Box 188
Hampton, CT

(860) 455-9621

Can't find something you're looking for? Just ask, and we'll let you know if we have it or can get it.

Monday, March 31.

Donnelly/Colt Progressive Resources is a family-owned and operated mailorder business that has been designing and distributing union-made progressive materials promoting peace, social and environmental justice, and human rights since 1975.
• We also offer a full range of custom printing services, prompt, inexpensive, highest-quality, digital full-color union printing.
• Call us 9 am to 5 pm E.T. weekdays (860) 455-9621.
• Email us at
• Text us anytime at 860 428-4867.
• Since 2009 we have generated all our electricity from solar photovoltaic panels that power our home and business.

We custom print buttons, stickers, posters, yard signs, banners for you to promote your cause.


Postage will be charged at actual cost.



Dove & Ukraine Flag Button: Dove & Ukraine Flag
1.25" button • 2022 • hand-assembled, image of a dove with an olive branch in its beak with Ukraine flag behind it. Symbolic of the Ukraine people and their determination for sovereignty, peace, independence and freedom.

SWU Button: Solidarity With Ukraine
$2.50 $2.00 On Sale!
1.5" union-made button • 2022 • also available as a 3.75" x 7.5" bumpersticker.

S-RESIST.jpg Bumpersticker: RESIST
3" x 9" Bumpersticker
Inspired by the Greenpeace banner drop from a crane near the White House, Washington, D.C. on January 26, 2017.
Here's what it looked like.

CF.gif Button: Cease Fire
5/8" x 2-1/2" rectangular.
MEP.gif Button: Peace Dove Graphic-Peace in English, Arabic and Hebrew
(1.5" Square Button) Full color pinting by Artists for Mid-East Peace, with "Peace" in English, Hebrew and Arabic.
3P.gif Button: "Peace" in Arabic, Hebrew and English
(1.25" Button)
C:ST.jpg Button: "NO" to Trump (Red Circle & Slash over "TRUMP")
1.5" Button • 2024 • The international "No" symbol, a red circle & slash over the word "Trump," says it all, and is understood in many languages. Speak truth to the illegitimate power of the self-avowed Day One dictator who is dismantling democracy every day of his regime.
Also available in bulk: 100: $1 each ($100) • 250: 85’ each ($212) • 500: 60’ each ($300) • 1,000: 40’ each ($400) • 2,500: 35’ each ($875)

R-rev.jpg Button: Resist (b)
1.75" diameter • 2017 • Black background, white woodcut
code: R-rev

P-AL Poster: Audre Lorde
Stunning, colorized photograph of poet Audre Lorde, printed on heavy poster stock (23 x 23") with the quote: "When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid." - Audre Lorde (1934-1992)
In her own words, she was a "Black, lesbian, mother, warrior poet" as well as an acivist, teacher, cancer survivor, author of 17 books of prose and poetry. Audre Lorde is still giving strength, guidance, and inspiration over 2 decades since her passing. (Syracuse Cultural Workers, 1994) 23"x23".

S-PD Bumpersticker: Protect Democracy
3" x 5.75" screen printed bumpersticker.

GD.gif Button: Got Democracy?
(1" button)
P-NQ.jpg Poster: "In Germany they first came for the Communists..."
$24.00 $12.00 On Sale!
18" x 24" white gloss 80 pound stock.
Quotation from Pastor Martin Nielmoller (1892-1984) He survived internment in a Nazi concentration camp.
Text on poster: "In Germany they first came for the Communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Catholics and I did not speak up because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me." -Pastor Martin Niemoller

This quotation is widely used to voice the need for unity and supporting one another under authoritarian governments and is a popular quotation to describe the dangers of political apathy in the face of authoritarianism. Repression always begins with specific and targeted fear and hatred which soon escalates to encompass more and more targeted groups.

Progress Pride Flag Button Button: Progress Pride Flag 1" x 2"
The new Progress Pride Flag 1" x 2 rectangular button is printed in 10 colors! Offset lithographed in ten separate runs through the printing press for maximum accuracy of colors.

3.75" x 7.5" Screenprinted vinyl bumpersticker • Union printed • 2022 • Available wholesale at .85’ each (minimum quantity 25 for wholesale)

2.5" x 3.5" Bright blue & yellow Screenprinted waterproof vinyl sticker for phones, laptops, tablets, water bottles, anywhere • 2022 • BULK PRICING of .50’ each for 25 or more. $12.50 for fifty; $25 for 100; $45 for 200; $55 for 250. The website doe not re-calculate to Bulk pricing. Just write "BULK PRICE for SVS-SWU" in the Ordering Instructions" or "Customer Comments" field and we will adjust the cost of this item and charge you the correct bulk price.

FLAGS.jpg Button: Two Peoples - Two States - One Future
(1.5" Button)
P-HOPE.jpg Poster: Hope Has Two Beautiful Daughters; their names are anger and courage.
11" x 17" • art by Janna Schneider • Pink, blue and white on black
"Hope has two beautiful daughters; their names are Anger and Courage.
Anger at the way things are, and Courage to see that they do not remain as they are." – St. Augustine (354-430 A.D.)

YS-IOA.jpg Yard Sign: "In Our America All People Are Equal Love Wins Black Lives Matter Immigrants and Refugees Are Welcome Disabilities Are Respected Women Are In Charge of Their Bodies People & Planet Are Valued Over Profit Diversity Is Celebrated
14" x 22" Corrugated plastic colorfast silkscreen printed on both sides (waterproof paint will not run) • Created in 2017 by NWGSDPDX (Nasty Women Get Shit Done - Portland) • Includes a wire "H" stake to mount it in the ground • NOTE: Shipping cost is higher than the amount automatically estimated by the website ordering calculator. We charge only the actual shipping cost to your location.

BLM.jpg Button: Black Lives Matter
1.5" round hand-assembled button

SVS-3P.gif Small Vinyl Sticker: Three Peace
3.75" x 3.75" square sticker with "Peace" in English, Hebrew and Arabic, in white lettering.
NJNP.jpg Button: No Justice No Peace
1.75" button

ALLY.jpg Button: Ally
(1.25" button)
CD.jpg Button: Celebrate Diversity
1" x 2" Rectangular Button • design by Donnelly/Colt © 1990
Our consistent best seller since 1990.
Also available as a bumpersticker, fridge magnet and now a magnet-backed button to wear on clothing (without a pin).

SVS-LGBSP.gif Small Vinyl Sticker: LGBTQ Safe Space
$1.25 $0.50 On Sale!
3" Round Silkscreen printed waterproof vinyl sticker, with 5 year colorfast durability
• On the peel-off backing paper there is an explanation of what an "LGBTQ Safe Space" is. (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer)

S-ALLY.gif Bumpersticker: Ally
$2.25 $2.00 On Sale!
4" round sticker • full color blended rainbow background, for allies to LGBTQ people everywhere. Silkscreen printed for years of durability.

P-SHS.GIF Poster: Set History Straight
$18.00 $15.00 On Sale!
"Unfortunately, History Has Set the Record a Little Too Straight." Photographs of ten famous women and men in the arts who were gay or lesbian from throughout history. James Baldwin (writer), Willa Cather (writer), Errol Flynn (actor), Michelangelo (artist), Edna St. Vincent Millay (poet), Cole Porter (composer), Eleanor Roosevelt (social activist), Bessie Smith (singer), Walt Whitman (poet), Virginia Woolf (writer). Design by Laurie Casa Grande. (Gay and Lesbian Community Action Council ©1988) 26"x22". Also available as a postcard. (see Social Justice Postcards)
S-RF.gif Bumpersticker: Rainbow colors
$3.95 $2.00 On Sale!
3-1/8" x 5-9/16" die-cut vinyl sticker with rounded corners, screenprinted on durable 4 mil vinyl sticker. 5-year outdoor durability, unlike digitally-printed stickers that only have a 2-year outdoor durability. With the added feature that this is a hybrid product: It's BOTH a sticker, and/or it can be mailed as a postcard decal, since the back is a matte finish paper (easy to write on in pen or pencil) that is set up like the back of a post card. Uses a postcard stamp for postage if you mail it. We call it a Post-Cal, since it's both a postcard and a decal. Give or mail them to friends. Overall sticker/card size is 3-5/8" x 6" Union made in U.S., like 99% of our products.
GAW.gif Button: Gays Against War
(1" button)
GRCR.gif Button: Gay Rights are Civil Rights
(1.5" Square button)
SVS-TPS.gif Small Vinyl Sticker: Together Proud and Strong
$6.00 $5.00 On Sale!
3" square sticker with seven brilliant fluorescent colors screen printed on it. Digital printing cannot replicate the boldness of fluorescent color that is attained by screen printing which is far more labor-intensive because it requires seven separate ink imprintings. Which is why they are discontinued and out of print. Very few left. To reprint by screen printing at 2025 prices, the minimum quantity of 125 would cost you $8 each; 250: $5 each; 500: $2.75 each; 1,000: $1.75 each.
SVS-VOTE.gif Small Vinyl Sticker: VOTE (peace sign)
2" x 6" vinyl screenprinted sticker for outdoor use (7 year durability).
S-HML.gif Bumpersticker: How Many Lives per Gallon?
The website given is to the outstanding one hour news broadcast every Monday through Friday, "Democracy Now!" Go to the website and see how you can see, hear or read it every weekday to get the news you won't find on mainstream media.
BULLY.jpg Button: BULLY
1.5" Hand Assembled • Image of Trump

P-MMQ.GIF Poster: Never Doubt
$18.00 $15.00 On Sale!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead Quote (Donnelly/Colt ©1995). 11"x17". 67 pound vellum stock.
P-KING.GIF Poster: King 1967 Speech
(Donnelly/Colt design ©1994). Recycled paper. 11"x17"
• Click on title for full text of quotation...

HMM.gif Button: How Many More?
1.25" black bordered button with bold black words. Originally printed during the Vietnam War, as a reminder of the rising death toll. The same question needs to be asked today about the Covid-19 pandemic.
T-3PB.gif T-Shirt: Three Peace (white on black)
Simple and direct: the word "Peace" in English, Hebrew and Arabic. Needed now more than ever! 100% cotton T-shirt unio -made and union screenprinted.
Please Choose a Size (only sizes shown are in stock at this time)

NHB.GIF Button: No Human Being is Illegal / No Ser Human es Ilegal
SHC.GIF Button: Stop Hate Crimes
s-oq.gif Bumpersticker: "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act" George Orwell
3" x 11.5" • George Orwell quote

S-PCB.gif Bumpersticker: "Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved through understanding" Albert Einstein
S-RICH.gif Bumpersticker: Earth Can No Longer Afford The Rich
This is actually a metalic silver sticker with dark green lettering, which may not be clear from the scanned image. The material it is screenprinted on is a polyester with a brushed chrome appearance to the finish.
S-SHC.gif Bumpersticker: Stop Hate Crimes Honor Diversity
$2.25 $0.75 On Sale!
S-SYSTEM.gif Bumpersticker: If you think the system is working ask someone who isn't
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
Unemployed special on sale from now on...
S-EARTHC.gif Bumpersticker: Earth--Oval
4" x 6" European style oval sticker used to identify one's country. This version is for the rest of us who identify as citizens of the world. A 21st century classic.
S-CD.gif Bumpersticker: Celebrate Diversity
3" x 11.5" Full Color vinyl • © 1993 Donnelly/Colt
Also available as a button, product code: CD; also as a fridge magnet, product code M-CD

S-ERAC.gif Bumpersticker: Eracism
S-EYH.gif Bumpersticker: Encourage your Hopes not your Fears
S-FLAGS.jpg Bumpersticker: Two Peoples, Two States, One Future
PCB.jpg Button: "Peace Cannot be Kept by Force. It can Only be Achieved by Understanding" --Albert Einstein
PC-OEOP.GIF Pack of TEN Postcard/Sticker: One Earth One People
PACKAGE OF TEN for $5.00 • This is a unique hybrid product: both a postcard and a bumpersticker. The front is a full color, high-resolution N.A.S.A. photograph of the earth from space with the words "One Earth One People" on 4 mil weatherproof, adhesive-backed vinyl that peels off from the postcard-formatted backing card. The back side has a writeable matte finish and a typical postcard layout. Send it to someone, or just use it as a bumpersticker. Overall size: 3-5/8" x 6" • Sticker size: 3-1/8" x 5-9/16"
MPN.gif Button: Make Peace With Nature
(1.25" Button) This upside-down peace symbol in the form of a tree is a timeless classic.
coffee.jpg Whole Bean Organic Fair Trade Peace and Justice Coffee - 1 Pound Bag
16oz. • Certified Organic, Fair Trade and Kosher "Peace and Justice Coffee", a Donnelly/Colt Progressive Resources Special Blend, roasted by Dean's Beans™ a premier small, progressive coffee importer and roaster in the Northeast United States. This is an especially delicious special blend of full-bodied Sumatran arabica and robust beans. 16 oz. re-sealable, recyclable package of fresh whole beans.

PNW.gif Button: Peace not War / Generosity not Greed / Empathy not Hate / Creativity not Destruction / Everybody not just Us
1.5" Button
S-IJP.gif Bumpersticker: It is just as patriotic to keep your country from dying as it is to die for your country. --William Sloane Coffin
S-MAJ.gif Bumpersticker: "The moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends toward justice." - M.L.K.
$2.25 $0.75 On Sale!
3" x 11.5" bumpersticker • Martin Luther King quote;
One free sticker with every order IF you ask for one in the Ordering Instructions field.

HATE.jpg Button: Hate
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
(1.25" Button)
S-SPHC.gif Bumpersticker: Single Payer Health Care
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
P-HFZ.jpg Poster: Hate Free Zone
Art by Amy Bartell • 2010 • 8" x 10" • 80 pound matte finish photo stock.
S-CJ.gif Bumpersticker: Choose Joy
SVS-NF.gif Small Vinyl Sticker: No Fracking (circle/slash graphic)
$1.00 $0.25 On Sale!
3.5" diameter • screenprinted on vinyl for 5-8 year outdoor durability.

S-STSP.gif Bumpersticker: Stop Tar Sands Pipeline
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
3.75" x 7.5" Bumpersticker. Also available as a 1.5" square button; code: STSP

CD.jpg Magnet: Celebrate Diversity
1" x 2" (same as the button version) with a strong magentiic backing. SEE ALSO: a new version for wearing on clothing; it includes a separate piece of metal to place behind the garment for the strong magnet to cling to: Product code MBM-CD

S-COE.jpeg Bumpersticker: Coexist
$4.00 $3.00 On Sale!
3" x 11" • white design on royal blue

PC-BLM.jpg Postcard: Black Lives Matter
$1.25 $1.00 On Sale!
Black & White • photograph: Andre Wagner • design: Aaron Yeboah 2014
"Black Lives Matter:" became a rallying cry which echoed across the country in 2014 in the aftermath of the police killings of Eric Garner (Staten Island, N.Y.) and Michael Brown (Ferguson, MO) and then the lack of accountability of the U.S. judicial system.
Also available as a button, code BLM, and as a sticker, code S-BLM

s-blm.jpg Bumpersticker: Black Lives Matter
3.75" x 7.5" screenprinted vinyl sticker

BLM-sq.png Small Vinyl Sticker: 3" x 3" Square 3 Color Sticker "Black Lives Matter"
$2.50 $2.00 On Sale!
S-3x3 BLM 3" x 3" Square screenprinted vinyl sticker with 3 ink colors: red, black and green. Outdoor durability: 5 to 7 years.
(also available as a 1.5 inch Square button, code: 1.5" BLM Sq.)

CJN.jpg Button: Climate Justice Now
1.5" diameter

VRP.jpg Button: Vigilant Resistant Persistent (b)
1.5" diameter

BLM-sq.png Button: 1.5" Square "Black Lives Matter"
1.5" Square Button • white text on 3 color background • 2015

TWCDI.jpg Button: Together We Can Do It
2" x 2" Square • 2018 • Union made
Inspired by the original World War II poster featuring a white woman, the symbolic "Rosie The Riveter." This version is more ethnically inclusive for our times.

NIF.jpg Button: Nobody Is Free Until EVERYBODY Is Free - Fannie Lou Hamer
1.75" Round Button • Union Made

YS-BLM Yard Sign or Hand-Held Plaque: Black Lives Matter
18"x24" vinyl sign
$8 with stake
$5 without stake

P-I-F Poster: Ignorance = Fear, Silence = Death, Fight AIDS, Act Up
Original 1989 offset lithograph print by Keith Haring (1958-1990) • 24" x 43" • first edition lithograph print • perfect condition, never displayed, vibrant fluorescent colors, the print has been stored flat on our inventory shelf for the 29 years since publication • Extremely rare, since most were put up in 1989 by ACT UP activists in New York City. Shipped insured, UPS or Priority Mail.

Book: Button Power Book: Button Power - 125 Years of Saying It With Buttons
$29.95 $26.95 On Sale!
Published October 2020 • Full Color • by Christen Carter (founder/operator of Busy Beaver Buttons) & Ted Hake (esteemed elder button collector /dealer)
From the campaign trail to the rock tour, Button Power collects a people's history of American culture told through the pin-back button. Lively commentary from two of America's foremost button experts shows how the small but powerful button reveals the events and movements that outraged, amused, and inspired us over time, from the solo flight of Charles Lindbergh to the Black Power movement. There are even some of our Donnelly/Colt buttons among the 1,500 buttons shown in the book.
Artists, athletes, actors, politicians, punk and pop musicians, and mascots of the past 125 years make cameos, including Rube Goldberg, Muhammad Ali, the Ramones, Shirley Chisholm, Maratona the Snake Handler, and Ray Stevens, singer of "The Streak." The first book of its kind, Button Power is a rich visual feast. Each colorful spread chronicles defining moments in history through colorful photographs and artifacts. This collection will be an essential pick for fans of pop culture, visual culture, and design.

…for a review click on the title.

WREATH-PS.jpg Wreath: Peace Sign
17" diameter hand-woven vine wreath. No two alike!
Our most popular gift item, this unique hand-made peace wreath welcomes guests in the spirit of peace all year 'round, or display during the holiday/winter solstice season. We include a free Peace Sign Wreath button (product code: PSW) with each wreath.
We also have sheets of 1.5" round labels of the Peace Sign Wreath design to put on cards and envelopes. Product code: SL-PSW-10

CAL-SCW2025 Calendar: Syracuse Cultural Workers Peace Calendar 2025
$16.95 $5.00 On Sale!


Twelve months of creative, powerful artwork to inspire our collective work of seeking justice, pursuing peace and creating a sustainable future. Featuring stunning  illustrations, digital art and photography, this 54th Peace Calendar will inspire and educate throughout 2025. Isaí Robledo González's tender digital illustration offers grounding during a tumultuous time.

• Over 300 people’s history dates
• Holidays for many faiths
• Lunar cycles, 13 native moons
12 x 12 • Wall

LTH.gif Button: love trumps hate
1.5" Button • "Love Trumps Hate"

coffee.jpg GROUND Organic Fair Trade Peace & Justice Ground Coffee 1 Pound Bag
$15.95 $13.95 On Sale!
GOFTC-16oz. • GROUND COFFEE Certified Organic, Fair Trade and Kosher "Peace and Justice Coffee", a Donnelly/Colt Progressive Resources Special Blend, roasted by Dean's Beans™ a premier small, progressive coffee importer. This is an especially delicious special blend of full-bodied Sumatran arabica and robust beans. 1 pound re-sealable package of fresh GROUND beans.

James Donnelly (Kate's father, 1917-1986) negotiating
with police as vice-president of his local United Rubber
Workers union, on strike in West Haven, CT in 1951.

• We now have a Quick-Order Section without images so that you can find what you're looking for more easily if you have a slow Internet connection.

• We've put together a collection of our favorite progressive web sites. Be sure to check them out, and let us know if there are any great sites we're missing!

• Customer Comments we've received over the years.

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