Poster: Pete Seeger
2013 11" x 17" print signed by the artist, Robert Shetterly
This painting is part of Robert Shetterly's growing series of Americans Who Tell the Truth. Shetterly, a Maine portrait artist has created dozens of paintings of women and men throhghout U.S. history, who have challenged the status quo in many fields. This is the first of his portraits that we are offering. The text reads: "Song, song, kept them going and going. They didn't realize the millions of seeds they were sowing. They were singing in marches, even singing in jail. Songs gave them the courage to believe they would not fail."
Poster: Change The World
18" x 24" 80 pound print stock photograph of Dorothy Day by Bob Fitch published by the Resource Center for Nonviolence, Santa Cruz, CA
Dorothy Day, the radical Catholic Worker activist at a United Farm Workers protest in Lamont, CA in July, 1973. Print run: 1,000 copies.
Click on title to read the complete text on the poster...
Poster: Hope Has Two Beautiful Daughters; their names are anger and courage.
11" x 17" art by Janna Schneider Pink, blue and white on black
"Hope has two beautiful daughters; their names are Anger and Courage.
Anger at the way things are, and Courage to see that they do not remain as they are." St. Augustine (354-430 A.D.)
Poster: Buttons of the Cause (1960-2003)
24" x 36" Offset lithographed OUT-OF-PRINT LAST FEW OF THIS PRINT are still available. The publisher not be reprinting this. Poster created by a button collector and activist from his personal collection of hundreds of buttons from the 1960 to 2003. From Malcolm X to Generation X...from Black Power to nuclear power this is the poster that took 43 years to create. Even if you don't agree with the protests, events and demonstrations featured on these buttons, no one can argue that this contemporary art work is sure to spark conversation. With over 370 original buttons and 260 historical footnotes, this colorful art print poster is everything but black and white. This poster is not sold in stores or other catalogues. An impressive and colorful graphic history of American progressive causes of the late 20th century. A fascinating addition to any classroom, dorm room or home.
Click on title for more information about the poster...
Poster: Towards a Just Peace: Feed, Teach, House, Employ
$15.00 $12.00 On Sale!
11" x 17" 2010/1985 80 pound cover stock
One of our best-selling posters. From apartheid-era South Africa, it was created for the anti-apartheid End Conscription Campaign. Also available as a T-Shirt
P-JLSF-IMAG 24" x 36" 2013 photograph of inlay at Strawberry Fields, the memorial to John Lennon (1940-1980) in Central Park, N.Y.C.
Poster: Peace Cranes
"The Sin Must Not Be Repeated. Hiroshima-Nagasaki, 50 Years of Resistance To the Bomb" Design by Erica Weiss(Donnelly/Colt. 1994) 11"x17"
Poster: Greetings & Thanks to the Natural World (accordian-folded)
4.25" wide by 5.3" tall, folded (4.5" x 39" long, unfolded) 100% postconsumer recycled paper
In eleven hand-lettered and watercolor-illustrated panels, GREETINGS & THANKS honors the universal message of gratitude and thanksgiving. It is long and narrow when hung on your wall (it comes with hanging string), or small and handy for prayers and meditations when keep folded on a table. Inspired by the Thanksgiving Address of the Haudenosaunee, an oral tradition used at gatherings. Designed and drawn by Karen Kerney. A portion of the proceeds from sales of this poster go to the Onondaga Nation. (
Click on title to see the full text of the poster
Poster: Children's Innocence
Painting by Margery Cohen. Gandhi quote on children, "If we are to reach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with children.." (Donnelly/Colt, 1998). 11" x 17"
Poster: The Seven Deadly Social Sins
The Seven Deadly Social Sins: Politics without Principle; Wealth without Work; Commerce without Morality; Pleasure without Conscience; Education without Character; Science Without Humanity; Worship without Sacrifice. - Gandhi. 11"x17" on heavy paper. Published by Sojourners Magazine.
Poster: How To Build Community
12" x 36" Designed by Karen Kerney watercolor also available as postcard P-HTBC
Turn off your TV Leave your house Know your neighbors Look up when you are walking Greet people Sit on your stoop Plant flowers Use your library Play together Buy from local merchants Share what you have Help a lost dog Take children to the park Garden together Support neighborhood schools Fix it even if you didn't break it Have pot lucks Honor elders Pick up litter Read stories aloud Dance in the street Talk to the mail carrier Listen to the birds Put up a swing Help carry something heavy Barter for your goods Start a tradition Ask a question Hire young people for odd jobs Organize a block party Bake extra and share Ask for help when you need it Open your shades Sing together Share your skills Take back the night Turn up the music Turn down the music Listen before you react to anger Mediate a conflict Seek to understand Learn from new and uncomfortable angles Know that no one is silent though many are not heard Work to change this.
Poster: Martin Luther King Jr. Quote: "The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral..."
$18.00 $15.00 On Sale!
18" x 24"
Click on title for the rest of the quotation text of the poster...
Poster: King 1967 Speech
(Donnelly/Colt design ©1994). Recycled paper. 11"x17"
Click on title for full text of quotation...
Poster: "In Germany they first came for the Communists..."
$24.00 $12.00 On Sale!
18" x 24" white gloss 80 pound stock.
Quotation from Pastor Martin Nielmoller (1892-1984) He survived internment in a Nazi concentration camp.
Text on poster: "In Germany they first came for the Communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Catholics and I did not speak up because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me." -Pastor Martin Niemoller
This quotation is widely used to voice the need for unity and supporting one another under authoritarian governments and is a popular quotation to describe the dangers of political apathy in the face of authoritarianism. Repression always begins with specific and targeted fear and hatred which soon escalates to encompass more and more targeted groups.
Poster: Cesar Chavez
MARCH 31st is CESAR CHAVEZ DAY (1927-1993)
18" x 24" Photo of Cesar Chavez taken in 1971 in Delano, CA by Bob Fitch at a United Farm Workers meeting. The photo was used to create the artist's rendering of Chavez on a 2002 commerative postage stamp. The federal government took out the U.F.W. Organizing Committee flag that appears in the background of the original photograph to de-politicize the image. The U.S. Postal Service has never honored union organizing on any of its hundreds of commemorative stamps over the past century.
The poster also has text along the left side in ivory ink on the red background: " 'I am convinced that the truest act of courage, the strongest act of manliness, is to sacrfice ourselves for others in a totally nonviolent struggle for justice...
Nonviolence is not inaction. It is not discussion. It is not for the timid or weak.
Nonviolence is hard work. It is the willingness to sacrifice. It is the patience to win.' Cesar Chavez "
The poster is union printed (2007) by Community Printers, Santa Cruz, CA
Poster: Coexist (2x3 version)
2 x 3 ft. print 2013
This is a new version of one of the most popular posters. This one is vertically-formatted, and the colors are vivid against a black background. You can trim the 2 foot width to accomodate a smaller space if you want to. It's a beautiful fresh take on the co-exist theme. This version also includes the nine-pointed star, symbol of the Ba'ha'i Faith (it isn't on other versions).
Poster: Martin Luther King
17" x 22" 2 color poster Photograph by Bob Fitch Published by Resource Center for Nonviolence, Santa Cruz, CA
Poster: It'll Be A Great Day...
$8.00 $4.00 On Sale!
"It'll Be A Great Day When Our Day Care Centers Have All The Money They Need And The Navy Has To Hold A Bake Sale To Buy Battleships." (War Resistors League, ©1979) 17"x22".
Poster: Audre Lorde
Stunning, colorized photograph of poet Audre Lorde, printed on heavy poster stock (23 x 23") with the quote: "When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid." - Audre Lorde (1934-1992)
In her own words, she was a "Black, lesbian, mother, warrior poet" as well as an acivist, teacher, cancer survivor, author of 17 books of prose and poetry. Audre Lorde is still giving strength, guidance, and inspiration over 2 decades since her passing.
(Syracuse Cultural Workers, 1994) 23"x23".
Poster: Study History
$15.00 $12.00 On Sale!
11" x 17" design by Ricardo Levins Morales
from lyrics by Si Kahn and a quote by labor activist Peter Rachleff. This print drives home the importance of history in social change activism. A people or a movement without awareness of its own history are lost and destined to repeat the mistakes of the past.
Poster: We Will Not Be Silent!/Sophie Scholl
$10.00 $8.00 On Sale!
11" x 17" poster 2008 Ivory cover stock
The text is from the first of six leaflets written and clandestinely mimeographed inside Nazi Germany in 1942-43 by University of Munich students who called their secret group The White Rose. Photograph of Sophie Scholl probably taken by a friend, circa 1940-42.
Click on title for more information...
Poster: "Let us not become the evil that we deplore." --Barbara Lee, House of Representatives 9/14/01
Poster: Places the U.S. Hs Bombed Since World War II
$15.00 $12.00 On Sale!
11" x 15" ODigital print designed by Josh McFee of Just Seeds 2009
Our nation outspends every other nation on earth, combined, in on war and preparation for war. It's a war and militaism dependent economy. No wonder we have had war on a nearlty continuous basis since W.W. II. This poster shows the countries we've waged war against. Simple yet powerful graphics tell the grim story of our national addictioin to war.
Poster: Raise Our Voices
18" x 24" art by Eric Drooker
Caption reads: "Raise our voices against the tanks! Join with us! Swell our ranks! Rid the world of evil tanks funded by evil banks!"
Poster: Sophie Scholl The True Story of The Woman Who Defied Hitler
$10.00 $8.00 On Sale!
11" x 17" High Gloss poster stock
Photograph of German college student anti-Nazi activist and member of the White Rose, a secret student group at the University of Munich in Germany during the Nazi regime. The group mimeographed a series of six leaflets against the Nazis, which the Third Reich considered an act of treason against the German state. The students were arrested, interrogated, and within five days brought before a "kangaroo court" ("The People's Court"), charged, prosecuted, sentenced and taken from the courtroom directly to the guillotine to be beheaded. The Nazi's needed to make an example of the White Rioe students. The German government feared that there may have been other Germans clandestinely opposed to the Nazi dictatorship. Under a fascist dictatorship, people are executed by the state for merely leafletting. Sophie Scholl (1923-1944) and the White Rise students' courage in the face of such a regime stands out still today as an example to be honored, remembered and emulated if and when totalitarianism takes over another country.
go to this link for a brief but powerful introduction to Sophie Scholl:M
BANNER: Paradox
$22.00 $19.00 On Sale!
Cotton canvas banner, hand silkscreen-printed by Tibetan refugees. 8.5" x 17" with wooden dowels in sleeves at the top and bottom. Cord to hang it on a wall, and four decorative red tassels at the end of each dowel. Quotation from the 14th Dalai Lama.
Click on the title to reach the entire text on the banner . . .
Poster: End War Rebuild America
$4.00 $1.00 On Sale!
11" x 17" 2010 80 pound cover stock
Poster: Mohandas K. Gandhi photograph
11" x 16"
Creator of revolutionary nonviolent action for social change.
Poster: Make Art Not War
Designed by Shepard Fairie 2007 18" x 24" post-consumer recycled satin finish stock. Also available as a postcard (see Peace Postcards; Social Justice Postcards)
Poster: Every Great Dream Begins...
11" x 17" 2010 Art & design by Angela Mark Red Sun Press Collective 80 pound gloss recycled stock full color vegetable-based inks. The text is a quotation:
"Every great dream begins with a dreamer.
Always remember you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the starts to change the world." Harriet Tubman
Poster: Price of Silence
$15.00 $13.00 On Sale!
11" x 17" Hand silkscreen printed on ivory textured matte finish poster stock. Designed and union-printed by Ricardo Levins Morales.
This beautiful hand lettered text was inspired by the famous quotation from the journal of Pastor Martin Niemoeller, who was imprisoned in a Nazi concentration camp in World War II. This present-day revision of the text updates the meaning while honoring the spirit of the original words. See our other poster, item # P-NQ, for Niemoller's original quotation which inspired this updated version.
Poster: Labor Movement
11" x 17" design by Ricardo Levins Morales
Social progress for humanity did not happen by itself and it will not defend itself. Organized workers struggled long and hard for every workplace gain that's been achieved. Only organized people can do that.
Poster: Welcome
Accordion Poster 4" x 35" 2012
Each of the seven 4" x 5 WELCOME panels contains a beautiful letter filled-in with graphics from a previously published Syracuse Cultural Workers product, and a progressive saying which begins with the panels letter. This inspirational poster will welcome people to your home, office, place of worship, classroom or any other location you want to have awarm, inviting "Welcome message on display. It can also be used as a booklet/gift for welcoming rituals.
Folded, it comes with a strng through a hole at the top to hang it.
Poster: We Are The Mainstream
$15.00 $13.00 On Sale!
11" x 17" digital print by Ricardo Levins Morales
Poster: Signs
Beautiful 17" x 22" watercolor illustration by Amy Bartell on heavy stock (A.E. Originals) witha quotation from Dante:
"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times a great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality."
also avaiable as a T-shirt and postcard.
Poster: Gone With The Wind: Reagan & Thatcher in 1981 Nuclear Armageddeon Satire Movie Poster
24" x 36" Matte Finish 100 pound cover stock 1981
The beginning of the downward spiral from progress to the increasing wealth of the 1%. This poster is a classic from the resistance movement during the Reagan/Thatcher era. Last remaining copies of the original U.S. imprint run of this satiric take-off of the "Gone With The Wind" movie poster. Lots of humorous details. When these are sold out, they're gone ...with the wind. And still at its original 1981 price of $4 ! (shipping at today's prices is at least another $5; we will charge the exact cost of shipping the poster rolled in a sturdy tube)
Poster: WELCOME - 9" x 60" Horizontal version
9" x 60" accordion-folded; seven 9" x 8.75" horizontal panels, spelling "Welcome" 2013
The large horizontal can be hung in classrooms, offices, and it accordions across a shelf, on a mantle or at the back of a display.
Each of the seven panels in our accordion posters contains a beautiful, single letter from the word "welcome" which is filled with graphics of previously published images.
Poster: "War Is Not Healthy for Children & Other Living Things"
22" x 26" Original design by Lorraine Schneider for Another Mother for Peace © 1966. This classic image was reproduced with permission by the Center for the Study of Political Graphics in 2003, and only a few rprints are still available. It was out-of-print for decades. Offset lithographed on gloss finish enamel 65 pound stock. As of 2019, it is no longer in print. We have one print left.
Poster: Independent Alternative Media
$15.00 $10.00 On Sale!
2008 11" x 17" print designed by Ricardo Levins Morales.
Whether it's magazines, weekly papers, pirate low-power radio, cable TV channels, or internet broadcasting, alternative media tell our stories when the mainstream media does not. And alternative media is increasingly under attack.
Poster: Kids Learn
"Kids Learn What The Live / Don't Buy War Toys" Drawing by Jo Billings. (Stop War Toys Campaign/War Resisters League, ©1988). 11"x17".
Poster: Sing & Shout...Pete Seeger (1919-2014)
18" x 24" offset lithographed print 2014 photograph of Pete Seeger by Bob Fitch published by Resource Center for Nonviolence 6/14 union printed
This photograph of Pete Seeger was taken when he was fifty in 1969, three years past the halfway point of his 94 year life, which spanned most of the 20th century and influenced folk music as well as the peace, social and environmental justice movements of the last half century. Thank you, Pete, for your service to both your country and the world, as a global citizen.
Poster: If You Want Peace Work for Justice
$15.00 $13.00 On Sale!
11" x 17" poster hand-lettered watercolour graphic
Poster: Pete Seeger - ‘Presente!
12" x 18" offset lithographed photographic print 2014 union printed 110 pound recycled poster stock using soy-based inks. Celebrate the life and legacy of Pete Seeger (1917-2014)
Poster: The Cycle of Cooperation
11 x 17" poster art by Ricardo Levins Morales union printed
Poster: Our Calling
11 x 17" poster art by Ricardo Levins Morales union printed
Text around border reads:
"Our calling is not to cross boundaries, defy restrictions or escape compartments. It is to embrace a universe that does not admit their existence."
Poster: "A Nation that continues year after year to spend more money on war than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death" Martin Luther King, Jr.
12" x 18" poster 2016 Martin Luther King quite on the U.S. war budget.
Poster: Early Warning Signs of Fascism
$15.00 $10.00 On Sale!
Early Warning Signs Of Fascism 12" x 24" 2016 P-EWSF
Laurence W. Britt wrote about the common signs of fascism in April, 2003, after researching seven fascist regimes: Hitler's Nazi Germany; Mussolini's Italy; Franco's Spain; Salazar's Portugal; Papadopoulos' Greece; Pinochet's Chile; Suharto's Indonesia. Post this when then most people will be able to read it and realize that it applies to our own "Homeland" (the same word the used to describe their nation). Put this poster up in community centers, clubs, town halls, libraries, schools, workplaces, churches, synagogues mosques.
Also available ads a postcard: P-EWSF
For more info & to read the text click on the link below . . .
Poster: Same Struggle Different Difference
16" x 18" Offset Lithographed [poster 2014 © Dan Wilkins/ SCW©2014
"There is power in knowing my struggle is your struggle and yours mine." Dan Wilkins
Poster: Sophie Scholl
11" x17" print on 67 pound cover stock
"We will not be silent We are your bad conscience The White Rose will not leave you in peace!"Sophie Scholl, 9 May 1921 - 22 February 1943 Sophie Magdelena Scholl, German student & Co-founder of the White Rose group in Munich 1942. With her brother Hans and others wrote, mimeographed & distributed thousands of copies of a series of six fliers in 1942-43. Arrested 18 Feb 1943 they were tried, sentenced & beheaded five days later. Their courage in the face of facism as the only resistance group inside Nazi Germany will never be forgotten.
Poster: Peace Tree
$12.00 $10.00 On Sale!
$10 11" x 11" print on 67-pound white stock 1978 art by Erika Weiss for the War Resisters League. previously produced on T-Shirts by Donnelly/Colt (1987-2010) P-Peacetree.
Poster: Love Wins
Print on poster stock art by Amy Bartell 2017
Poster: In the End All We Have to Offer is Ourselves
Digital print 11" x 17" poster designed by Ricardo Levins Morales 2021 $12
Poster: RESIST
11" x 17 poater Artist Dawn Cook painted this sign for the 2018 Women's March in Hartford, CT, one of scores of marches in cities and towns throughout the United States on January 20th photograph by Roxanne Pandolfi.