Box 188
Hampton, CT

(860) 455-9621

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New Items

The most recent additions to the Donnelly/Colt Online Catalog. New items are added throughout the year and will appear in this section, though not always on the home page.

S-PD Bumpersticker: Protect Democracy
3" x 5.75" screen printed bumpersticker.

S-MJNW.gif Bumpersticker: Make Jobs Not War
Progress Pride Flag Button Button: Progress Pride Flag 1" x 2"
The new Progress Pride Flag 1" x 2 rectangular button is printed in 10 colors! Offset lithographed in ten separate runs through the printing press for maximum accuracy of colors.

GTpackage.jpg Poster: Greetings & Thanks to the Natural World (accordian-folded)
4.25" wide by 5.3" tall, folded (4.5" x 39" long, unfolded) • 100% postconsumer recycled paper
In eleven hand-lettered and watercolor-illustrated panels, GREETINGS & THANKS honors the universal message of gratitude and thanksgiving. It is long and narrow when hung on your wall (it comes with hanging string), or small and handy for prayers and meditations when keep folded on a table. Inspired by the Thanksgiving Address of the Haudenosaunee, an oral tradition used at gatherings. Designed and drawn by Karen Kerney. A portion of the proceeds from sales of this poster go to the Onondaga Nation. (
• Click on title to see the full text of the poster

P-HOPE.jpg Poster: Hope Has Two Beautiful Daughters; their names are anger and courage.
11" x 17" • art by Janna Schneider • Pink, blue and white on black
"Hope has two beautiful daughters; their names are Anger and Courage.
Anger at the way things are, and Courage to see that they do not remain as they are." – St. Augustine (354-430 A.D.)

JP-PS58.gif Jewelry Pin: Peace Sign Symbol
$7.00 $5.00 On Sale!
5/8" round nickel with clutch-pin backing. 2008 marked the fiftieth anniversary of the creation of the peace symbol. This small jewelry pin peace sign goes well with any oiutit from the most casual to the most formal. Also can be used as cufflinks (does anyone wear those anymore?) Beacuse t has a clutchpin backing, it stays attached much better then the lock oin on 1" buttons. So it will stay put when attached to a messenger bag, backpack, totbag or shoilder strap on any of those.
• For a brief history of the origin of the peace symbol, click on the title of this product...

IGB.jpg Button: It Gets Better!
Dan Savage's book and organization inspired this 1.5" diameter button.

P-TAJP.gif Poster: Towards a Just Peace: Feed, Teach, House, Employ
$15.00 $12.00 On Sale!
11" x 17" • 2010/1985 • 80 pound cover stock
One of our best-selling posters. From apartheid-era South Africa, it was created for the anti-apartheid End Conscription Campaign. Also available as a T-Shirt

P-EWRA.gif Poster: End War Rebuild America
$4.00 $1.00 On Sale!
11" x 17" • 2010 • 80 pound cover stock

BTC.gif Button: "Be the change you wish to see in the world." --Gandhi
1.25" button.
ULI.jpg Button: Uranium - Leave it in the Ground
SVS-BIKEPEACE.gif Small Vinyl Sticker: Bike with Peace Sign Wheels Graphic
oval 2.5" x 3.5" decal
PBC.jpg Button: Parenthood by Choice
Discontinued - Supplies limited
DVD-EOS.jpg DVD: The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion & the Collapse of the American Dream
Directed by Gregory Greene Hosted by Barrie Zwicker • 78 minutes

Since World War II North Americans have invested much of their newfound wealth in suburbia. It has promised a sense of space, affordability, family life and upward mobility.
• Click on title for the rest of the description...

S-WRTBE.gif Bumpersticker: We Refuse to be Enemies; Muslims, Jews & Christians Working for Peace & Justice
$2.25 $2.50 On Sale!
S-YMS.gif Bumpersticker: You may say I'm a dreamer (I've been called worse)
S-NHCN.gif Bumpersticker: National Health Care Now
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
S-TC.gif Bumpersticker: Tax Cuts for the Rich / Don't Trickle Down On Me
S-TFB.gif Bumpersticker: The future belongs to those who change / The changes will do you good...
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
S-RFR.gif Bumpersticker: Real Freedom Requires Free Thinkers
S-SPHC.gif Bumpersticker: Single Payer Health Care
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
DFD.gif Button: Drumbeat for Darfur
1.5" x 2" rectangular; $1.75 of every $2 from the sale of this button goes directly to help build and staff the Ariang Primary School in South Sudan. You can also contribute directly to this effort by sending a donation to: Gabriel Deng, founder/director of Hope For Sudan, Inc., P.O. Box 6887, Syracuse, N.Y. 13217-6887 Tel. (315) 396-4636. Visit the website:
DVD-TWTV.jpg DVD: The Wave (TV drama version)
$25.00 $14.00 On Sale!
44 minutes • 1981 •This is the made-for-TV version adapted from the true incident in history teacher Ron Jones' Palo Alto, California high school classroom in 1967. (the DVD case mistakenly says 1969). It is the dramatization that millions of people have seen. This dramatization was directed by Alexander Grasshoff, and produced for television by Norman Lear. It aired nationally in 1981. The powerful forces of group pressure that lead to a totalitarian mindset grew out-of-control in the classroom experiment known as "The Wave." After all the years since it was made, this is still a valuable lesson for students to see and learn. A novel was adapted from the TV script.
Also see "The Wave - Ron Jones Stories" to hear the story told for the first time, first hand, before a live audience in 1996, by the teacher who created it in his classroom, 29 years after it happened. (1 hour) Both films, together make a profound presentation, over two or more days (total time: 1:44)
• For more about the story, visit "The Wave" and "The Third Wave" entries on

DVD-WAVE_1.jpeg DVD: Ron Jones Stories - The Wave
Written & Performed by Ron Jones • 1996 • 60 minutes • Dirksen/Malloy Productions
For the first time, breaking a long silence, world history teacher Ron Jones tells "what really happened" in his 1967 classroom "experiment" The Wave.
• Click on title for the rest of the story...

DVD-RBA.jpeg DVD: Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People
Produced by Media Education Foundation • 50 minutes • featuring Dr. Jack Shaheen
NOTE: This price is ONLY for home purchase. Schools, libraries & community groups & universities must pay $250, which includes public screening rights. REEL BAD ARABS take a devastating tour of the American cinematic landscape, moving from the earliest days of silent film to today's biggest Hollywood blockbusters to reveal an astonishing and persistent pattern of slanderous Arab stereotyping. Featuring acclaimed author and Hollywood film consultant Dr. Jack Shaheen, the documentary exposes America's long love affair with Arab villainy and buffoonery, from over-sexed Bedouin bandits and submissive maidens to sinister sheikhs and blood-thirsty terrorists. Along the way, the film provides striking insights into the origin of these images, their disturbing similarities to anti-Semitic and racist stereotypes from the past, and their political resonance during key moments of conflict in U.S. history...
• Click on title for the rest of the description.

DVD-NL.gif DVD: No Logo: Brands, Globalization, Resistance
produced by Media Education Foundation • 42 minutes + 9 min. of extras
In the age of the brand, logos are everywhere. But why do some of the world's best known brands find themselves on the wrong end of the spray paint can– the targets of anti-corporate campaigns by activists and protesters?
NO LOGO, based on the best-selling book by Canadian journalist and activist, Naomi Klein, reveals the reasons behind the backlash against the growing economic and cultural reach of multinational companies

• Click on title for more information...

DVD-DE.jpeg DVD: The Diamond Empire (the film DeBeers Tried to Silence & Censor)
$125.00 $95.00 On Sale!
Produced by Janine Roberts • 1994 (first time on video is 2008) • 102 minutes
• "In all my years of teaching, this is the single most important video I have ever shown to my students. No film has proven as successful in showing how a major art of their identities has been constructed by a corporate, commercial culture. This movie changes the way we see the world." – Sut Jhally, Dept. of Communication, UMass
• "Our goal is to make diamonds a cultural imperitive for all important aspects of a woman's life." – DeBeers promotional statement to its retailers
• Click on title for film description...

PC-NM.jpg Postcard: Nelson Mandela - The Struggle is My Life
P-SCHOLL.jpg Poster: We Will Not Be Silent!/Sophie Scholl
$10.00 $8.00 On Sale!
11" x 17" poster • 2008 • Ivory cover stock
The text is from the first of six leaflets written and clandestinely mimeographed inside Nazi Germany in 1942-43 by University of Munich students who called their secret group The White Rose. Photograph of Sophie Scholl probably taken by a friend, circa 1940-42.
• Click on title for more information...

S-WDYW.gif Bumpersticker: What do you do to make the world a better place?
3" x 11.5"

SPN.gif Button: Sun Power Now!
Original offset-printed 1978 vintage antique, not a reprint.
SOTB.gif Button: Support Our Troops / Bring Them Home Now!
$2.00 $1.00 On Sale!
2.25" Button
P-LATBF.jpg Poster: Let All Trade Be Fair!
$11.00 $9.00 On Sale!
11" x 17"Full Color • by Ricardo Morales Levins
Whether it's coffee, soccer balls, fruit, chocolate, children's toys or household goods, let all trade be fair to the people of the world.

T-EYH.gif T-shirt: Encourage Your Hopes Not Your Fears
$18.00 $5.00 On Sale!
Navy blue 100% cotton shirt with ivory and white imprint on front.
Please choose t-shirt size:

DVD-BAO.jpeg DVD: Blood & Oil
Directed by Michael Klare • from Media Education Foundation * 52 min.
• "Michael Klare looks into the future with sharper eyes than almost anyone else around." – Bill McKibben, author: The End of Nature
• "Compelling, credible and thought-provoking...A must-see for current and older generations who have served America's militaristic pursuit of oil." – Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski, U.S. Air Force (Ret.)
• "Indisepensible to an understanding of the critical problems we face. I hope that this lucid and historically accurate film is widely seen." – Chalmers Johnson, author: The Blowback Trilogy

• Click on title for more description and Special Features included on this DVD...

P-ROV.jpg Poster: Raise Our Voices
18" x 24" • art by Eric Drooker
Caption reads: "Raise our voices against the tanks! Join with us! Swell our ranks! Rid the world of evil tanks funded by evil banks!"

DVD-TPP.jpg DVD: The Peace Patriots
$28.00 $17.00 On Sale!
78 minutes • directed by Robbie Leppzer • Middle–High School, College, Adult
Narrated by Janeane Garofalo, this feature-length documentary film follows a diverse group of individuals, ranging in age from 14 to 75, including middle and high school students, college students, teachers, clergy, and war veterans from Korea, Vietnam and the Persian Gulf, as they take part in vigils, marches, theatre performances and civil diobedience sit-ins to protest the U.S. war and occupation in Iraq.
• The film features contemporary music by Grammy Award winner Steve Earle, Pete Seeger, Ani DiFranco, Billy Bragg, Jonatha Brooke, Stephan Smith, DJ Spooky, Jami Sieber and original music by John Sheldon

• Click on title for more reviews...

HTBWM.gif Button: How to Build a War Machine...
1.5" x 2" rectangle

WC.gif Button: War Costs: - Lives - Health - Education - Environment - Economy - Respect
(1.75" Button)
PSGH.gif Button: Celebrating 50 Years of Gerald Holtom's Symbol '58 - '08
$2.00 $0.50 On Sale!
(1.25" Button) • English graphic designer Gerald Holtom created the peace symbol in 1958. It was first used in the Easter march for Nuclear Disarmament from London to Aldermaston. The symbol is made up of the semaphor code for the letters "N" and "D" for Nuclear Disarmament. This button was designed by Ken Kolsbun, author of the book: "Peace: The Biography of a Symbol" published by National Geographic on the 50th anniversary of the peace sign (2008). We carry the book (our product BK-PTBS)
S-TCB.gif Bumpersticker: There can be no victory in a war which never should have been fought
$2.25 $2.50 On Sale!
A local carpenter here in town, let's just call him "Joe the carpenter," came to us to make this bumpersticker for him. It's a powerful truth about a bitter lesson we as a nation seem unable or unwilling to learn, so we become more entrenched, more blinded by a policy built on lies, with each additional death and injury. We haven't seen as potent away of saying it on a sticker anywhere else.
DVD-CI.jpg DVD: Crude Impact - It's worse than you think, but it's not too late
$25.00 $14.00 On Sale!
Directed by James Jandak Wood • 96 minutes + 2 hours of extras
An award-winning documentary film which Chris Vernon of called "a terrific film...the best documentary I've seen on the subject." This feature film explores the interconnection between human domination of the planet and the discovery, refining, global dependence on and use of crude oil.
• "It is impossible to see this film and not begin to rethink the way we live." – Lynne Twist, Pachamama Alliance
• Click on title for more information...

AthAW.gif Button: Athletes Against War
HGAW.gif Button: Hunter Gatherers Against War
DanAW.gif Button: Dancers Against War
RCBH.gif Button: Regime Change Begins at Home
$2.00 $0.25 On Sale!
1.5" Button
S-EGTI.gif Bumpersticker: "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed..." - President Dwight D. Eisenhower
S-JTM.gif Bumpersticker: Friends don't let friends join the military
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
S-GCO.gif Bumperstickers: Get Corporations Off Welfare
$2.25 $1.50 On Sale!
Bumpersticker: Stop-sign modification sticker: "Rape"
Designed to place on stop signs as shown in graphic. NOTE: This image shows the sticker affixed to a stop sign. The sticker itself is only the word "RAPE" (4" x 12") in white on a red background. It can only be used effectively when placed under the word "STOP" on a sign.
NMSE.gif Button: www. No More Stolen Elections .org
2" diameter, octagon shape.
Check out this website:

MPN.gif Button: Make Peace With Nature
(1.25" Button) This upside-down peace symbol in the form of a tree is a timeless classic.
SOECMS.gif Button: Save our Economy / Cut Military Spending
(1.5" Button)
NMTTA.gif Button: No More Troops to Afghanistan
$2.00 $1.00 On Sale!
(1.5" Button) The situation in Afghanistan is a nightmare. The surge has not worked. As we escalated the war, the insurgency fought harder and grew in numbers. Western troops are seen as foreign occupiers in the Afghan homeland, and now have murdered 16 civilians, including little children, in the middle of the night in Kandahar province. The surge has produced a record number of coalition and Afghan deaths, injuries and lost limbs. The surge has not stopped the momentum of the insurgency; just last year there were over 16,000 IED attacks against U.S. troops – a record number. Bring our troops home. Call your member of Congress toll-free at 877-429-0678
MBAM-225.jpg 7/8" Manual Button Assembly Machine
Just like the one-inch machine, but this one makes an even smaller size button: just seven-eighths of an inch in diameter. The smallest button size available. Perfect for those who prefer discreetness over visibility. Also, this (like the one-inch size) is great to convert to earrings: see earring backs and posts at the end of this section. The earring backings have a permanent adhesive to replace the removeable lock pin. This smaller size is even more popular with those who like one-inch buttons. The component parts to make the buttons (shells, collets, clear acetate covers and lock pins) are the same price as the one-inch size, too.
• 2 step quick button making process
• swivel die set (no changing dies between steps, unlike other machines)
• Cushioned hand grip
• Compact (3" x 9" footprint) & light weight (only 7 pounds) for easy storge and carrying

GPPDC-100.jpg 7/8" Graphic Punch Paper Die Cutter
Quickly and easily cuts the printed designs for 7/8" size buttons to the oerfect size every time. One press of the handle does it safely and efficiently. 5" wide x 7"long x 3" tall. Weighs 4.6 pounds. Made in U.S.A.

buttonpartsjpg.jpg 7/8" Button Parts
7/8" BP-500
Set of 500 complete button parts for making 7/8th inch buttions: shells, collets, non-yellowing, crystal-clear acetate covers and lock pins.
P-HTBGC.jpg Poster: How to Build Global Community
12" x 36" • Designed by Karen Kerney • watercolor • also available as postcard (P-HTBGC)
12" x 36" • Designed by Karen Kerney • watercolor
Think of no one as "them" • Don't confuse your comfort with your safety • Talk to strangers • Imagine other cultures through their poetry and novels • Listen to music you don't understand • Dance to it • Act locally • Notice the workings of power & privileged in your culture • Question consumption • Know how your lettuce and coffee are grown: wake up and smell the exploitation • Look for fair trade and union labels • Help build economies from the bottom up • Acquire few needs • Learn a second (or third) language • Visit people, places, and cultures - not tourist attractions . . .
• For rest of the quote, click on the title (above)

S-IGMES.gif Bumpersticker: I get my electricity from the SUN
3" x 11.5" bumpersticker
TPS.jpg Button: Together Proud and Strong
3" Button * Hand silkscreen printed and assembled
limited edition

VEWLB.jpg Button: Violence ends where love begins
(1.5" Button)
FPS.gif Button: Fist Peacesign graphic
1" diameter • hand printed & assembled • limited quantity in stock.
BIKES.jpg Button: Bikes Not Bombs
1" diameter • Hand assembled button
VFP.gif Button: Veterans for Peace
1.5" diameter
CG.jpg Button: Growing Carrots Graphic
image originally created as enameled art on a ceramic disc • 1.5" diameter
For your food co-op, farmer's market community garden.

LGG.jpg Button: Live Green (green tree)
1.25" Button, hand-assembled without electricity. 100% post-consumer recycled paper.
P-LGL.jpg Poster: Live Green
$8.00 $5.00 On Sale!
Click the poster to see a larger version of it.
• 11" x 17"

P-TTG.jpg Poster: Transition to... Green
$6.00 $4.00 On Sale!
Click the poster to see a larger version of it.
• 8" x 17"

SYLFE.jpg Button: Support Your Local Farmer
1" Button, hand-assembled without electricity. 100% post-consumer recycled paper.
DVD-GOS.jpg DVD: The Greening of Southie
$30.00 $15.00 On Sale!
Directed by Ian Cheney • 2009 • 72 minutes
In the traditionally Irish-American working-class neighborhood of South Boston, Mass. a new kind of building has taken shape. From wheatboard cabinetry to recycled steel, bamboo flooring to dual-flush toilets, the Macallen building is something different: a leader in the emerging field of environmentally friendly design. But Boston's steel-toed union workers aren't sure they like it. And when things on the building start to go wrong, the young developer has to keep the project from unravelling. Building Boston's first L.E.E.D. Gold-certified building turns out to be harder than anyone thought. Yet among the i-beams and brickwork emerges a small cadre of unlikely environmentalists who come to connect their work with the future of their children. .
• Click on title for Awards and excerpts from eleven reviews of the film...

IYDL.gif Button: If you don't like the news go out and make some of your own
1.75" Button • This saying was the audio tagline of alternative San Francisco radio journalist Wes "Scoop" Nisker, whose commentaries were broadcast on KSAN-FM from the late 1960's through the '70's. It made sense then and still does today. "Scoop" also entitled his 1994 book with this phrase he popularized. The book is long out-of-print, but Amazon offers a new copy for $188! It originally sold for $14.95.
Button: Celebre la Diversidad
Now there's a Spanish version of our best-selling "Celebrate Diversity" button. 1" x 2" rectangular.
PC-MANW.jpg Poster: Make Art Not War
Designed by Shepard Fairie • 2007 • 18" x 24" • post-consumer recycled satin finish stock. Also available as a postcard (see Peace Postcards; Social Justice Postcards)
PC-MANW.jpg Postcard: Make Art Not War
Design by Shepherd Fairie • 2007
Also available as a poster (see Peace Posters; Social Justice Posters)

S-IGMES.gif Magnet 3" x 11.5" - I Get My Electricity From The Sun
$6.00 $5.00 On Sale!
A 3" x 11.5" vinyl sticker adhered on to a flexible magnetic backing for easy placement and removal from any metal surface. This is also available as a standard (adhesive-backed) bumpersticker. Use our site's search engine to locate the sticker. Itis product code S-IGME.

P-SSWWDH.jpg Poster: Sophie Scholl The True Story of The Woman Who Defied Hitler
$10.00 $8.00 On Sale!
11" x 17" • High Gloss poster stock
Photograph of German college student anti-Nazi activist and member of the White Rose, a secret student group at the University of Munich in Germany during the Nazi regime. The group mimeographed a series of six leaflets against the Nazis, which the Third Reich considered an act of treason against the German state. The students were arrested, interrogated, and within five days brought before a "kangaroo court" ("The People's Court"), charged, prosecuted, sentenced and taken from the courtroom directly to the guillotine to be beheaded. The Nazi's needed to make an example of the White Rioe students. The German government feared that there may have been other Germans clandestinely opposed to the Nazi dictatorship. Under a fascist dictatorship, people are executed by the state for merely leafletting. Sophie Scholl (1923-1944) and the White Rise students' courage in the face of such a regime stands out still today as an example to be honored, remembered and emulated if and when totalitarianism takes over another country.
• go to this link for a brief but powerful introduction to Sophie Scholl:M

S-DandP.gif Bumpersticker: Drive & Pollute
KC-CD.jpg KeyChain: Celebrate Diversity / Diversity Is Our Strength
$2.00 $1.00 On Sale!
Key tag reads "CELEBRATE DIVERSITY" on one side and "DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH" on the other. Approx. 1" x 2". Union-made in the U.S.A.
ILMC.jpg Button: I Love My Co-op
$2.00 $0.75 On Sale!
1" Button • Great item for your local food co-op.
Available at wholesale for .75ข each for 100-499 and in larger quantity at custom printing prices: 500 at .48ข each; 1,000 or more at .25ข each. These wholesale prices are only for 500 or more of this same button. We will custom print them, because we do not keep that many in stock. It does not apply to mixing assorted different in-stock buttons)

NCNB.gif Button: Nature Can't Be Restocked
2" x 2" Barcode with zebras
SIS.gif Button: Stay in school. Learn the system. Then change the system, before it changes you...
1" x 2"
WPO.jpg Button: What part of the 1st Amendment don't you understand?
$2.00 $1.00 On Sale!
GMA.jpg Button: God Made Adam & Steve too
Less than ten remaining. Out-of-print.

SPHC.gif Button: Single Payer Health Care
NWD.jpg Button: Photo of "No War" Demonstrator
GAL.gif Button: "Governments always lie. You have to kick their ass to get them to do the right thing." -- Phil Ochs 1971
2.25" hand assembled button. A little-known quote from the great antiwar singer/songwriter, Phil Ochs (1940-1976).
S-RNR.gif Bumpersticker: Reconciliation Not Revenge
S-SIS.gif Bumpersticker: Stay in school, Learn the system, Then change the system, Before it changes you
WBW.gif Button: Well behaved women rarely make history. -Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
1.5" diameter
PC-DNSS.jpg Postcard: Democracy is not a spectator sport
PC-TWT.jpg Postcard: The time we take is the only time we have
Postcard imported from Germany.
PC-WWS.jpg Postcard: What we see often is only a fractional part of what it really is.
P-ABCGL.jpg Poster: The ABC's of Green Living
24" x 36" • 100% post-consumer recycled 100 pound weight print stock • by Donna Tarbania, Karen Kerney (illustrations and design), Dik Cool and many friends ฉ 2010 • Green living defined letter by letter with 26 illustrations.
• Click on the title to see an enlarged version of the poster that's legible.

S-ENGSI.gif Bumpersticker: The Environment: A National & Global Security Issue!
STE.jpg Button: Save the Earth
2" diameter
TITOU.gif Button: Tune In / Turn Off / Unplug
1" button. A present-day revisioning of Timothy Leary's 1967 comment, ("turn on, tune in, drop out"). It was catchy. People remembered it. It was solopsistic. Today we need a message focused on three simple steps to energy conservation: awareness, and actions to un-learn our unconscious wasteful habits. Like Pete Seeger said he believes the world will be saved by millions of people doing small things.
PC-DJNF.jpg Postcard: Do Justice...
Do Justice
Learn From The World Community
Cherish The Natural Order
Nurture People
Nonconform Freely

PC-NWT.jpg Postcard: "If mankind wants to survive, we will need a new way of thinking."
quote from Albert Einstein
PC-MGQ.jpg Postcard: "No culture can survive if it attempts to be exclusive." --Mahatma Gandhi
quote printed in German beneath English quote.
PC-BEQ.jpg Postcard: Indigenous People of the Americas - Honoring 500 Years of Dignity and Survival
"It may be that some little root of the sacred tree still lives. Nourish it then, that it may leaf and bloom and fill with singing birds." --Black Elk

PC-PT.gif Postcard: The Pentagon's Tab
The Pentagon's Tab:
$650 Million per Day
Consider that the military already spends:
• More on the military today than the next 10 countries combined. (see chart)
• 42.5% of the entire world's military expenditures.
• Four times more on military than federal investment in education, job training, housing, economic development, and environmental protection combined.

PC-AWW.jpg Postcard: All the water in the world - All the air in the atmosphere
Sea, rivers, lakes, ground water, ice and clouds. (1,4087 billion cubic kilometers) - Gathered into a ball at sea-level density. (5140 trillion tonnes)
PC-HTBWM.jpg Postcard: How to build a war machine
• Develop military technology
• Sell weapons to anyone
• Villify the developing world
• Develop military technology
• Start a black market
• Mobilize the media
• Glorify military power
• Bully the developing world
• Falsify history
• Make war - Clean up - Develop military technology

PC-MandC.jpg Postcard: Mother and Child
watercolor by Anna Price-Oneglia (American, b. 1951). 1992
PC-CG.jpg Postcard: Coffee Goddess
watercolor by Anna Price-Oneglia (American, b. 1951). 1992
PC-ATP.jpg Postcard: Arthur Schopenhauer Quote
"All truth passes through three stages: First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as being self-evident." --Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) • a powerful truism
Postcard: Aboriginal Artwork
PC-OAA.jpg Postcard: "Old Age Ain't No Place For Sissies"
Postcard: UNICEF Photo of Twins Breast-feeding
CD-MOTM.jpg CD: The Mis-Education of the Masses
$17.00 $12.00 On Sale!
by political rap/hip-hop artist Tha Truth • 2010 • 1 hour, 11.5 minutes
Tha Truth is a conscious/political underground hip hop artist and "rap-tivist" (rapper-activist) known around the Philadelphia area for battling inequality, poverty, discrimination, and injustice. He has performed in countless venues at concerts, colleges, demonstrations, conferences, and benefits. Since 2006 Tha Truth has released three critically acclaimed underground political rap albums that attack the forces that maintain the status quo.
mix: truth, revolution, struggle, the red pill from the matrix, V for Vendetta, fightclub, the spirits of Bob Marley, Howard Zinn, and George Carlin, then add the Simpsons, the Boondocks, and fighting the system, and cook for 60 minutes.
"Tha Mis-Education of the Masses" was released on May 19th 2010 (Malcolm X's birthday). Tha Truth chose this release date purposely to honor freedom fighters Malcolm X and also Harvey Milk (whose birthday is May 22nd). This CD expands on the themes of equality and justice as his previous projects, while adding substantial doses of sarcastic wit, mind bending and humorous metaphors, and a variety of diversified beats comprised from Middle Eastern live percussion/drums, native flutes, acoustic and rock guitar, reggaeton, and a lot of the lost arts of DJ scratching and mixing.
• Click on the title for more information . . .

T-CKQ-B.png T-Shirt: "Our Life Is More Than Our Work / Our Work Is More Than Our Jobs
$20.00 $5.00 On Sale!
100% cotton union-made. 5.7 ounce T-shirt.
White imprint front & back on BLACK shirt. Select size & color.
Longtime New England folksinger Charlie King hads a song entitled "Our Life Is More Than Our Work" and the refrain is "and our work is more than our jobs"

DVD-VAH.jpg DVD: Vietnam: American Holocaust
$20.00 $13.00 On Sale!
2008 • 87 Minutes • Written, Produced and Directed by Clay Claiborne
The best documentary on the Vietnam War. Shows how the U.S. government killed more than 3 million Vietnamese in their War of Independence (which we call the Vietnam War). Starts with the history of the conflict from WWII, the defeat of the French, how the American people were lied into the conflict in the Gulf of Tonkin. Then shows how the killing was done. Includes testimony from soldiers and Vietnamese. Narrated by Martin Sheen.
"Very Powerful. I think [the filmmaker] did a good job of connecting Vietnam and Iraq ... White phosphorous moment is particularly strong." —David Zeiger, Director of "Sir! No Sir!"
"I do a lot of public speaking on the subject of Vietnam. ... [the filmmaker] uses footage, some of which I've never seen before...In my talks, I will say Eisenhower said this or McNamara said that. This documentary shows them actually saying it." — Scott Camil, 1st Marines, Vietnam (1965-1967) Winter Soldier (1971)
Includes five special features:
Preview of Part II, Vietnam: Peoples Victory
Trailer for Vietnam:American Holocaust
Kennedy Wanted Out!, Written by Martin Sheen
2008 Interview with Scott Camil
Interview with the Filmmaker
• Click on title for more information . . .

S-WINH.gif Bumpersticker: War is not healthy... aren't you sick of it?
CRBB.gif Button: Caught Reading Banned Books
1" square. Not just for Banned Books Week but all year, every year.
v-oapc.gif DVD: On A Paper Crane: Tomoko's Adventure
$39.00 $25.00 On Sale!
NOW AVAILABLE ON DVD Exclusively from this catalogue!
Tomoko is a sixth-grader in elementary school. Quite active and adventurous, she visits Hiroshima all by herself. While at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, she meets a mysterious girl (Sadako), who takes her on a strange, eye-opening journey. This animated film is beautifully-crafted, powerfully presented and age-appropriate for children in elementary school.LIMITED QUANTITY REMAINING.
• Click on the title for the rest of the description...

BK-FOS.jpg Book: Family of Secrets
$20.00 $15.00 On Sale!
by Russ Baker • 2010 •paperback
George W. Bush released his autobiography to massive media attention in 2010. He's promoting his own mythology, re-writing the history of the eight years of his regime, to put his legacy in the best light, in spite of his massive unpopularity.
Meanwhile, another groundbreaking book that reveals much more about the Bush family also was published in 2010, to virtually no media coverage.
Learn why the conventional understanding of Watergate gets the story wrong. Discover how Nixon was implicated in a sprawling plot to which he was not a party, and how an aggressive effort was mounted to use the ‘facts’ of the case to force him from office. Read new revelations about the precise involvement of George Herbert Walker Bush (senior), Bob Woodward and White House counsel John Dean in this still-mysterious American epic from 1972.
Also learn:
• Why George H.W. Bush can’t remember where he was on November 22, 1963. Every other adult in the country remembers they were that fateful day.
• about a Texas Russian immigrant, George DeMorehschildt, who oddly is personally acquainted with both George H.W. Bush AND Lee Harvey Oswald. He died of an apparemt self-inflicted gunshot wound the day before he was to testify before the House SelectCommittee on Assassinations in 1977. • Why FBI Director J.Edhar Hoover, in 1963, refers in an FBI memo to "George Bush of the CIA" - two decades before George H.W. Bush claims he began his first affiliation with the Agency when he was appointed as Director for one year. • Why oilman George H.W. Bush shows up in early CIA documents
• The real story behind George W. Bush’s missing military service
• The inside scoop on the Bushes and Saudi influence in America
• The strange saga of Harvard University and its endowment
• The untold real story behind George W. Bush’s religious awakening
• Never before told anecdotes from George W. Bush’s wild past
• How the CIA monitors the White House and its occupants
• Why Barack Obama and his supporters should read this book
Investigative journalist Russ Baker spent years fact-checking every statement in this book for accuracy. The Bush family doesn't deny any fact presented here. They just hope it won;'t be widely read and will sink into obscurity.
• Click on title for more . . .

C.gif Button: Choice
5/8" x 2.5" rectangular metal lithographed button.
DVD-BOW.jpg DVD: Body of War
Directed by Ellen Spiro & Phil Donahue • 2008 • 87 minutes + extras
The true story of an anti-war hero. Original songs by Eddie Vedder.
Paralyzed from the chest down after serving in Iraq for just one week, 25-year old Tomas Young is forced to deal with the realities of the consequences of war each and every day. For Tomas, learning to cope with his disability means finding his voice to speak out against the war in Iraq. This multi-award-winning film splits its time between Tomas's arduous daily reality in Kansas City, Missouri, and the harrowing legislative processes that led up to the invasion of Iraq in 2002...
• Click on title for the rest of the story...

P-CDN.jpg Poster: Columbus did not discover the new world, he invaded it.
$10.00 $5.00 On Sale!
11" x 17" • 1992 • designed for the 500th anniversary of the 1492 arrival of Columbus, and the subsequent exploitation, enslavemnent and death (by European diseases such as smallpox) of the indigenous Taino people in the "new world." • offset pinted on a textured 70 pound Talc-colored cover stock.
OPC.jpg Button: One person can ONLY do so much!
P-MKG.jpg Poster: Mohandas K. Gandhi photograph
11" x 16"
Creator of revolutionary nonviolent action for social change.

S-STGD.gif Bumpersticker: Sugar the gateway drug
EQ.jpg Button: Equality
1.5" diameter.
MCM.gif Button: McCocaMart You are the (Target)
1" x 2"
BK-DOD.jpg Book: The Design of Dissent
$30.00 $22.50 On Sale!
by Milton Glaser & Mirko Ilic • forward by Tony Kushner • 11" x 9" • 240 pages
With a vibrant display of buttons, posters and leaflets that protest the Iraq war, the corporate media, the Israeli military and all points between, this book cuts a wide swath, indeed. Assembled by designer Glaser, best known for his " I [heart] NY" logo, and Ilic, a School of Visual Arts instructor and author of several books on design, the book bursts with compelling political designs from all over the world, but it lacks an overall direction and shape. Neither a deeply snoozeriffic foreword by playwright Tony Kushner nor a rambling interview of Glaser by the New York Times' Steven Heller give any clear indication of the books' overall purpose. Not that there aren't images here to make the skin crawl and the blood boil, including a photo montage of victims processed at a Khmer Rouge extermination facility, and silverware superimposed on either side of a cow collapsed in meat factory filth. The most fascinating section of the book focuses on conflicts in the former Yugoslavia, bringing the region's brutal recent history to life with a shocking immediacy and quiet rage. However, despite the book's striking and colorful individual parts, it comes across as a loosely organized compendium of leftist protest paraphernalia.

P-EGD Poster: Every Great Dream Begins...
11" x 17" • 2010 • Art & design by Angela Mark • Red Sun Press Collective • 80 pound gloss recycled stock • full color vegetable-based inks. The text is a quotation: "Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the starts to change the world." – Harriet Tubman

DVD-GL-1.jpg DVD: Gasland
Directed by Josh Fox • 2010 • 107 minutes + 45 min. of extras
"This is grassroots documentary filmmaking at its finest" - Trinie Dalton, Amazon
Little did director Josh Fox know that he'd find himself trailing the history and future of natural gas mining for this documentary, Gasland, or so he claims in this moving and evocative political expos้. Thankfully unpretentious and lacking in the didacticism that plagues many political documentaries, Gasland is edifying in the most entertaining and palatable way. Fox's open-ended questions presented during his narration are answered by interviewees found as he travels cross-country to source out water pollution happening as a result of hydraulic fracturing. The tension begins when Fox researches a letter he receives in the mail at his rural Pennsylvania farmhouse, inviting him to sell his land for $100,000 and give permission to mine natural gas. • Click on the title for an excerpt from the film and more reviews . . .

FPT.gif Button: Firefighters? Police? Teachers? Whose Union do you want to bust?
1.25" diameter
ISU.gif Button: I Support Unions
1.25" diameter button.
PTBU.gif Button: Proud to be Union
1.25" diameter
SU.gif Button: Support Unions - the folks who gave you the 40 hour work week and the weekend
1.25" diameter
ULB.gif Button: Union Labor BUILT the American Dream
1.25" diameter

DVD-IJ.jpg DVD: Inside Job
$30.00 $28.00 On Sale!
Directed by Charles Ferguson • 2011 • 120 minutes
From Academy Awardฎ-nominated filmmaker, Charles Ferguson (NO END IN SIGHT), comes INSIDE JOB, the first film to expose the shocking truth behind the economic crisis of 2008. The global financial meltdown, at a cost of over $20 trillion, resulted in millions of people losing their homes and jobs. Through extensive research and interviews with major financial insiders, politicians and journalists, INSIDE JOB traces the rise of a rogue industry and unveils the corrosive relationships which have corrupted politics, regulation and academia.
• Click on title for more. . .

CD-CRM2.jpeg CD: The Civil Rights Movement Part 2 - by Tha Truth
$18.00 $12.00 On Sale!
2006 • Audio CD • artist: Tha Truth
His first CD release, this underground paved the way for his subsequent albums. Tha Truth combines archival original audio sound clips from real people with his original spoken word and music to create a living audio people's history. Here are the tracks: 1. Public Address Intro featuring Martin Luther King Jr. 2. The Camden 28 Intro featuring Howard Zinn 3. The Camden 28 4. Ralph Nader On The System 5. Universal Healthcare 6. Popular Music Today 7. The Real News 8. Intelligence (The CIA) 9. Origin of Religion 10. Free Your Mind 11. We Need Peace (Featuriung Lady JAM ) 12. Equality 13. What They Don't Want You 2 Know 14. The Real News (remix) 15. Global Warming 16. It's Time (Part 1) 17. Take My Advice 18. Keys 2 A Better World 19. Outside the Box 20. Words From Pam Africa 21. Solutions 22. End of The Newark March 23. F Bush (Remix) 24. Its Time (Club Mix) by DJ Filthy Rich 25. Bring The Troops Home

P-EWSF.jpg Poster: Early Warning Signs of Fascism
$15.00 $10.00 On Sale!
Early Warning Signs Of Fascism • 12" x 24" • 2016 • P-EWSF
Laurence W. Britt wrote about the common signs of fascism in April, 2003, after researching seven fascist regimes: Hitler's Nazi Germany; Mussolini's Italy; Franco's Spain; Salazar's Portugal; Papadopoulos' Greece; Pinochet's Chile; Suharto's Indonesia. Post this when then most people will be able to read it and realize that it applies to our own "Homeland" (the same word the used to describe their nation). Put this poster up in community centers, clubs, town halls, libraries, schools, workplaces, churches, synagogues mosques.
• Also available ads a postcard: P-EWSF For more info & to read the text click on the link below . . .

P-Welcome.jpg Poster: Welcome
Accordion Poster • 4" x 35" • 2012
Each of the seven 4" x 5” WELCOME panels contains a beautiful letter filled-in with graphics from a previously published Syracuse Cultural Workers product, and a progressive saying which begins with the panel’s letter. This inspirational poster will welcome people to your home, office, place of worship, classroom or any other location you want to have awarm, inviting "Welcome message on display. It can also be used as a booklet/gift for welcoming rituals.
Folded, it comes with a strng through a hole at the top to hang it.

1x1.75 Oval.jpg Oval 1" x 1.75" Manual Button Assembly Machine
Solid, built to last for generations! • New size & shape (October 2017)
• All metal construction
• Cam-on-roller design requires very little physical force to operate.
• Button maker machine is compact and lightweight for easy storage and transport.
• Cushioned hand grip
• Two-step button making process.
• Swivel die-set increases speed.
• "Positive stop" ensures upper and lower die alignment.
• Rust-resistant plating.
• Weight: 10 lbs.
• Length: 10” Width: 3” Height: 6”
• Made in USA.

Oval Die-Cutter.jpg Oval 1" x 1.75" Graphic Punch Paper Die-Cutter
Cuts perfect circles in a second!
• "Zero scrap loss" engineering
• All metal construction
• Entire circumference punched to exact dimension in one motion
• Punch either graphics or photos
• Compact and lightweight
• Clear visual centering
• Weight: 4 lbs.
• Length: 7” Width: 5” Height: 3”
• Made in USA

OvalParts.jpg 1" x 1.75" Oval Button Parts (Set of 500)
$56.00 $42.00 On Sale!
OVAL BP-1000
1" x 1-3/4" oval button supplies include shells, mylar and pinned backs.
• 6 pounds per Set of 500
• Made in U.S.A.

Poster:Peacetree Poster: Peace Tree
$12.00 $10.00 On Sale!
$10 • 11" x 11" print on 67-pound white stock • 1978 art by Erika Weiss for the War Resisters League. previously produced on T-Shirts by Donnelly/Colt (1987-2010) • P-Peacetree.

P-LPUSA Poster:License Plates of the 50 States
2021 • 11" x 17" print on 67-pound white stock • photograph of artwork made from actual U.S. state license plates, cut to the shape of each state. The original art piece is approx. 5 feet across, mounted on wood, and is hand-assembled in Connecticut, 2019. • $15

S-IAD Bumpersticker: In A Democracy NO ONE is Above the Law
$3.75 $3.50 On Sale!
3" x 11.5" screen printed (for 5-year outdoor durability) bumpersticker. Whether you believe democracy is over in the U.S., or still are fightng to restore it, the truth of this message still holds up – "In a demicracy, no one is above the law". Even if J.D. Vance believes that Trump doesn't have to comply with any decisions of any judge in any court in the country. that Trump is above the law, like all dictators claim to be. We must continue to remind anyone who reads this sticker that this fact is one of the basic foundational core beliefs of our democratic republic. A fact this regime ignores about our country, and which the Trump/MAGA cult represses and tries to obliterate that truth.
Because this message is so important, we make it available in bulk at lower prices in higher quantities: 125 at $3.50 each ($435) • 250 at $2.15 each ($537) • 500 at $1.25 each ($625) • 1,000 at 79ข each ($790) • 2,500 at .49ข each ($1,225) • 3,000 at 44ข each ($1,320) • 5,000 at 34ข each ($1,700) • 10,000 at .25ข each ($2,500) • 15,000 at .21ข each ($3,150)
Because these are custom printed you can have your own contact info in small print, instead of ours, if you prefer. Keepit rief: a phone number, email, website
Production time: 1 business day (holidays & weekends excluded) •Transit time to any of the 48 states: 2-3 business days via UPS Ground or U.S. Postal Service Flat Rate Priority Mail. These prices include UPS Ground delivery in 2-3 days to any of the 48 contiguous states. You will need to place the bulk orders by email to or text 860 428-4867.

P-NSP.jpg Poster: Nevertheless She Persisted
11" x 17" print • art by Amey Bartell, AE Originals • 2017

P-V.jpg Poster: Volcano
Hand silkscreen printed • 17" x22" • 2019 • by Ricard Levins Morales
The text in this colorful image reads: “Power comes from below / from the hidden places where it gathers / until, discovering itself, it blazes into view, lighting the sky and reshaping the landscape / sweeping away barriers it seems would stand forever!” This beautifulposter is screen printed onto black, heavy weight stock paper – each one slightly unique.

CD.jpg Magnet: Celebrate Diversity
1" x 2" (same as the button version) with a strong magentiic backing. SEE ALSO: a new version for wearing on clothing; it includes a separate piece of metal to place behind the garment for the strong magnet to cling to: Product code MBM-CD

Welcome  display.jpg Poster: WELCOME - 9" x 60" Horizontal version
9" x 60" accordion-folded; seven 9" x 8.75" horizontal panels, spelling "Welcome" • 2013
The large horizontal can be hung in classrooms, offices, and it “accordions” across a shelf, on a mantle or at the back of a display. Each of the seven panels in our accordion posters contains a beautiful, single letter from the word "welcome" which is filled with graphics of previously published images.

P-MHAA.jpeg Poster: My Hands Are All I Own...
11 x 17" poster • art by Ricardo Levins Morales • union printed
Text reads: "My hands are all I own, they are my love and my sustenance." – Victor Jara
"Mis manos son lo ๚nico que tengo, son mi amor y mi sustento."
Headwaters Foundation for Justice
This is a quote from the popular Chilean singer-songwriter, Victor Jara, who was arrested, imprisoned among thousands of other leftists in the national stadium where he was tortured and had all his fingers broken. The military guards then said "Play your guitar now!" and Victor did with broken fingers. The guards shot and killed him in front of the thousands of others they had rebounded up to torture and murdered. This owas one of the moist brutal coups ever backed by the U.S. government. The Chilean military bombed the Presidential palace on September 11, 1973 in a CIA-backed Coup D-Etat that overthrew the democractically-elected Socialist President. Salvador Allende. Henry Kissinger and the Nixon administration in the U.S. supported this coup, and for the next 19 years Chile was ruled by the fascist government of military General Augusto Pinochet. The ttory behind Victor Jara makes his words about his hands so much more powerful.
For n outstanding a docudrama about the September 11th Chilean Coup, see the Academy Award-Winning 1983 film "Missing" by Costa-Gavras. We carry the DVD.

P-LW.jpg Poster: Love Wins
Print on poster stock • art by Amy Bartell • 2017

P-TGOD.jpg Poster: The Two Greatest Obstacles to democracy in the United States are, first the delusion among the poor that we have a democracy, and second, the chronic terror among the rich les we get it. – Fr. Edward Dowling, 1941

YS-IOA.jpg Yard Sign: "In Our America All People Are Equal Love Wins Black Lives Matter Immigrants and Refugees Are Welcome Disabilities Are Respected Women Are In Charge of Their Bodies People & Planet Are Valued Over Profit Diversity Is Celebrated
14" x 22" Corrugated plastic colorfast silkscreen printed on both sides (waterproof paint will not run) • Created in 2017 by NWGSDPDX (Nasty Women Get Shit Done - Portland) • Includes a wire "H" stake to mount it in the ground • NOTE: Shipping cost is higher than the amount automatically estimated by the website ordering calculator. We charge only the actual shipping cost to your location.

11" x 17" print • 2019 •by Ricard Levins Morales
The sun in this poster beams down on a tall sunflower, illuminating environmentally sustainable industry. In grey on the edges, outdated fossil fuel projects billow smoke. Green Economy, Green Jobs, Green Future. In a sensible and sustainable system, all jobs will be green jobs.

S-IOA.jpg Bumpersticker: In Our America All People Are Equal, Love Wins, Black LivesMatter, Immigrants & Refugees are Welcome, Disabilities are Respected, Women re in charge of their bodies, People & Planet Are Valued Over Profit, Diversity Is Celebrated
4" x 8" Bumpersticker • 2019 • a reduced version of the poplar yard sign created by NWGSDPDX.ORG (Nasty Women Getting Shit Dine Portland.Org) ฉ 2016.

Low-Road-P794-Backer-Card-FRONT Accordian Poster:The Low Road by Marge Pierce
Accordian poster • 5"x35" • folded down to fit a 4.75" x 6.25" envelope• union-printed An ode to the necessity of struggle, to the imperative of movement building,to the never-ending pursuit of justice & liberation. The Low Road is a poem of hope and solidarity. Written in 1980, only five years after the Viet Nam war ended, is a journey of political redemption. It takes us from the very real threat of repression and assassination to the strength and power of collective action. "I always appreciate Marge Piercy's unique mixture of common sense with uncommon joyful insight. he's political and sensual, astute and wild, truthful and always a step beyond.' – Joy Harjo

P-Debs.jpeg Poster: Eugene V. Debs Quote
$15.00 $13.00 On Sale!
11" x 17" • 2012 • scratchboard art by Ricardo Levins Morales

DVD-GSR.jpeg DVD" Groundswell Rising" Protecting Our Cildren's Air & Water
$30.00 $24.00 On Sale!
2014 • produced & directed by Renard Cohen • 52 & 70-minute versions included on disc.
Documents the opposition from both sides of the political spectrum to the ubiquitous practice of fracking for natural gas, and the health and environmental reasons behind it.
• GROUNDSWELL RISING gives voice to ordinary folks engaged in a David and Goliath struggle against Big Oil and Gas. We meet parents, scientists, doctors, farmers and individuals across the political spectrum decrying the energy extraction process known as fracking that puts profits over people. This provocative documentary tracks a grassroots movement exposing dangers to clean air, water, and civil rights. • Click on title for more information . . .

P-CC.jpeg Poster: The Cycle of Cooperation
11 x 17" poster • art by Ricardo Levins Morales • union printed

P-RTC.jpeg Poster: Reclaim The Commons
11 x 17" poster • art by Ricardo Levins Morales • union printed
In an age of corporate commercial privatization of nearly every institution once held in common for the use of all, we need to reclaim and retain as part of our commonwealth all such essentials as water, roads, parks, and more.

P-TWC.jpg Poster: Together We Can Do It!
24" x 18" • Offset Lithographed Union Printed poster • 2016
This celebration of women's power and the strength of diversity, by Innosanto Nagara, is a descendant of the classic Rosie the Riveter poster. Also available as a postcard, P-TWC
ฉ 2015 Design Action Collective / Innosanto Nagara
Item code: P-TWC

P-SSDD.jpg Poster: Same Struggle Different Difference
16" x 18" Offset Lithographed [poster • 2014 • ฉ Dan Wilkins/ SCWฉ2014
"There is power in knowing my struggle is your struggle and yours mine." –Dan Wilkins

PC-EWSF.jpg Postcard: Early Warning Signs of Fascism
$1.25 $1.00 On Sale!
Laurence W. Britt wrote about the common signs of fascism in April, 2003, after researching seven fascist regimes: Hitler's Nazi Germany; Mussolini's Italy; Franco's Spain; Salazar's Portugal; Papadopoulo's Greece; Pinochet's Chile; Suharto's Indonesia.
Today, all these warning signs are frighteningly clear right here in the United States. Snd this postcard to your Senator and member of Congress the next time you contact them. Invite friends and have a postcard -writing event. Do it monthly. Keep the pressure on this new regime.
• Also available as a 12" x 24" poster: P-EWSF

11" x 17 poater • Artist Dawn Cook painted this sign for the 2018 Women's March in Hartford, CT, one of scores of marches in cities and towns throughout the United States on January 20th • photograph by Roxanne Pandolfi.


SWU Button: Solidarity With Ukraine
$2.50 $2.00 On Sale!
1.5" union-made button • 2022 • also available as a 3.75" x 7.5" bumpersticker.

3.75" x 7.5" Screenprinted vinyl bumpersticker • Union printed • 2022 • Available wholesale at .85ข each (minimum quantity 25 for wholesale)

Dove & Ukraine Flag Button: Dove & Ukraine Flag
1.25" button • 2022 • hand-assembled, image of a dove with an olive branch in its beak with Ukraine flag behind it. Symbolic of the Ukraine people and their determination for sovereignty, peace, independence and freedom.

P-ST.jpg Poster: Stand Together
11" x 17" print • poster stock • art by Amy Bartell • 2017

SF.jpg Button: Sanity / Fear
designed & printed by Busy Beaver Buttons of Chicago for the October 30, 2010 "Rally for Sanity and/or Fear" put on by Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert of TV's Comedy Central on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Only 100 were made and given away at that event. The Busy Beavers have agreed to make the buttons availbale to us to continue to carry.
C:ST.jpg Button: "NO" to Trump (Red Circle & Slash over "TRUMP")
1.5" Button • 2024 • The international "No" symbol, a red circle & slash over the word "Trump," says it all, and is understood in many languages. Speak truth to the illegitimate power of the self-avowed Day One dictator who is dismantling democracy every day of his regime.
Also available in bulk: 100: $1 each ($100) • 250: 85ข each ($212) • 500: 60ข each ($300) • 1,000: 40ข each ($400) • 2,500: 35ข each ($875)

$5.00 $4.00 On Sale!
1" x 2" NEW ITEM: Magnet Backed Button for wearing on clothing
ฉ 1990 Donnelly/Colt • Our most popular pin-backed button is now available as a two-piece magnet-backed pinless button in the same size as then original. It has a powerful magnet on back and a separate small piece of metal with rounded edges and corners to put on the inside of a shirt, delicate fabric or thin sweater, that holds it firmly in place, so you don't have to put a hole through the fabric.

2.5" x 3.5" Bright blue & yellow Screenprinted waterproof vinyl sticker for phones, laptops, tablets, water bottles, anywhere • 2022 • BULK PRICING of .50ข each for 25 or more. $12.50 for fifty; $25 for 100; $45 for 200; $55 for 250. The website doe not re-calculate to Bulk pricing. Just write "BULK PRICE for SVS-SWU" in the Ordering Instructions" or "Customer Comments" field and we will adjust the cost of this item and charge you the correct bulk price.

DVD-SOTB.gif DVD: South of the Border
$30.00 $24.00 On Sale!
a film by Oliver Stone • 2010 • 78 minutes
There’s a revolution underway in South America, but most of the world doesn’t know it. Oliver Stone sets out on a road trip across five countries to explore the social and political movements as well as the mainstream media’s misperception of South America while interviewing seven of its elected presidents. In casual conversations with Presidents Hugo Chแvez (Venezuela), Evo Morales (Bolivia), Lula da Silva (Brazil), Cristina Kirchner (Argentina), as well as her husband and ex-President Nėstor Kirchner, Fernando Lugo (Paraguay), Rafael Correa (Ecuador), and Ra๚l Castro (Cuba), Stone gains unprecedented access and sheds new light upon the exciting transformations in the region.
Over 90 Minutes of Bonus Material!
• Behind the Scenes of the South American Promo Tour
• Deleted Scenes
• Additional Questions for President Chavez
• South American Television Interviews with Oliver Stone
• "Changes in Venezuela" Featurette

• Click on title for a message from Oliver Stone . . .
