DVD: The Greening of Southie
$30.00 $15.00 On Sale!
Earth Day Selection, "The Greenb," Sundance Channel
True/False Film Festival
Searttle International Film Festival
Big Sky Documentary Film Festival
Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capitol
Wild & Scenic Environbmental Film Festival
Independent Film Festival of Boston
Rhode Island Inyternational Film Festival
Black Bear Film Festival
Princeton Environmrntsl Film Festival
Camden International Film Festival
Sonoma Environmrntal Film Festival
Berks Movie Madness Film Festival
Reel Work Labor Film Festival
• "This inspiring film...argues for widespread adoption of green building practices, while still presenting the contradictions and quadries...and revels in the greening of South Boston's construction workers: born skeptics who rise to the occasion." – True/False Film Festival program
• "If the idea of watching a documentary on the construction of a condo building doesn't sound too exciting to you, I cannot recommend this film enough to anyone who is or wants to be a part of green building. It presents the challenges and excitement of building green with equal measures of idealism and cynicism, juxtaposing the suits who see the project as ideas and paper, with the laborers who actually have to put the building together. As the project grows, the two come closer to undestanding the other side." – Joel Bittle, GreenBuildingRlments.com
• "A balanced but incisive look at a complex issue that affects us all." – Bostionist
• "Like the community it portrays, THE GREENING OF SOUTHIE is both gritty and engaging. Not so long ago, the only thing green about South Boston was its proud Irish-American population with barely a street tree or a patch of grass visible among Southie's rowhouses and storefronts. GREENING shows the human side of the green building story, the homely hopes, fears, frustrations behind the fancy facades and sleek solar panels that many of us, especially in Southie, associate with sustainability. Ultimately, GREENING tells the story of change and of one neighborhood's tentative, if ineluctable, step toward the future." – William Shutkin, University of Colorado - Boulder Leeds School of Business; aiuthor, "The Land That Could Be: Environmentalism & Democracy in the 21st Century"
• "Cities such as Los Angeles and San Francisco are vying to be the 'greenest' big city in California. But what does it take to 'embrace green'? ... The challenges of building green involve more than changing the practices of the building industry; they also include important political and social issues regarding who gets to live in our downtown neighborhoods. Interviews around the neighborhood show this broader context of urban redevelopment. This thoughtful and thought-provoking film deserves to be seen widely." – Greg Andranovich, Professor of Political Science, California State University - Los Angeles
• "An insider's perspective... The film does not skirt the issues of economics or the social impact of gentrification in this rapidly changing community. For individuals with an interest in green building, THE GREENING OF SOUTHIE provides a primer on the L.E.E.D. ceertification process as well as a social commentary on this growing trend in construction." – Hilary Nixon, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Urban & Regional Planning, San Jose State University
• "For lay people and students, THE GREENING OF SOUTHIE unlocks the mysteries of what constitutes L.E.E.D. certification. More importantly, the fim also analyzes both the benefits and the hidden contradictions of the L.E.E.D. program. To their credit, the filmmakers do so objectively, letting the key players in the construction of Boston's first 'green' building speak for themselves. The film thus humanizes the construction story through rich portraits of project developers, architects, construction workers and potential tenants. In so doing, it uniquely addresses the myriad (and also often hidden) social implications of today's 'green wave,' including class inequality and conflict, urban gentrification and the costs of even environmentally-conscious consumerism." – Melissa Checker, Assistant Professor of Urban Studies, Queens College; author of "Polluted Promises:
Environmental Racism & The Search for Justice in a Southern Town"
• "It is easy to see why this unique documentary has received so many awards. It is a wonderful primer on 'building green' for general audiences as well as classroom use. Highly recommended for high school, college and public libraries." – Barbara Butler, University of Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, Educational Media Revierws Online
• "An engaging documentary that offers an exciting glimpse into the future of Earth-friendly construction...Literally a globe-trotting affair that focuses on the materials and personnel involved in the design and construction of the Macallen building...Recommended." – Video Librarian
• "A new film about green jobs that deserves the widest possible audience...is particularly remarkable as a film about environmental issues that deals directly and honestly with class as well...As President Obama promises to make creation of green jobs a major priority, THE GREENING OF SOUTHIE is an entertaining and provocative tool for starting discussion in almost any setting." – Matt Witt, World Wide Work
• "Recommended for those interested in the environmental aspects of city planning." – Library Journal