, cellphones, iPods, etc.
Bumpersticker: Racism...the Affliction; Education...the Perscription; Knowledge...the Cure
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
3" x 12"
Bumpersticker: "Whatever you do may seem insignificant, but it is most important that you do it." -Gandhi
3" x 11.5"
Bumpersticker: Don't Mourn, Organize
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
3.75" x 11.5" Bumpersticker • Joe Hill's famous last words
Bumpersticker: War Is Terrorism With A Bigger Budget
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
3" x 11.5" Bumpersticker
Bumpersticker: I'm Already Against the Next War
3" x 11.5" • Black on Yellow vinyl
Bumpersticker: Coexist
$4.00 $3.00 On Sale!
3" x 11" • white design on royal blue
Bumpersticker: Honor the Dead, Heal the Wounded, End the War
Bumpersticker: What Would Pete Do?
3" x 11.5 • Vinyl Bumpersticker • concept courtesy of Veterans Fellowhsip of Reconciliaion • this version designed by Donnelly/Colt 2019.
Pete seeger (1919-2014) lived 94 years as a folk singer, banjo player, environmental and peace activist in Beacon, New York. From Wikipedia:
Pete Seeger (May 3, 1919 – January 27, 2014) was an American folk singer and social activist. A fixture on nationwide radio in the 1940s, he also had a string of hit records during the early 1950s as a member of the Weavers, most notably their recording of Lead Belly's "Goodnight, Irene", which topped the charts for 13 weeks in 1950. Members of the Weavers were blacklisted during the 1950s McCarthy Era. In the 1960s, Seeger re-emerged on the public scene as a prominent singer of protest music in support of international disarmament, civil rights, counterculture, and environmental causes.
A prolific songwriter, his best-known songs include "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" (with Joe Hickerson), "If I Had a Hammer (The Hammer Song)" (with Lee Hays of the Weavers), and "Turn! Turn! Turn!", which have been recorded by many artists both in and outside the folk revival movement. "Flowers" was a hit recording for the Kingston Trio (1962); Marlene Dietrich, who recorded it in English, German and French (1962); and Johnny Rivers (1965). "If I Had a Hammer" was a hit for Peter, Paul and Mary (1962) and Trini Lopez (1963) while the Byrds had a number one hit with "Turn! Turn! Turn!" in 1965.
Seeger was one of the folk singers responsible for popularizing the spiritual "We Shall Overcome" (also recorded by Joan Baez and many other singer-activists) that became the acknowledged anthem of the Civil Rights Movement, soon after folk singer and activist Guy Carawan introduced it at the founding meeting of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) in 1960. In the PBS American Masters episode "Pete Seeger: The Power of Song", Seeger said it was he who changed the lyric from the traditional "We will overcome" to the more singable "We shall overcome".
Small Vinyl Sticker: STAND WITH UKRAINE
2.5" x 3.5" Bright blue & yellow Screenprinted waterproof vinyl sticker for phones, laptops, tablets, water bottles, anywhere • 2022 • BULK PRICING of .50¢ each for 25 or more. $12.50 for fifty; $25 for 100; $45 for 200; $55 for 250. The website doe not re-calculate to Bulk pricing. Just write "BULK PRICE for SVS-SWU" in the Ordering Instructions" or "Customer Comments" field and we will adjust the cost of this item and charge you the correct bulk price.